Chapter 2

Unrequited Love is a Disease


When the bell for his first hour’s end rang, Taehyung sprang out of his seat, and ran out of the class, unaware that not one sad set of eyes had followed him, but two. The first set belonging to Jimin, who is desperate to find out what’s going on. The second belongs to Jungkook, who needs to know where his second hour class is located, and only wants to hear the answer from one person.


I’m finally able to settle down as the bell for my second hour class rings, and the class begins to roll. The class was English, which I loved. I want to visit America when I’m older, and I always make Jim-


I almost physically hit myself for thinking his name. The tickle in the back of my throat is not as intense as it was earlier, when Jimin was in the room with me, but it is enough to make me cough anyway. I hunch over, and covers my mouth, praying that nobody noticed.



It’s already ten minutes into second hour when I find my class, walking through the door with an apologetic smile. The teacher seems like he wants to scold me thoroughly, but holds back because it’s my first day. He tells me to take a seat next to Taehyung, and I immediately smile at the mention of the interesting brunette. I quickly migrate to the seat next to him, even going as far to move my chair closer to his.


I’m about to give him my signature energetic hello when I notice Taehyung is bent in a position that makes me think he’s sleeping. Not wanting him to get yelled at by the grumpy old teacher, I shake his shoulder lightly, trying to stir him without startling him. What I sees nearly stops my heart.


Taehyung looks up at me with a panicked expression that I know all too well. One hand is covering his mouth, and the other is clenched in a fist. A closer look at the latter hand presents one lone petal, trying to escape. I turn my gaze back to his face just in time to see a single tear trickle down his cheek, moving towards his lips before falling from his chin.


I raise my hand and Taehyung’s eyes go wide. He shakes his head in a jerky manner, and I give him a reassuring smile. Leaving one hand in the air, I push Taehyung back into a hunched position, and rub his back in a soothing fashion.


“Mr. Jeon?” The teacher sounds impatient, and part of me feels guilty. Walking in late, and now this? He’s going to hate me… But this is more important.


“Taehyung isn’t feeling very well, can I take him to the nurse?” The teacher raises and eyebrow, and looks to the clock.


“I guess so. There’s not that much time left in class, why don’t you take your books with you?”


I nod, and collect both of our things, grabbing Taehyung by the elbow and steering him out of class. I lead him to the schools practice room, and can’t help but think that his look of surprise is cute. I can tell that he’s confused that were not going to the nurses office.


“I’ll be right back ok?” I say with what I hope is a calm smile. Taehyung nods, but doesn’t look me in the eyes.



It’s needless to say that I’m embarrassed. It’s not even two full hours into school, and I’ve been helped twice. Two people know that I’m sick. Two people know how pathetic I am. When I finally look up from the ground, my eyes are directed to the fully mirrored wall on the opposite side of the room. I look even paler than this morning. 


Even sicker.


I’m pathetic. 


I put my head down on my pulled up knees, and drift off into a sleep that I wished would never end.


I wake up to a smiling Jungkook, tapping on my shoulder. My eyes are still puffy from my sleep, so when I glance at the clock, I have to squint. It’s thirty minuter into third period. I wince, and start to get up- I’m already worried about my questionable attendance for missing so much school. Jungkook gently pushes me back down.


“I got us excused from all of our classes today, so sit down and relax.” He seems to notice the internal panic that I’m having, because he immediately adds a “Don’t worry, your parents won’t know.”


I give a sigh of relief and let my shoulders sag, because for some reason, I don't doubt him. There is a long, heavy silence in the dance room before I remember that I hate heavy silences. 


“Why did you take me to this room?”


“Dance and music always calm me down, I thought that was the same universally?”


“No, I mean how do you know about this room, I thought you were new here.”


“My aunt brought me to this school for the dance and music program, supposedly its the best.”


“Your aunt?”


“Jeon Chaerin.” My eyes grow wide. His aunt is the principal. That must be how he managed to get us out of our classes for the day. The thought of skipping class makes me feel guilty. I’m already breaking my agreement with my mother.


“Are you okay?” Jungkook looks at me with a worried  expression, and I suddenly feels the same embarrassment I had before I fell asleep return full force.    


“Yes, I’m fine, I’m sorry you had to miss class because of me, Jungkook-sii, you really should get back to cla-” I get cut off by a strong pair of arms wrapping around me and pulling me close. I immediately stiffen.


“You’re not fine. I know you’re not fine. Please don’t pretend with me. I know what you’re going through. I know what it’s like to choke on the flowers, and I know what unrequited love is like, so I know you’re not fine. Please, don’t lie to me. Let me help you.” I can feel the tears coming, and Jungkook’s words make me bury my head into Jungkook’s chest. 


