Chapter 18

Living Famous

Chapter 18 is up! Enjoy!


Weather in Seoul was slowing warming up as temperature gradually rose up. WINNER’s schedule was starting to pile up and so were the girls of Red Velvet. Their busy schedules prevent Taehyun and Wendy to meet up. It was over a month since they last met up and the distance is driving Taehyun crazy. He has been deprived of kisses.


“Having a hot dream?” Seungyoon teased.


Taehyun snapped his eyes open and found himself a pillow. He immediately threw it away and bolted up, earning a boisterous laugh from the leader.


“It’s not what you think, hyung.” Taehyun argued.

“Yeah, it wasn’t, but I heard you murmuring some girl’s name. Who was it?” Seungyoon curiously.


Taehyun froze.


“W-what did you hear?” Taehyun asked in fear.

“Well, you kept saying the word ‘more’ and some girl’s name. I did not clearly hear it ‘cause it was all too muffled. So, who’s the girl?” Seungyoon asked.

“Oh, that’s it! I’m going to her dorm right now!” Taehyun snapped.

“Dorm? Yah! You had dream about Wendy?” Seungyoon cried.

“No, I didn’t have such dream.” Taehyun denied.

“Is it another idol? Yah! You are not dating Minji noona, right?” Seungyoon cried.

“Hell no!” Taehyun got up from his bed, brushed his hands along his hair and grabbed a towel.

“Where the hell are you going?” Seungyoon snapped.

“Out. I’ll be back in three hours. Tell manager hyung I need a break!” Taehyun cried.


He took a shower, changed into normal clothes, grabbed his wallet, phone, keys and then hailed a cab. The car stopped at the back of a building and Taehyun stepped out of the vehicle. 


The male idol walked into the building from the back door and took the lift up. As soon as he got to the designated unit and rung the bell. The door then flew open, revealing a very sleepy light brown-haired Wendy, who was wearing nothing but an oversized tee and acid-washed short shorts. Her eyes immediately flipped open when she caught the glimpse of the idol.


“Namtae…” Wendy gasped.

“Are you alone?” Taehyun asked.

“Yeah? W-why?” Wendy yawned.

“Good! I need alone time with you now.” Taehyun growled hungrily and shut the door behind him.

“Namtae, just what are you implying?” Wendy asked curiously.

“I’m a severely kiss deprived man and if I don’t get a kiss in a minute, I will explode. So, please I need you.” Taehyun growled, his eyes dark with desire.

“Namtae, calm down. I’ll give you the kiss. Just let me brush my teeth.” Wendy asked him.

“You have thirty seconds.” Taehyun ordered.


Wendy rushed to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and just as she stepped out of the room, Taehyun attacked her with a kiss. Stunned, Wendy stayed still, but eventually wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.


The pair spent the next thirty minutes cuddling and kissing on the couch.


“Let’s go out.” Taehyun suggested.

“Go out? W-where?” Wendy asked.

“Hmm, breakfast.” Taehyun smiled.

“The girls will be back in two hours. I can’t leave.” Wendy argued.

“Just tell them that you went out to grab something to eat.” Taehyun said.

“I don’t know…” Wendy hesitated.

“Please.” Taehyun flashed a puppy dog pout.

“Fine. Let me take a shower and we’ll head out, ok?” Wendy asked.


After a while, the pair stepped out of the building and searched for a nearby café. They then stopped at a nearby Starbucks and had breakfast.


“Here’s your hot hazelnut macchiato and half a breakfast wrap.” Taehyun handed the tall cup of coffee and the wrap. Wendy smiled at him and grabbed her cup.


“So, why are the girls out?” Taehyun asked.

“Irene eonni went back to Daegu to spend time with her family. Yeri’s out for school. Joy is applying for college since her We Got Married days ended. Seulgi has a scheduled recording for an OST.” Wendy explained.

“Ok. That’s nice. You being free means more bonding time for me. Babe, don’t you think it’s time for us to tell the rest too?” Taehyun asked.

“I guess so, but not anytime soon. I still have to figure out on how to break this to the girls. Plus, if we get caught, I don’t know what the management will do. Obviously, a lot of people ship you with Seo Minji sunbaenim after your drama and people will be really disappointed when the news of us dating comes out.” Wendy argued.

“It’s ok. I’ll give you time.” Taehyun smiled.


The pair spent the next thirty minutes out for breakfast. After that, Taehyun walked Wendy back to her dorm.


“It’s nice to see you again, Namtae.” Wendy smiled.

