Chapter 6

Unrequited Love is a Disease





I never would have thought Jin would come to school, but here he is, holding me by the shoulders, standing in-front of the mirror.


He looks different. Stranger. Not in a bad way, but strange none-the-less. Had he looked normal, I would probably be angry at him for skipping so much school, and scaring me when he dragged me out of the cafeteria, but Jin doesn’t normally make changes. He’s always prided himself in staying the same. I have this strong sense that he’s not feeling well. That he’s sick, or sad, and just really good at hiding it.


I frown. “Where the hell have you been for the last two weeks?” 


Jin skipping school is nothing new, but normally he comes at least once a week, to hang out with me and catch up on his late work. And he would text me a minimum of twice a day. But, like I said, it’s been two weeks since I’ve heard from him last.


He gives me what I’m guessing is an amused smirk. It stretches his face like it’s foreign to him, which is odd, because he used to wear one 24/7. 


“You know, around.”


That answer makes me glare, because I don’t know, so I have to guess. 


“Around with your gang friends?”


I guess he hears the hostility in my voice, because his weak smirk is replaced by a small frown. 

“Well, yeah, Tae.”


The answer doesn’t please me. I was hoping he would say no. Him hanging out with a gang makes me worried, but also angry. We used to tell each other everything. I only know about the gang because I was reading over his shoulder as he was texting one of the members. When I asked him about it, he just shrugged and said he was friends with the leader. Nothing else. 


I mean, I don’t even know what type of gang it is. Do they ride motor cycles? Do they rob old ladies? Do they save old ladies from being robbed? Do they knit?


Sometimes the anger of not knowing pushes past the worries I hold for my cousin. Like right now. I let out a quiet growl, or a groan, and turn to leave the room. I’m stopped by a firm grip on my wrist, though.


“Tae, where are you going? Are you okay?”


“I’m fine.” 


“Oh, you’re fine? Then why were you having a panic attack in the middle of the cafeteria, with a group of boys I’ve never met?” He pauses, “well, aside from Jimin, I mean.”


I lower my eyes to the floor, and stop fighting to pull out of Jin’s strong hold. Jin’s mention of Jimin, and the boys, and the cafeteria pulls the life out of me.


“I was having lunch with Yoongi-hyung and Jungkook— you don’t know them because you haven’t spoken to me in two weeks— when Jimin-hyung came and started to argue with them. They were actually arguing before he showed up, but it’s no big deal.” 


“Oh~ I see, Jiminie got jealous.”


I glare at my feet. “No. He didn’t.”


He snorts. “Obviously, he did. God, that kid only ever becomes argumentative when someone hurts you, or tries to take you away from him. It took him the longest time to stop freezing up and glaring at me whenever I touched you. He loves you to death.”


Heat gathers in the corners of my eyes, and the starts to slide down my face. “No, hyung. Jimin doesn’t love me.” I sound broken.


Jin’s eyes widen at my sudden tears, and I burry my face into his broad chest. I let out little sobs as I cry.


“No. Taehy- What? I mean, you.. No, Tae, how could this happen to you?” Jin sounds like he’s struggling to keep his voice from cracking as his words come out in fragments. He pulls me close, and lets me cry.







I’m shocked.


My cousin has Hanahaki Disease.


That’s why he looks so pale, and feels so thin. That’s why he was sitting in the middle of the cafeteria, surrounded by a bunch of people I’ve never talked to. That’s why Jimin didn’t take him out of the situation, and that’s why Taehyung didn’t put up a fight as I dragged him out of the cafeteria, even though he didn’t know who I was.


I’m a terrible hyung. Taehyung is sick with HD, and I was to focused on my own problems to notice my cousin falling in love, and getting sick.




There’s no response. Taehyung is crying the way he did when we were kids. He shakes wildly in my arms, and his movements don’t match up to the volume of his cries, which are practically silent.


I’ve always been the loud crier, and I always cried in privacy. Really, Taehyung is the only one whose ever seen me cry, and that’s only because he could tell I was sad, and followed me to wherever I was going to my back as I broke down.


Now that we’re older finding me is harder, so I understand why he hasn’t been here for me. But I have never needed to look far when Taehyung is sad. He would normally be in his room, or my room, or the practice room. Those were the only times that he would use me for comfort, because any other time, he was with Jimin.


I let Taehyung finish his crying and pull himself back together before I open my mouth to ask questions. He stops me in my tracks.


“Hyung. Your so much thinner. I couldn’t tell as much before, because of your long sleeves and expertly done makeup, but your thinner. A lot thinner. And you’ve been gone for so long, hyung, please tell me. Are you sick with the flu? Are you… eating okay? Or maybe.. do you have the Hanahaki Disease?”