We just stand there, Jungkook rubbing soothing patterns onto my back and whispering sweet condolences into my ear. I can’t help but think he’s crazy. Crazy for helping me out of the classroom, crazy for soothing me, crazy for letting me break in front of him. I try to ignore the guilt that is building  up in me, the guilt for all the help Jungkook has given me. I try to ignore it, and focus on the arms that are wrapped around me tightly, one hand on my lower back, the other holding my head to his shoulder, gently petting my hair.


We don’t even acknowledge the bell that signals the end of third hour, and the beginning of lunch. At least, we don’t acknowledge it until the door to the practice room bursts open. 


“Taehyung, you came! I’m so-” Jimin stops talking. I look up and start to shake, scared that he’ll notice my sickness. Jungkook’s arms are starting to loosen from me, which makes me even more anxious. 


For the first time that day, I intentionally look at Jimin’s face, and I am astounded to see his face morph from relief, to surprise, to anger. His expression makes me stiffen considerably, and I feel Jungkook grab my hand and squeeze. I glance up at him, and he nods like he understands. He knows that this is who made me sick, that this is who I love.


I watch as his eyes move from mine to Jimin’s. He looks frustrated, or disappointed even. His eyes start to widen and I glance at Jimin, surprised to see him moving at us at a quick pace, and then reaching for me.


Jimin rips me out of Jungkook’s loose grip and puts me at a distance. A sort of whimper escapes my mouth, and Jungkook looks at me with worry. He seems to immediately grow angry. He turns to Jimin and is met with a strong punch to the jaw. I can’t help but stand there in total shock. What has gotten into Jimin’s head? He’s never acted this way before!


“Why is Tae crying?” Jimin shouts, his voice almost as hard as his fist.


“What do you mean why?” Jungkook responds, a look of confusion starting to set in place of his anger.


“You were all over him! He looks terrified, and he’s crying! What were you doing to him?” Jimin’s voice grew louder with every word.


“What do you mean? I was trying to help him?” Jungkook appears to be totally lost now.


“Trying to help him by what? Forcing yourself on-” he stops talking suddenly, due to a very loud, very violent set of coughs, courtesy of yours truly.


“Taehyung!” he runs over to me, obviously with intents to console me, but I can’t stop myself from pushing him away.


I glance at him with tears in my eyes, and he looks worried and confused. Then, I look to Jungkook with and obvious look of  “help me.”


When my coughing fit finally stops, Jungkook walks over to me and reaches out to rub my back, but is stopped by Jimin’s strong grasp. Jimin gives Jungkook a stern look. He seems to falter when Jungkook gives him a look of pity.

“You really don’t know, do you?” Jungkook says in a quiet monotonous voice before removing Jimin’s hand from his wrist and moving to comfort me.

I’m drawn into Jungkook’s comforting hold, where I sobs uncontrollably.  I feel bad, because I know that Jimin will be hurt that I chose a near-stranger over my best friend, but I know that if I let Jimin comfort me, I would probably die internally of heart break- or even externally, from the disease. 


Jungkook calms me down and when I finally stop crying, he holds me by my shoulders at arms length, making eye contact strong enough to kill. He nods- probably at his succeeded mission of calming me down, and starts to back away. I panic, and before I even had time to process what I was doing, I snagged the bottom of his shirt by my hands. When he looks back at me with a raised brow, I blush and look at the ground.


“Please don’t leave…” 


“I’ll be right outside, talk to your friend, ok?” Jungkook gives me a warm smile and a ruffle of my hair, before walking to the door of the practice room. 


I don’t miss the bitter glance that Jungkook throws in Jimin’s direction before shutting the door, and I swear it doesn’t make my insides feel warmer.


After a moment of silence, I sit down on my knees, and stare at my hands. Jimin sits in-front of me, patiently waiting for me to speak, the same as he always does when I have something important to say. 


This is it. I just have to tell him. I just have to say it…


“I love you.”






Hello again :) I hope you enjoyed! Thank you to those of you who commented, subscribed, and up-voted. I really appreciate it, and hope you continue!



사라해 <3 :)

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feng87 #1
Chapter 7: Omg so sad I just found this, and no updates :(
wuxianovels #2
Chapter 7: T^T
Plz finish this story~
I love it so much and thank u for writing it but plz update, I want a happy ending
Are you going to finish this story? Because I wanted to read it, but I don't like reading stories that are not going to be finished :/
Chapter 7: i really like the taegi
talexus93 #5
Chapter 7: I hope Taehyung and Jimin make it lol. VMin ftw!
BaoZiLi #7
Chapter 7: Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh!! So many feels right now!! I want to ship Jimin together with Taehyung, but Taegi just sounds too adorable! And Vkook! Ahh, why must you do this to me??? Btw, happy late birthday! Please update soon, author-nim. Hwaiting! <3
Chapter 7: goddd im crying;;;;;; please make this vmin author nim;;;;
Exokml01 #9
Chapter 7: I love this story! I have felt bad for Jimin for the most part lol. Literally can't wait for you're next update~~
hyunjingjing #10
Chapter 7: I just found this and i was like 'damn this is so good' ^_^