“Anything for my wonderful girlfriend. Now, let’s get you back to your dorm. Oh and I expect a kiss after.” Taehyun grinned. Wendy shook her head and walked into the lift.


“See you soon. Bye.” Taehyun cried. 


Wendy wrapped her arms around the guy’s neck, tiptoed, gave him quick chaste kiss on the lips and pulled away.


“See you around.” Wendy smiled and unlocked the door. As soon as the female idol got in, the male idol left.


The next day, news erupted in different news sites.


[BREAKING] WINNER’s Taehyun and Red Velvet’s Wendy are dating!


Looks like another WINNER member is off to market. Dispatch had spotted maknae Taehyun taking a cab all the way to Red Velvet’s dorm early morning at 8 am yesterday. Fearing that he would be seen, he took the back door and entered the building. An hour later, he came out with the Red Velvet member herself, holding her hand, as they make their way to a nearby coffee shop. They had spent forty minutes having breakfast, before heading back to the female idol’s dorm. SM and YG still has not confirm the issue, so please stay tuned.


Once the articles circulated around the Internet, SM erupted.


“What bull is this? Contact Wendy-sshi now!” Lee Sooman ordered.

“Yes, sir!” The executive secretary saluted and scurried out of the room.


First Irene and now Wendy? What am I gonna do with these girls?


“Yah! I wan’t you to answer me truthfully! Are you and Taehyun dating?” The manager spat on the other end of the line.


Wendy froze.


How did he know? 


“Oppa…h-how did you know?” Wendy stammered.

“So, it’s true. Yah! Did you know what you just do?” The manager cried.

“No, but I’m trying to find out now.” Wendy replied.

“Well, then. Check it out for yourself, reflect on it and call me back.” The man cried.


Wendy ended the call, turned her data on and checked different portal sites. Her eyes traveled on the different news articles about her alleged date with Taehyun.


Ah! How can I be so reckless? Great! I’m in deep now! I wonder what Taehyun is going through right now.


Before she could shut her phone, four girls burst into the door, with mixed emotions. Irene and Seulgi were furious while the two maknaes were all smiles.


“What the hell, Wan?” Irene held out a completely opened tablet with countless articles about her alleged date with Taehyun.


Wendy froze.


“What the hell is this? You and Taehyun? Well, it’s no doubt that you two are really close, but date?” Irene spat.

“Well, you and Mino oppa are dating. So, what difference does it make if I date Namtae?” Wendy asked.

“That’s not the point, Wan. You could’ve told us first before things erupted. Manager oppa even called us up asking us if we knew, but we didn’t.” Seulgi said.


“Eonni, stop fighting. Shouldn’t we all be happy that Wendy eonni is dating someone?” Joy asked.

“Yes, we are happy about it, but she could’ve told us first before everything is revealed behind our backs. I am supposed to be the leader here and apparently, I don’t have control of the situation now that Wan did not even bother telling us the truth. So, what are you gonna do now?” Irene spat.

“I’m reflecting. Look, I’m sorry. I was finding the right time to tell you guys. I guess the media just overtook me.” Wendy apologized.

“Apology accepted. Do you think the company will confirm it?” Seulgi asked.

“Molla, but if the higher ups would, I will gladly accept my fate. I’m so ready for the haters out there.” Wendy cried.

“Good luck, eonni!” Yeri cheered.

“Bring it on!” Wendy cried.


YG was furious. He didn’t want a repeat, but it happened.


“I don’t care if they are dating or not, I am not risking WINNER’s popularity anymore. We need a cover up story for this.” YG cried.

“What story do you like, boss?” YG’s assistant asked.

“Call up Seo Minji’s manager and ask him if he could bring Minji-sshi here and meet me.” YG ordered.

“Yes, sir!” The assistant said and walked away.


“Boss, Ms. Seo will meet you tomorrow at 10 am.” The assistant informed his boss.

“Good. For now, tell the representatives to deny the claim. Tell them that Taehyun and Wendy are just friends who became closer after Rookie Adventures. Whatever that happened back there was just them hanging out as friends. Oh and about them holding hands…twist it up. Tell the press that the photos seemed like they did but they did not.” YG said.


Meanwhile, the boys of WINNER were so shocked.


“You’re dating her?” Seungyoon spat.

“And not telling us about it?” Mino added.

“How can you be so reckless, maknae? Sajangnim is gonna kill you. One member dating is enough but another one is too much.” Seunghoon cried.

