III: cherry bomb

L O V E / L O S T

-yeah....................................see the first warning *o* ^_^;

title: cherry bomb
pairing: fem!kaisoo
rating: PG-13; warnings: “omf fluff tf i never write fluff”, general stupidity, bewbs, romcom, Kai being a (cute) creeper, Kyung being a lil qt, and bad jokes. | ~3000 w
summary: Kaiya knows her best friend Kyungsoon is hiding something. Two very big somethings.

(this is dedicated to my friend because she told me I was a good writer and she ships kaisoo. Enjoy!)


“If I catch you trying to peep at me one more time Kim Kaiya, I will throw my shoe at you.”

“Oh c’mon Kyungie~! One little look and then I swear I’ll stop!”

“You’re such a foul little ert.” Kyungsoon mutters. Kaiya doesn’t deny it for a moment—in fact, she is the first to break out into boisterous laughter, filling the air with her girlishly cute giggling. Kaiya even sees Kyungsoon crack a small smile at her dear friend’s infectious laughter.

“You loveeee me!” Kaiya insists. “But I know under all that fabric and those sports bras you constantly wear that you must have a gigantic rack!” Kaiya is right behind Kyungsoon now, her hands poised to reach around and squeeze the tightly bound s that make up her closest friend’s chest.

“Stop it!” Kyungsoon yelps when she feels Kaiya’s presence directly behind her and jumps away just before the latter could go in for the kill (drat!). “Jeez Kai, are you sure you’re not lesbian?”

“Positive!” Kai harrumphs. “Just curious! After being so close to you for nearly 5 years, I began to realize that you are more gorgeous than you’ll ever let anyone recognize. And so I like getting to witness it, especially those rare glimpses I get at your body—like now, when you’re changing into your pajamas.” Kaiya speaks very honestly. Kyungsoon had turned to look at her at some point with her doe like, bashful gaze and when Kaiya is done talking, Kyungsoon’s whole face is a bright little rose, lighting up their cozy and intimate dorm room.

“Kai. That was sweet.” Kyungsoon looks up at Kaiya with smiling eyes. Kaiya smiles genuinely back, the edges of her lips stretching to the far ends of her face, before a more mischievous glint fills her entrancing brown eyes.

“So I can cop a feel now~~?” Kaiya raises her eyebrows suggestively and Kyungsoon follows through on her threat and chucks her slipper at the other.




Kaiya peeks out from under her covers at precisely 7:58am, her long jet black hair effectively hiding her waiting eyes.

Kyungsoon is always up at 8:00am sharp in the mornings to properly prepare for her 9:40am class. Her morning schedule is always get up, pick out an outfit, undress, go shower, return to the room, dress, gather her things, eat breakfast and head to class. That means that Kaiya has two opportunities to snatch a peek. But it will not be easy—Kyungsoon is extremely self-conscious of her body and has mastered the art of dressing in under 30 seconds. Besides, her sports bra and underwear are the first things to go on, so Kaiya has but a split second to—

“Kaiya, why the hell are you up?” Kyungsoon climbs out of bed gracefully, her smooth, white legs flashing for a moment before the rest of her comes into view. Kaiya squeaks before hiding under the covers. After a moment of shelter, the covers are (rudely!) ripped away from her and she sees her roommate’s unamused face, the other’s lips pressed into a derpy line.

“Oh, morning Kyungie~” Kaiya pretends to yawn as if she had just woken up. “Are you giving me a wake-up call?”

“You breathe as loud as a revving car engine Kai. You couldn’t be quiet if it killed you.” Kyungsoon says flatly before sauntering back over to her side of the room. Kaiya huffs before sitting up. Although she isn’t looking at first, Kaiya finds herself watching her roommate go about her morning routine and can’t help but admire the way her wavy, chocolate brown hair bounces around as she walks, or the way her hips naturally sway like they are rebounding off of cushion-y pads. When Kyungsoon hunches over to grab all of her thick hair and put it up into a top bun, Kaiya’s eyes roam the effortless curve of her back—a perfect, semi-round shape. When Kyungsoon goes behind her wardrobe door to fully undress, Kaiya’s whole frame drops in disappointment. Watching her roommate so closely is only something that started after she attended the latter’s swim competition for the first time since she joined a year ago. Since then, Kaiya has been obsessed with every curve, line, and dip of her friend’s body.