My eyes widen at his ability to read me so well, even after we’ve been apart for so long. I close them, and sigh.




“Yeah what?”


“I have the Hanahaki Disease.” I pause, and look to Tae’s face, which is filled with shock. “I’ve had it for a long time, actually. It really only got bad recent, though, so don’t feel bad that you didn’t notice sooner.”


His lip quivers. “W-Who?”


I smile sadly. “His name’s Namjoon. He actually drove me here… I really only came to pick up my missing work, but when I saw you in the cafeteria I had to do something.”


Taehyung thinks for a moment. “Have you told him?”


I widen my eyes and shake my head quickly, which has his brows raising in surprise. “ Taehyung, I could never, he’s already in a relationship!” I look down at my feet. “And, well, I’m actually thinking about getting the surgery.”


“But Hyung! You know how dangerous it is!”


I give a sad smile. “Yeah. But if Nammie’s in love, and Hobi loves him back, there’s really no chance. It would be better for all of us if I just got the surgery.”


Taehyung frowns. “But, Jin-hyung, you know that your feelings disappear with the disease.”


I smile again, trying to make it more realistic. “Exactly. That’s what I’m hoping for, silly. I can’t be in love with him. He would never be able to love me back, and I know that I can’t keep going on like this, Taehyung, watching them together hurts. If I get the surgery, I can still be friends with them, and that will be good enough for me.”


Taehyung looks at me like he wants to protest, but softens his expression quickly. He wraps his arms around my waist, and hugs me tightly.


“It’s all going to be okay hyung. If you want to get the surgery, it’s your decision. I’ll  support you in whatever you do.”


I nod.


“So, you’re not going to get it?”


Taehyung shakes his head. “Unrequited love , but I don’t want to forget it.”


I nod at him like I understand, even if I could never do the same as him. 


And then the door opens.









I widen my eyes at the realization that this is the person who doesn’t love my cousin back. I do my best to not look angry. I honestly want to bash his face in.


But Jin is smiling brightly, and clearly in love. Namjoon looks happy to, and I can’t help but wonder how he could be so unaware of Jin’s feeling. I look back to Jin just in time to see his expression falter, before returning to the way it was. To anyone but me it’s back to normal. I know when his eyes are sad, though.


“Hobi! You guys could have stayed in the car!”


“Yeah, but we were wondering what was taking you so long, Jin-hyung.” Namjoon replied.


Jin looks shy. “Sorry, guys, I was helping out my cousin. Taehyung this is Namjoon, and Hoseok.”


I give them a small nod of recognition. Namjoon returns the nod, but Hoseok throws his arms around me in a tight hug.


“It is so nice to finally meet you! Jinnie-hyung has said so many great things about you!” I give him a tight laugh, and pry myself out of his grip. I have to fight the urge to raise a brow in question at Jin.


I clear my throat to respond to the overly excited Hoseok but get interrupted by the door of the practice room slamming open, and a trio of ‘Taehyung!’s.


Jin scowls at them.


“Yah, Taehyungie! Whose this guy?” I watch Jin humorously as he clenches his fist in anger.


“Yah, brat! I’m your hyung’s cousin! Try showing a little more respect!” 


Jungkook looks at him with furrowed brows, but upon hearing the word cousin, a smile works it’s way onto his face.

“Wow! It’s really nice to meet you! I promise to take really good care of Taehyung for you!”


The anger falls from Jin’s face, and slowly a smile replaces it. He runs over to Jungkook and pinches his cheeks. “Oh my goodness, of course you will! You are so cute with your little bunny teeth! Do you like cookies? Hyung will make you cookies!”


“Hyung?” I sound as surprised as I look.


“Taehyung! How dare you not tell me about this cutie!”


Jungkook looks at me with a faux pout. “Yeah, Taehyungie, why didn’t you talk about me with your cousin?”


“Maybe he thinks you’re an annoying brat.” Voices Jimin. Both Jin and I scowl at the sound of him. Well, my facial expression resembles more of a grimace, I think. Jin opens his mouth, but I silence him with a look.


“I think he likes Jungkook more than he likes you.” Yoongi voicing his opinion to Jimin makes Jin smile. He looks more closely at the senior, and his eyes widen.


“Yah, Taehyung! You’re full of secrets! You didn’t tell me you were hanging out with one of my classmates! I heard that he’s a badass!”


Yoongi’s expression turns to that of amusement.




“Well yeah! I hear that you skip all of your classes! And that if you’re not skipping, your sleeping! I also heard that one time a teacher tried to wake you up, and you told him to ‘shove his ‘wake up and pay attention’ up his ’.”