“Sorry hyungs! I never intended it to come out this way. I just needed to speak to her that day. I was having some sort of anxiety attack. Not seeing her a few months got me all worked up. We plan to tell you, really. I guess the media just overtook us.” Taehyun cried.

“Just prepare yourself for the worse.” Mino advised.


The next day, actress Seo Minji reported to YG headquarters and met up with the boss.


“It’s nice to finally meet you, Yang sajangnim.” Minji smiled.

“The pleasure’s all mine. Please have a seat.” The man ordered.


Minji took a seat right in front of Yang Hyunsuk.


“What can I do for you, Yang sajangnim?” Minji asked.

“First of all, have you heard about Taehyun-sshi’s dating rumor?” The man asked.

“H-He has a dating rumor? I’m so sorry. I wasn’t aware of it.” Minji said.

“It’s okay. It just came out yesterday. So, he has a dating rumor with Red Velvet’s Wendy and I don’t like it any bit. One WINNER member dating a Red Velvet member is enough. So, I wanna cover up this issue and I need your help.” Yang Hyunsuk began.

“M-My help?” Minji asked curiously.

“I am denying all rumors of him dating that girl, but instead publicize that you and him are dating. People had seen your chemistry on-screen and we had seen good feedbacks. So, will it be okay if we publicize your ‘relationship’ to the press?” Mr. Yang explained further.

“I don’t know…Taehyun-sshi will probably be uncomfortable about this.” Minji argued.

“I’ll talk to him. I hope you consider my proposal.” Mr. Yang said.

“I’ll do it, Mr. Yang. If this is for Taehyun-sshi’s benefit, then I would be more than happy to help out. He is a friend.” Minji smiled.

“Great! I am gonna talk to your agency and discuss this further with them.” Mr. Yang said.


YG then contacted SM and ordered them to deny the rumors. Although hesitant, SM released the denial statement.


[UPDATE] SM denies rumors between WINNER’s Taehyun and Red Velvet’s Wendy.


SM refutes the rumor of Wendy dating WINNER’s maknae. A representative took their statement to the press saying: “It is true that they went out for breakfast yesterday but they are not in a relationship. They were just catching up as friends. They had coffee together and said their goodbyes to each other.”


[UPDATE] YG also denies rumors between WINNER’s Taehyun and Red Velvet’s Wendy; Confirms that Taehyun is dating


YG slams the rumor of Taehyun dating Red Velvet’s Wendy. A representative took their statement to the press saying: “It is true that they went out for breakfast yesterday but they are not in a relationship. They were just catching up as friends. They had coffee together and said their goodbyes to each other after.” YG also refutes the statement that the pair held hands.

“Their arms were just so close to each other, making it seem that they were holding hands, but they were not. Nevertheless, we had spoke to Taehyun and confirmed that he is indeed dating someone. We are still verifying as to whom he is really dating. For now, stop spreading rumors.” 


[BREAKING] WINNER’s Taehyun and Seo Minji are dating!


Looks like there’s a mix up! It is not Red Velvet’s Wendy after all. The lucky girl who captured WINNER’s maknae’s heart is none other than actress Seo Minji, Taehyun’s leading lady in the webtoon drama “Girl of 0AM”. YG and Seo Minji’s agency Prain TPC both confirm the claim. 


We quote, “We have contacted Taehyun and we were informed that he is in fact dating Seo Minji. They have been dating ever since the drama, but they decided to keep their relationship a secret. Please support them all the way.” 


Prain TPC also released a statement regarding the issue. “Minji wanted to keep the relationship a secret because of their busy schedules but the truth eventually came out. Please support them all the way.”


“What the hell is this?” Mino erupted as his eyes were focused on the tablet on his hands.

“What’s up, hyung?” Seungyoon asked.

“Have you seen this? This is utter bull!” Mino cried.


Seungyoon scanned through the article and his eyes shot.


“What the is this? Why would sajangnim put up a cover story for this? And why drag Seo Minji-sshi into this?” Seungyoon spat.

“I don’t know, but I have an inkling that sajangnim wasn’t too happy about another one of us dating a Red Velvet member. Taehyun is so screwed.” Mino replied.

“Do you think Taehyun know about this?” Seungyoon asked.

“Oh I know about it all right!” Taehyun chimed in.


The two boys turned around and faced him.


“W-what are you gonna do about it?” Mino asked.

“I had to go along with the plan or things will get even more complicated.” Taehyun said.

“But isn’t this complicated? You’re dating Seo Minji to cover up your real relationship with Wendy.” Seungyoon argued.