“You are depressingly stunning.” Kaiya sighs.


“As in looking at you depresses me.” Kaiya giggles a bit. She hears her best friend scoff.

“Please. That almost sounds sarcastic coming from someone who looks like you do Kai.” Kyungsoon insists before emerging from behind the wardrobe in only a towel. Kaiya literally jumps for her bed to grab her friend then—but Kyungsoon is quicker and slides out of the way, resulting in Kaiya landing flat on the ground. Kyungsoon laughs heartily. Even her laugh fills Kaiya’s mind with visions of a peaceful, clear oasis on a summer evening, the sun setting in the distance and a sense of true happiness settling over all present to witness such beauty.

“Nice try, loser.” Kyungsoon cackles on her way out.

“Mark my words Kyungie—I WILL grab your s!” Kaiya calls after her as the door closes shut with an obnoxiously loud click!




Kaiya can’t believe her luck—she spots her roommate in the library with her headphones on, intensively working on a paper due next week (right? Something like that). Kaiya sets her stuff down at the spot she wants before slowly shuffling over, taking care to be super quiet. Light jumps through the windows as clouds pass by leisurely and Kaiya nears ever closer to Kyungsoon. The mood is something between serial killer stalker and endearingly obsessive fan girl (Kaiya prefers serial killer because it makes her feel like she’s in a horror movie, and she eats that up).

Kaiya is but a meter behind her target when said woman suddenly stands, grabs her water bottle and turns around to—

“WHAT THE HELL?!” Kyungsoon screams before a hand quickly flies over . All the other students in the library give the two of them dirty looks and Kaiya offers an awkward smile. Standing before her roommate makes her blood rush at how beautiful she is. Her hair is back in a ponytail and she’s just wearing a simple blue flannel with black jeans and white platform shoes. Her bashful cuteness just adds to her whole look, and makes Kaiya just want to stuff her roommate in her pocket.

“You , why’d you scream~?” Kaiya smirks evilly as she suppresses a loud giggle at the whole situation. Kyungsoon dons her cute little frown again.

“Kai, you’re such a stalker.” Kyungsoon brushes past Kaiya as she heads for the water fountain. Kaiya follows.

“Not stalker. Fate.” Kaiya corrects. Cue Kyungsoon’s legendary scoff.

“If this is my fate then I would rather pull a Regina George and step in front of a bus.” Kaiya would have been mildly offended if she hadn’t been blatantly staring at her roommate’s well-defined clavicles and sloping neck line. Without warning, in fact, Kaiya brushes her longer fingers against the delicate, ivory skin around the swimmer’s neck. Kyungsoon’s face glows like the sun from embarrassment, and Kaiya wonders how it makes her even more gorgeous.

“Does your inner goodness just magically shine through to your physical features or like what?” Kaiya murmurs more to herself than to Kyungsoon, but the other hears her and lights up like a Christmas tree that much more.

“Y-Yah! Who are you, my girlfriend?” Kyungsoon moves away from her roommate before rushing to fill her water bottle and scurrying back to her seat. Normally, Kaiya would follow her, but the question (that Kyungsoon constantly asks her) strikes her this time for some reason. Is it possible that Kaiya might have more than friendly feelings for Kyungsoon?




Kaiya doesn’t bother (assault, as Kyungsoon had taken to calling it) her roommate for the next two days. She snuggles into her blankets and stares up at her white ceiling, letting her thoughts run wild. Whenever Kyungsoon is in the room though, she pretends to be asleep or working so that her best friend doesn’t get worried, but really, Kaiya is completely immersed in her thoughts.