Yoongi looks confused.


“Um. No?”


“What do you mean ‘no’?”

“I don’t skip my classes. I take college courses in the library, for the most part. I do sleep in class sometimes, but all of the teachers are okay with it. They’ve never tried to wake me up. And I would never say that to a teacher..”


We all go quiet for a minute, not knowing what to say. 


“So Taehyung, why did you leave the cafeteria?” Yoongi initiates the conversation. Jin responds for me.


“Oh yeah! Who’s dumb idea was that! Taehyung hates eating in the cafeteria! Everybody stares at him! Luckily I walked by, because he was having a panic attack and none of you were giving him a glance!”


All three boys look embarrassed. Jungkook looks distressed.


“Taehyung I’m sorry! I didn’t know you hate the cafeteria! I should have asked! Are you okay?”


“Um. Yeah?”


For about thirty seconds, everyone is sitting here confused on where to go next. The room holds enough tension to kill. I’m not the only one who feels it though, based off the appearances of Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok, they can also feel the vibes coming from the three boys. There is a visible Jungkook and Yoongi against Jimin, but there is still the Jungkook and Yoongi tension laying under the surface.


Luckily, the bell rings.


“Oh shoot! I have to go Taehyung! I only really came to pick up homework, and now I’ll have to get it while class is in session. Maybe if I hurry though, I can get it before second bell..” And with that, he’s out the door, Namjoon and Hoseok trailing behind him quickly.


The remaining group of boys, including myself, stand awkwardly, unsure of who goes where.


“Taehyungie, you have music composition next hour, right? Do you want me to walk you?”


“Actually, I have to go to the music room to ask a question for a class I’m taking, why don’t I walk him?” 


I look at Yoongi and Jungkook, and get ready for another argument. But Jungkook just glances at me and smiles. 


“Okay, Yoongi-hyung, take care of him for me, alright?” And with that he’s walking through the door of the practice room at a brisk pace, trying to make it to his math class as quickly as he can.


“Ready Tae?” I just nod, and let him grab my elbow to steer me out of the classroom. As I pass Jimin, I give him a guilty smile.


Guilty because he used to walk me to all of my classes.


Guilty because he can’t do that anymore.


Guilty that he’s ‘Jimin-hyung’.


Guilty that I love him.


I think he frowns, but I can’t really tell, because it’s just ask we walk pass him that it happens. Yoongi gives me a side glance, and a squeeze on the elbow that asks ‘okay?’. To which I nod, and give him a small smile.


“So, You’re not as tough as the rumors say?”


He gives a little laugh. “No, I guess not. Does that make me less appealing?”


I give him a real smile. “No, if anything it’s better. Like bringing me coffee, cleaning up after me, or anything you do really. I like you how you are. You’re sweet.”


He gives me an amused smile. “Like Suga?”


I nod. Exactly.



I'm not really feeling this chapter, but here it is. HOW DO YOU GUYS FEEL ABOUT JIN AND HOBI AND NAMJOON??? Please comment, subscribe, and upvote! (I like comments the most though, hehe.) ^^

Attention all VMIN shippers: I'm sorry that that relationship hasn't been progressing very quickly (I know some of you are upset about that), but please get excited for the next chapter! (that will be coming quickly, I just have to edit it!)

Attention all TAEGI shippers: I uploaded a story called Blank, and it would be really nice of you to read it, and share what you think about it with me. ALSO I posted Fem!Taegi (hides in a corner) please check it out if you are okay with reading that stuff.

Attention all VKOOK shippers:... ILY :)

That's pretty much it, hehe.


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feng87 #1
Chapter 7: Omg so sad I just found this, and no updates :(
wuxianovels #2
Chapter 7: T^T
Plz finish this story~
I love it so much and thank u for writing it but plz update, I want a happy ending
Are you going to finish this story? Because I wanted to read it, but I don't like reading stories that are not going to be finished :/
Chapter 7: i really like the taegi
talexus93 #5
Chapter 7: I hope Taehyung and Jimin make it lol. VMin ftw!
BaoZiLi #7
Chapter 7: Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh!! So many feels right now!! I want to ship Jimin together with Taehyung, but Taegi just sounds too adorable! And Vkook! Ahh, why must you do this to me??? Btw, happy late birthday! Please update soon, author-nim. Hwaiting! <3
Chapter 7: goddd im crying;;;;;; please make this vmin author nim;;;;
Exokml01 #9
Chapter 7: I love this story! I have felt bad for Jimin for the most part lol. Literally can't wait for you're next update~~
hyunjingjing #10
Chapter 7: I just found this and i was like 'damn this is so good' ^_^