“I’ve got nothing better to do. I’m completely stuck.” Taehyun said.

“Damn! Why would she agree to this anyway? What is she gaining?” Mino cried.

“I don’t know. For now, I have to act like I’m dating Minji noona to cover up my relationship with Wendy. I hope she understands.” Taehyun cupped his hands on his face.

“Hold on. She doesn’t know about this set-up yet?” Mino asked.


Before Taehyun could reply, his phone rang. The male idol pulled it out and picked up the call.


“Wan…” Taehyun answered.

“Taehyun-ah, are you cheating on me?” Wendy choked on her tears.

“Mwo? A-aniyo, it’s not like that. Yang sajangnim decided to cover up our scandal by publicizing my ‘relationship’ with Minji noona. I was totally opposed to this idea but I’ve got no other choice. He released a statement before I could say no.” Taehyun explained.

“Why is the world so cruel? I was so ready to confirm it, but things just had to be all complicated.” Wendy sobbed.

“We’re gonna be okay. I promise.” Taehyun cooed.

“I should, um, go. I’ll talk to you soon, Taehyun. Oh and don’t get carried away with acting.” Wendy warned and hung up.


“So, you’re okay with it? Wan, I don’t think that this is a good idea.” Seulgi said.

“I trust Taehyun and I will keep my word on that.” Wendy said.


So, Taehyun spent the next two months miserably pretending to date his former co-star Seo Minji. The actress, on the other hand, was loving every moment of her ‘relationship’ with the younger idol. 


You’re gonna be mine in no time, Nam Taehyun. Yang Hyunseok sajangnim is on my side that means bye bye Wendy.


“GAH!! This publicity thing is driving me insane! She’s driving me insane!” Taehyun burst out into hysterics.

“Who is driving you insane?” Seungyoon asked.

“Minji noona. Hell! I shouldn’t be calling her noona. She’s crazy!” Taehyun cried.

“Define crazy?” Seungyoon asked while fiddling with his phone, obviously anticipating a call from a certain Red Velvet member.

“She’s taking this whole stunt seriously. She’s acting like my girlfriend and being a when things don’t go her way. Oh and did I mention that she sends me cutesy emoticons in my Line messenger? Yeah, talk about crazy!” Taehyun spat.


His phone then rang. A notification from Line messenger appeared on the screen and Seo Minji’s name was written on it.


“See.” Taehyun grabbed his phone and wiggled it in front of Seungyoon.

“Is she really clingy?” Seungyoon asked.

“Yes. I had to blow off two dates with Wendy because my ‘girlfriend’ wanted to shop and needed someone to carry her bags. Wendy is gonna think of wrong ideas if I blow her off again.” Taehyun cursed.

“Well, what does the message say?” Seungyoon asked.

“I don’t even bother to care anymore. She’s really getting on my nerves.” Taehyun cursed.

“Didn’t you just say that she gets y when things don’t go her way?” Seungyoon asked.

“Yeah, but I don’t give a damn anymore. This publicity thing is gonna end now.” Taehyun gritted his teeth in rage.

“How?” Seungyoon snapped his head to his friend.


Taehyun’s lips form a sly grin, “It’s now or never”. Shocked, Seungyoon stood up from his bed and asked his friend, “What are you doing?”

“Taking Wendy out for a date on broad daylight for the paparazzi and whole world to see. I don’t care anymore! Seo Minji took advantage of the situation for way too long. It’s about time for the truth to come out.” Taehyun declared and grabbed his phone.

“You wouldn’t. Taehyun, you’re making the biggest mistake! Rebellion will do no good.” Seungyoon cried.

“I don’t freaking care! I love Wendy and there’s no one who can stop me from declaring my love for her. I’ll be back in a few hours. If manager hyung asks for me, tell him I’m out with Wendy. Oh and tell him don’t bother to stop me.” Taehyun cried and walked out of the room.


“Oh this is gonna be interesting.” Seungyoon smiled.


Taehyun openly stepped out of the building and hailed a cab to the girls’ dorm. He pulled his phone out and tapped on his lady love’s caller ID. A few rings later, her voice echoed on his phone.


“Hey Namtae! What’s up?” Wendy asked curiously.

“Meet me outside of your dorm in twenty minutes. Oh and don’t bother to cover up.” Taehyun ordered.

“Huh? Why not?” Wendy nervously asked her boyfriend.

“Just trust me, Wan. Don’t cover up. Just come down and meet me casually.” Taehyun replied.