Kaiya, by nature, has always been bright, boisterous, and in-your-face. She never really knew how she turned out this way, but she was happy with who she was so she never questions it. Mixing that with Kyungsoon’s shyer, much more cynical personality would no doubt lead to disaster. But they had been friends for so long, so they had to complement each other in a number of ways. Kaiya’s heart had always been set on her roommate in a lot of ways. She admired the quiet confidence that Kyungsoon effortlessly exuded, the way her presence could shake someone to the bones in the most delightful type of way was a sensation that Kaiya quickly became completely and absolutely addicted to. The round mounds on her chest that Kaiya was so attached to were, in reality, just one (superficial) aspect of Kyungsoon that enraptured Kaiya. Those two perfectly formed and high sitting s (Kaiya assumed, of course, because she had never seen them in their full glory) represented the natural and poised femininity that Kyungsoon was the picture of. Her velvet skin that invited those near her to just touch for but a moment, her slanted shoulders that gave a constant regal air about her that others would die to take part in, her pouty and innocently full lips that suggested wit and boldness in a way that no other part of her did, and on and on and on. Kyungsoon, in Kaiya’s eyes, was the epitome of great feminine beauty. And she wanted her.

It takes Kaiya a full 48 hours to arrest on that last idea. Kaiya wants nothing more than to be able to call such an astounding woman, inside and out, her own. No man would ever appreciate her enough (not like Kaiya would) and no woman would ever be able to get over their envy to acknowledge her (whereas Kaiya was never one to be concerned with what she didn’t or couldn’t have).

The spark in Kaiya’s heart for her best friend then sets the rest of her body aflame with delight and desire.

Except when it came to matters of romance and the heart, Kaiya is nothing short of a clueless fool. It would be a miracle if Kaiya could ever even confess her feelings to Kyungsoon. Plus she has a friendship to protect. Kyungsoon is definitely the type to be scared off easily, and that is the last thing Kaiya would ever want to be the cause of.

So, she will keep quiet. After all, Kaiya does think it is better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all.




“I’m going to go nuts I swear to GOD Seyeon~~~” Kaiya whines into the telephone receiver. She can almost see her fellow cheerleader cringing and moving the phone away from her ear a bit. Kaiya does have a tendency to scream during telephone calls.

“Look , just tell Kyungsoon. You can do it. You’ve kept this to yourself for nearly two and a half months and if you don’t tell her soon, you’ll miss you’re chance. I’m sure of it.” Seyeon (unhelpfully) offers. Kaiya continues to groan. Her rainbow-haired friend scoffs. “Why did you call if you just wanted sympathy and not advice?” the other coldly mutters.

“Hey, I don’t want to hear it! You totally did the same thing when your cute little soccer boy Luhan came into the picture. He was the only thing you ever talked about and you whined to me all the time—”

“Besides the point~” Seyeon sniggers. After a little bout of laughter from both of the women, Seyeon sighs a bit. “Well, how about trying to set up something cute before she gets back to your room and then professing then? It might be better that way because then you can pour out all your feelings into decorations and whatnot. That way, even if she turns you down, you put all you could into the set up and if you trash the décor, you’ll be trashing any feelings you had for her.”

“…wow that’s not a bad idea Seyeon!”

“Why do you sound so surprised—?”

“Thanks loser!” Kaiya cheerfully ignores the other’s comment. But before she can hang up—

“One more thing. In the three years we’ve been cheering at Seoul U together, I would never have pinned you as a lesbian.”

“Ok?” Kaiya prompts, wanting to hear where Seyeon is going with this.

“So I guess this explains all the touching and gravitating you’ve been doing towards me for three years.” Kaiya can practically hear Seyeon flip her abundantly long rainbow hair.

“…..you’re such an arrogant little .”




“Kai? What is all this….?” Kyungsoon steps into their room the next evening, her eyes as wide as saucers (the widest Kaiya has ever seen them).

“I…I uhm, did this all myself. Uh, for you, Kyungie.” Kaiya fights her instinct to mumble but still avoids looking at her roommate and best friend. Kyungsoon her head (from what Kaiya can see).

“What, did I forget my own birthday while drowning in midterms?” Kyungsoon chuckles softly and it sends electricity up the soles of Kaiya’s feet to pool at the base of her neck. She rubs her neck nervously.

“No, silly.” is all the darker dancer can spit out.

“What then? Is there something you want to celebrate?” Kyungsoon sounds closer now. Kaiya pulls at the hem of her shirt nervously.

“Sort of?” Kaiya begins by breathing out slowly and turning her gaze up to Kyungsoon’s. Innocent, adorable brown eyes stare curiously back at her. Kaiya nearly loses all of her nerve then but pushes through. “I have something to…announce.”

“Good news?” Kyungsoon asks.