“Ok.” Wendy answered.


Twenty minutes later, the cab pulled over in front of the girls’ dorm. Taehyun paid the driver, stepped out of the car and walked into the building. A happy girl with a fringe greeted the idol with a huge hug.


“So, what brings you here, babe?” Wendy asked.

“I’m here to take you out for a coffee date. What do you say?” Taehyun smiled hopefully.

“Making up for those times when you blew me off?” Wendy grinned.

“Sorta. So? What do you say?” Taehyun asked.


Wendy smiled and nodded like a little girl. She locked her arm on Taehyun, snuggled closer and walked out of the building with him. The pair confidently hailed a cab to Gangnam.


“What are we doing here in Gangnam, Namtae?” Wendy asked.

“This district has the best café spots in whole of Seoul.” Taehyun said.


The pair walked into a high end café and ordered themselves something warm to drink.


“So, aren’t you a little bit wary that paparazzi will see us? You are technically ‘dating’ Seo Minji sunbaenim.” Wendy asked her boyfriend curiously.

“Nope. Let them snap photos for all I care.” Taehyun dismissed the topic right away.

“What do you mean you don’t care? Babe, you’re gonna get both of us in trouble.” Wendy spat.

“I don’t care anymore, Wan. I’m sick of Yang sajangnim treating me like a puppy. I’m sick of her and I’m not going to be held down anymore. I’m standing my ground and tell the whole world who really has my heart.” Taehyun cried, receiving stares from the customers.

“Yes, everyone! For those who don’t know who I am, I’m Nam Taehyun, a member of the idol group, WINNER and I am not dating actress Seo Minji! Hell! I don’t even like that crazy ! I love this woman right here. I love Red Velvet’s Wendy! I love Son Seungwan!” Taehyun proclaimed. 


Wendy stared at her boyfriend in daze. Taehyun faced her and pulled a smile.


“I love you, Wendy and there’s absolutely nothing can stop me from showing my feelings to you. Yang sajangnim can’t, manager hyung can’t, Seo Minji can’t and my fans can’t! Remember that.” Taehyun cried.


After their date in the café, Taehyun decided to stroll around the area with his girlfriend. The male idol interlaced his fingers with hers with confidence.


“Namtae…” Wendy whispered.

“I don’t care anymore, Wan. I am gonna rub this into their faces.” Taehyun cursed.


The pair went shopping together, totally just spent some quality time with each other. The pair stopped in front of COEX Mall. Taehyun grabbed both of Wendy’s hands and held them firmly.


“Namtae, why are we stopping?” Wendy asked.

“We’re stopping because I am gonna do something that I should’ve done months ago, but was too much of a coward to do so.” Taehyun said.

“W-What is it?” Wendy asked in panic.

“This.” Taehyun lowered his head to Wendy’s face and captured her lips.


The dude dropped the bags on the pavement, pulled Wendy closer and wrapped his arms around her as he deepened the kiss. The girl kissed him back almost immediately. The pair kissed each other out in the open, not minding the passerby snapping photos of them already.


The next day, photos of their date surfaced around the Internet. Netizens went crazy over the photos of them kissing on the street.


[BREAKING] WINNER’s Taehyun and Red Velvet’s Wendy out on a date? 


Taehyun and Wendy were spotted out together along the streets of Gangnam yesterday. It may seem platonic since they have been seen out quite often and nothing romantic happened, but you’re wrong. Yesterday’s events might have proven the paparazzi’s accusations that there’s something going on between these two. The pair was spotted shopping together, hand-in-hand. To top things off, they shared a romantic kiss right in front of a mall, with all the people around.


Back in March, YG Entertainment and actress Seo Minji’s agency revealed that Taehyun and the actress herself are dating. They have not been seen going out on dates ever since the announcement and there’s no confirmation of their break-up either. So, did they break-up? Or was there really a relationship in the first place?




@Mrs.Nam: Isn’t it obvious? There never was a relationship between Taehyun and Seo Minji at all. It’s just a cover up by YG. 


@WenHyun4eva: I knew it was really Wendy that he’s dating! It was way too obvious!


@WenHyunShipper: Guys! There’s a link of Taehyun professing his love for Wendy in a café. Check this link: (insert link).


@NamTaeFever: I want NEITHER! Taehyun only belongs to Inner Circle period!


@TheBlueDerpPrincess: I’ve seen the video too! It’s the sweetest thing ever! They deserve each other. YG and SM, stop being such big s and just let them date! Mino and Irene are dating so why not WenHyun?!!!