“Well, hopefully it will be.” Kaiya smiles before closing some distance between the two of them and taking Kyungsoon’s soft hand into her own. “I’ve gone and done something wonderfully foolish, Kyungie~ Even though I realize all the odds stacked against me, I have enjoyed every moment of the past two and a half months of falling madly in love with you.” Kyungsoon’s eyes are blank, and Kaiya can’t stop the words from continuing to tumble off of her lips now. “Watching you be the confident, loveable woman you are, day in and day out, noticing things that I know you would never notice yourself or even things that you would totally hate about yourself that I completely adore…it’s been so lovely. I know saying this will most likely destroy our friendship, but I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I love you, Do Kyungie~”

The silence suffocates her for a moment.

“I…I thought you were straight?” Kyungsoon murmurs, but she’s closing the distance between the two of them. Kaiya feels her vocal chords wanting to close, but she clears and answers her best friend.

“You know I hate labels in general. Who cares what I used to like or what this makes me now? I just know these feelings are real.”

Kyungsoon is right in front of her, and looking in her large brown eyes is making Kaiya’s skin crawl in the best way.

“Is this why you pretended to sleep every time I was in the room? I thought I had royally pissed you off…” Kyungsoon admits, raising a shy hand to push her hair out of her face. Kaiya could do nothing but nod. “And you’re sure that these are your feelings?”

“Positive.” Kaiya doesn’t hesistate for even a second. Kyungsoon nods thoughtfully before raising a hand to Kaiya’s face and caressing her cheek. Kaiya shivers.

 “Well, I guess it’s time for me to come clean too then.” Kyungsoon smirks a little, a look that Kaiya rarely gets to see. She is so focused on her change in expression, that she doesn’t compute the words her best friend just spoke for a couple moments.

“W-Wait, what—?” Kaiya chokes out. Kyungsoon giggles.

“I’ve been in love with you for years, Kim Kaiya. It took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that you would probably never reciprocate my feelings. It was hard to hide but I just had to remember that everything you were doing was friendly.”


“You’re not trolling me right? You’re really in love with me?”

Kaiya stared at Kyungsoon, thoughts flying through her head so fast that she couldn’t grasp onto any but one.

Kaiya easily ducks her head and pushes her face together with the other’s, stealing her first kiss. Kyungsoon pulls away, and Kaiya is greeted by the shy, bashful girl she was so much more accustomed to.

“Y-Yah! You should ask before doing things like that!”

“I couldn’t help myself! And now I’ve clearly answered your question~” Kaiya purrs with a smirk of her own and Kyungsoon bursts out laughing.

“You are unbelievably bizarre.”

“It’s a surefire mating tactic!” Kaiya insists playfully and Kyungsoon, though smiling infectiously, still rolls her eyes.




“Sooooo~ When do I get to see them Kyungie?” Kaiya asks one night when she and Kyungsoon are getting ready for bed. Kyungsoon eye rolls (classic) before turning to her best friend, roommate, and girlfriend.

“The night you stop being a prude and seduce me!” Kyungsoon huffs. Kaiya’s smile falls and her face glows with embarrassment.

“B-But you’re so pure! How could I ever—”

“That’s what I thought, you foul little ert.”

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Chapter 4: this is too good to be a one shot, this needs more. I need more. I also need tissue and a happy ending lol
amn101 #2
Chapter 2: I wish I could ask for more, more depth and length of story. But I guess the simplicity is enough. I like your writing style, very simple and straight forward yet the message is clear. I never thought of TV static before, and I guess I understand that now. All in all, this is perfect. This is beautiful, in a remorseful way. The angst is there, and my heart constricts for every time Kyungsoo is ignorance. But at the same time, Jongin was right too. I am conflicted, truthfully. I've been in a relationship where my boyfriend cheats on me, yet I know that I didn't put the fire in our icy relationship, hence the cheating. I don't mean to blame him, or Jongin, in this case, but sometimes couples need to work things out. And I am happy that this is how the story ends. Sorry that I get personal but the story connects me. Thank you for sharing :)
This is amazing!
How can I possibly be the only subscriber and the only voter?
You shouldn't have uploaded it all in one day - I think that's why hardly anyone saw it.

P.S. Even the description is beautiful!
jeonxox #4
Good luck!