@Taehyun+Minji: I believe that there’s a misunderstanding. Why would Taehyun like that loser velvet anyway? It’s obviously an act!


@Mrs.Nam: @Taehyun+Minji I bet you’re blind. Have you even seen photos of Namtae and Minji out on dates? I don’t think so. Clearly, Taehyun is in love with Wendy and the video can prove it!


@MinjiBeliever: Minji is clearly the victim here! He cheated on her with that good for nothing velvet.


@TheBlueDerpPrincess: @MinjiBeliever who is calling who a now? Clearly, Seo Minji is! Clingy sticking to Taehyun like glue to boost her obviously flopped career. Honestly, she is the worst actress I have ever seen on screen! And take a look at her face…she’s all caked up with horrible make-up! Wendy is naturally pretty! I challenge you to check her pre-debut photos and see how pathetic your idol is!!


@WenHyunShipper: @MinjiBeliever I have not seen her act until she starred in Girl of 0AM with Namtae. She’s a nobody in this business. It’s Taehyun who made her a little more famous that before because he’s from YG, so obviously she’s riding onto his popularity to get what she wants. What a desperate famewhore! At least Wendy has talent, not like Seo Minji!


Tired of all the drama, Taehyun created his own Instagram account and uploaded his very first post. It was a photo of him and Wendy hugging each other, lovingly, with the caption:


@SOUTHTHTH: I love you, Son Seungwan! *heart emoticon *kiss emoticon


Immediately, Inner Circle began following him. Even fellow YG artists such as Big Bang’s Seungri, Taeyang and G-Dragon, as well as 2NE1’s Dara and CL followed him, showing that his account is real. 


His first post garnered thousands of likes in just an hour and comments flooded it.


To stir up more hype, he posted yet again another proof of his relationship with the Red Velvet member. He uploaded a photo of his real time video with Wendy in what seemed like a hotel room.


The 15-second video showed both of them lying down in one bed, snuggled together. The pair greeted everyone, Taehyun kissed Wendy’s cheek and Wendy kissed him back.


 It had a caption: With my love right now. I am so happy! We’re so happy! *heart emoticon *kiss emoticon


This drove everyone, including YG and SM, insane. Neither one of them picked up their managers’ calls, but their members were completely aware what was going on and supported them.


Completely furious, Yang Hyunsuk yelled, “When did he learn to disobey me?”


“What are we gonna do, sajangnim?” The man’s executive secretary asked.

“Apologize to Seo Minji-sshi and her agency first and then tell them we’re lifting the agreement.” Yang Hyunsuk ordered.

“Yes, sir.” The secretary saluted.


“WHAT? This can’t be happening!” Minji beamed.

“I’m sorry, Minji-sshi, but YG Entertainment decided to cancel the agreement. It seems like we won’t be needed anymore. But on the bright side, you have gain popularity. That’s good news.” The CEO cried.

“Good news? Taehyun-sshi just announced to the whole world that he is dating that loser and just used me as a cover up! I am not a charity case, sajangnim!” Minji cried.

“If we file a lawsuit, we are gonna lose millions. YG Entertainment is a big company and there’s no way we stand a chance against them! Just give it up, Minji-sshi. The deal is off now.” The CEO argued.

“No! I want Taehyun! He is mine!” Minji whined.

“Quit whining like a baby, Minji-sshi! There’s nothing more we can do! The guy does not like you, so stop being so stupid and wake up!” The CEO yelled, surprising Minji.

“Stupid? Is love stupid?” Minji said, clearly tearing up.

“Your one-sided love is, so give it up! Focus on other things! You have drama offers lined up. You’re going to give it up and that’s final! Not another word from you, Miss Seo!” The CEO commanded.


“Contact Lee Sooman now. I want to talk to him personally.” Yang CEO cried.


After negotiations, YG softened up and gave the representatives the go signal to release an official statement.


[UPDATE #1] WINNER’s Taehyun joins Instagram; Confirms relationship with Wendy?


In the height of the issue, WINNER’s Taehyun joins Instagram. His account @SOUTHTHTH was immediately followed by his label mates BIGBANG’s Seungri, Taeyang and G-Dragon, as well as 2NE1’s Dara and CL. Together with his new SNS account, he uploaded a photo of him and Red Velvet’s Wendy hugging each other, lovingly, with a caption: I love you, Son Seungwan (Wendy’s Korean name)! *heart emoticon *kiss emoticon Following the photo, he also uploaded a video of him and Wendy lying on the bed together, snuggling close to each other, with the caption “With my love, Wendy! I am so happy! We’re so happy! *heart emoticon *kiss emoticon” His posts may just have confirmed his relationship with Wendy. What do you think?


[UPDATE #2] SM and YG respond to the issue.


Following the previous issue, YG Entertainment releases an official statement. We quote, “Hello! This is YG Entertainment. We’ve come to an agreement to let everyone now that the rumors of WINNER’s Taehyun and Red Velvet’s Wendy relationship are true. They have been dating for over a year now and had been keen to hide their relationship. It is not true that Taehyun was dating actress Seo Minji. We just used her as a cover up to hide the truth. We are very sorry for misleading you. We just wanted to protect our idols and the best way we can think of was such, but we are wrong. Please support Taehyun and Wendy’s relationship. Thank you!”


SM Entertainment released their statement. We quote, “We are very aware that Red Velvet’s Wendy and WINNER’s Taehyun are dating from the start, but we just wanted to protect them from bashers, so we decided to hide the truth. We are truly sorry for this huge mistake. We are very wrong. Now, we are confirming their relationship. We hope that fans continue support them even if they are in a relationship. Thank you!”


So, now that everything has been confirmed, what do you think? Comments!


@NamTaeFever: YAS!!! I knew that there was something fishy about Taehyun dating that actress. It looked so fake. There were no photos of them going out in the first place. It’s a good thing that Taehyun is really dating Red Velvet’s Wendy. They really look good together.


@WenHyunBabies: I’m so disappointed at YG and SM for covering up the truth. “We are just protecting them?” Please! Protect them, my ! They like each other, so why not let them date freely?


@WenHyun4eva: I knew they would end up together! The chemistry is just too strong. Taehyun’s IG posts are just so sweet!


“So, I guess it’s out.” Wendy sighed.

“Why do you look unpleased? Is there something wrong?” Taehyun asked.

“I’m scared. We are hiding from the company and everyone else for the past two days. I feel like a complete .” Wendy cupped her face in shame.

“No, you’re not. We did not do anything crazy. You slept on the bed and I slept on the couch. Nothing happened that can ruin our careers. So, relax, babe.” Taehyun said.


The next day, the pair went back to their dorms, only to be greeted by their friends.


“Glad you’re back, maknae! Manager hyung is freaking out.” Seungyoon said.

“I know. I’ve been ignoring his calls. So, how’s the company?” Taehyun asked.

“Chaotic. Good thing sajangnim cooled down and you’re pretty much off the hook. You should really thank Lee Sooman sajangnim. He was the one who convinced our boss in the first place. Oh and your fake girlfriend is throwing tantrums in the headquarters. She demands for you.” Mino replied.

“Bobby said that she’s still there.” Seunghoon chimed in.

“What is the management doing then?” Taehyun asked.

“Trying to convince her to leave .” Seunghoon replied.

“You should go there and convince her to leave you alone.” Seungyoon ordered.

“No way. If I go there, she will never stop bothering me. Let her embarrass herself in front of everyone.” Taehyun cried.

“That’s kinda mean, don’t you think?” Mino said.

“Well, she’s crazy! There’s no way I’m gonna let her take advantage of me.” Taehyun cried.


“So, how was the two-day rebellion or should we say sleepover with Taehyun?” Seulgi asked her best friend.

“It was relaxing. No pressure from everyone.” Wendy smiled.

“Did something happen that I should know about?” Seulgi wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

“No! We didn’t do anything crazy, besides uploading a photo and a video on Instagram.” Wendy defended.

“Right! You two did post stuff on Instagram.” Seulgi said.

“Yeah.” Wendy nodded.


After a while, the news of them dating died down. However, someone still couldn’t get over it.


I’m not letting that win. I am gonna make Taehyun mine! She smirked and sipped on her wine.


A/N: Looks like someone is out to ruin Taehyun and Wendy's relationship. Taking from the previous scenes, it is none other than actress Seo Minji. For fans out there, I don't mean to bash the actress. I just kinda got the idea of her character being a from 'Persevere, Goo Hae-Ra' where she played the antagonist, Scarlet and think that it would fit the situation. 


PS: Taehyun has an Instagram account now. Pretend that he actually posted it. 


Comments! Chapter 19 will up soon! 

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Chapter 33: The story is awesome but I'm slightly unsatisfied with Yeri's story line. It just wasnxt enough and there were no MarkxYeri moments. (or maybe there were but I just didn't see them? Soooo... If there are, can u tell me where so i can read the chapter again (PLEAAAAASE))
The story was really jjang!
Gracia07 #2
Chapter 1: It's a great story! I never thought idols in this way :>
BurningB01c3 #3
Chapter 33: All the good things come to an end,sadly.. I really enjoyed the story,the way you made everything seem so real with the fan comments and other details like that made the story amazing and special! I had a great time seeing the characters and their relationships develop,the winner-velvet couples (them feels <3),our ikon boys,jae's journey,all of it was really amazing! As of this chapter let me say that hoon and joy's confession was so adorkable! Irene represented me LOL! And B.I let Jae go,HALLELUJAH MY FRIENDS! Thankfully he didn't pull a Jaebum. Once again,I really loved this story,thanks for updating it <3333
BurningB01c3 #4
Chapter 31: And hit the fan! You know,I was expecting a big mess out of JaeBy's relationship exposure but nothing to the extent of digging JaeB.I/JaeHan/JaeBin/whatever-the-name-of-the-couple relationship straight from the deepens of 2016,wow netizens can sure be scary! Bobby's insta post was really brave,I kinda see a pattern on how YG boys confess their love to the world haha! Well for now I just hope being a d*ck when it comes to handling their love lives isn't a leader stuff (I see you JB) and that Hanbin will get over it because Jae and Bobby are free to date and be happy and they sure would be happier if B.I would hold his drama up,move on my friend you have many girls dying to be yours just around the corner,go find your happiness! Moving on to our next otp it turns out Bogum wasn't lying! I'm so glad MinRene are back again,those two are to cute to be apart! OH MY OT12 FEELS! Dang authornim this EXO scene in the end just slapped me in my feelings so hard I can't even! I guess I never will be able to hear "we are one" without my heart tearing a bit again.... How I wish this would happen in real life,too bad this is fiction! I looooooved the update,too bad the fic is ending soon,don't leave us </3 ;(
BurningB01c3 #5
Chapter 30: I really want to believe that bogum is being sincere but Mino's jealousy kinda made me feel a little suspicious,am I being delusional? Haha! Poor Hoonie!! It's sooooo bad to be stuck on friend zone and he giving his feelings up for the sake of her happiness was so sweet! But still I hope they'll be together,SeungJoy fighting! Oh boy JB finally did it,when will this guys realize that obsessive pricks get nothing! Good thing Taehyun give him a punch to make him return to his senses! Hopefully the GOT7 members will be able to help their leader put his together,but if they don't mark would be suitable for the position. Maybe JB could go to the army and get himself together? As usual an amazing chapter,I loved it <33
BurningB01c3 #6
Chapter 29: YAAAAAAY YOONGI COUPLE TO THE WORLD <3 Finally those two revealed themselves,too bad they had to break two (three if you count jackson's but I don't really count him cause he was an idiot in first place) hearts to do so... Our bear has the gift to attract obsessive pricks! My jaeby feels <3 These two are too cute I just can't! I hope that when hit the fan (AKA people find out about those two) it won't be so bad.. Loved the update and happy new year for you and your loved ones authornim <33
BurningB01c3 #7
Chapter 28: JB went nuts,I really appreciated the fact mark punched him otherwise I'd have to do it myself (don't do this at home kids,violence is never the answer haha)! Good thing yeri killed any hope Chanwoo may had developed before the whole thing became a bigger mess and ended up hurting dahyun who had nothing to do with it. Jaelee is a boy magnet and Jackson is such a player haha! Loved the update <33
I'll be editing chapters once in a while since there maybe some fictional things that I need to edit (e.g. official IG accounts, etc.). BTW, Winner just opened up their individual IG accounts so for those who still spot the fictional ones as you go through this fic, please excuse me. I'm still in the process of editing them. Thanks! Just keep waiting for the next few chapters. I'm still working on them. :)
kangtaehyun #9
Chapter 27: i think im selfish but i reaaaaallly want to know how the rest of story.. i hope it will update soooonn... i hate waiting thought!!!! pleaseeeeeeee
BurningB01c3 #10
Chapter 27: Last six chapters ? NOOOOOOOOO! I love this story so much,it can't end :( !!! YAAAAAAAAAS JAEBY! OMG,I love this ship since jae dated hanbin and now it is finally sailing <33! Oooh I'm looking forward to see how will the ending of our winner-velvet couples be,especially seulgi and seungyoon. Anyways,waiting anxiously for the next update :)