Chapter 4

Lack of Love

Author's POV


One more week to go to Jongin and Soojung's wedding. It has also been a week  since Jongin and Soojung's last meeting. None of them bothered meeting with each other. They did not even exchange numbers yet even though they both knew that its only barely a few days before their "much awaited" wedding. None of them took part in the preparations for the wedding as well because both of them were too busy and they are not the least bit interested to do so. Thankfully, Jongin's mother and sister volunteered to take care of everything because they were the ones who showed the greatest enthusiasm regarding the wedding. Soojung's parents were more than happy to let them do everything given their intentions for this wedding. They just wanted to get this over with and return to business and make more money and fame. Sulli, being the enthusiastic sister that she is, also wanted to take part in the wedding preparations and offered to take care of the invitations and the wedding cake. The rest of the preparations were done by Jongin's mom and sister and today is the day Jongin and Soojung are suppose to attend to the final fitting for their suit and gown respectively. The fitting will happen in separate dress shops and Jongin's mother and sister were really happy and excited to accompany Soojung to her fitting while Jongin will be accompanied by his best friends Sehun and Baekhyun. Sehun and Baekhyun were personally asked by Mrs. Kim to accompany Jongin and they couldn't reject her request because Jongin's mom is basically like a mother to them too. Jongin, Baekhyun, and Sehun grew up together because their parents were really close even back when they were still in college. Also, Sehun and Baekhyun were dying to talk to Jongin about his much awaited wedding because it has already been some time since they last hung out with each other due to their busy schedules. Sehun is an international model and is recently taking a break from his activities while Baekhyun is a surgical resident in the hospital where Soojung is working. Soojung is basically one of Baekhyun's superiors since he's still a resident while Soojung is already a consultant and is a practicing surgeon already. Baekhyun is able to agree to come with Jongin because he was given one day off in between his 24-hour on call duties.


Soojung's POV


Today is really not my lucky day. My luck has been really, really bad lately. Today is my wedding gown fitting and the hospital is especially busy today. I'm not really excited for the fitting and I'd love to just ditch it but I feel bad for Mrs. Kim and her daughter because they were really nice enough to accompany me today. However, this day is really hectic and I am starting to get anxious whether I would be able to keep my word at appearing in the dress shop for the fitting. There was a vehicular accident nearby involving a truck and a bus carrying about 50 passengers. All of the casualties were rushed in our hospital and most of our doctors are in a board meeting right now in line with the merging of the two companies and re-alignment and reviewing of stocks by different stock holders. I was assigned to spearhead and look over all the procedures that need to be done. We are short of doctors as of the moment and the emergency room looks like a battle ground. I decided to ask the nurses to call all the residents who were on their day off. I feel bad for them but I really have no choice.


More and more patients ended up to be needing surgery and I think I am about to lose my cool. I haven't gone home and slept from a 24 hour duty yesterday and here I am still in the hospital and its past lunch time already. So basically, I am already about 37 hours awake and I still have not taken any food since 6 am. I needed to be in the dress shop at 3 pm and its already past 12 noon.


 I just learned yesterday from Baekhyun during our 24-hour duty that he is one of Kai's best friends and he together with their other friend, will accompany Kai to his fitting today. Now I feel bad upon realizing that Baekhyun is one of the residents who were called awhile ago. I really did not mean to meddle with Kai's business this time. I hope he won't mind and that he'll be professional because this is a serious matter. I just saw Baekhyun running in the hallway just now and I can't help but ask about Kai's fitting.




I yelled for him to hear me because he is busily gathering some supplies that he needed.


"Oh, Doctor Soojung, why are you still here? Haven't you gone home yet since yesterday? I thought you also have your gown fitting scheduled today?"


Baekhyun asked me right after realizing that it was me calling him. He was a bit out of breath judging from how he talked. He must have just arrived and immediately checked on a patient then headed inside this supply room quickly.


"Yes. I still haven't gone home yet. It has been super hectic since this morning that's why I resorted to calling all the residents who were on a day off. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. Did Kai know you cannot accompany him anymore?"


I asked Baekhyun and he looked surprised upon hearing my question. I bet he isn't used to me talking to him about something aside from work and our patients. I think he very well knows my personality by now.


"No. I have gone with him. He decided to do it earlier than what was planned. I just came here from the dress shop."


Baekhyun replied uneasily.


"Oh. Ok. That's good. Carry on with what you are doing."


I replied to him in my expressionless face and monotonic voice.



The hectic moments are slowly dying down inside the emergency room and I think I could still make it to the fitting. So I told my residents and the other doctors my final instructions and reminders as I informed them that I am leaving for a few hours. I told them that I'd be back later this afternoon for me to check on their tasks and the patients. With everything settled, I went to my office and started to freshen up a little, ignoring my growling stomach and my throbbing head. Before I went inside the car, I called Mrs. Kim and informed her that I'm on my way.


I can't help but feel warm and light whenever I see Mrs. Kim and Sora, Kai's sister. Aside from the resemblance in their faces, I won't think that Kai is a member of their family because he's just so rude and arrogant unlike the gentle and loving personality of both Mrs. Kim and Sora. The fitting went smoothly and I very much appreciated both of them for coming with me and for complimenting me in my wedding gown. However, I wasn't very comfortable because this isn't something I really wanted and I am not looking forward for this wedding. I mean, this is every girl's dream that one day, they will walk down the aisle in their most beautiful state, marrying that one man who loves them so dearly. But in my case, this wedding is indeed perfectly planned and may just be the grandest wedding of the year but I am not going to marry the man of my dreams, the man who will cherish and love me for the rest of my life. I snapped out of my thoughts and told myself to snap back to reality.


'You aren't cinderella Soojung. These things only happen in fairy tales. Wake up because this is your reality. Now, deal with it.'


I completely snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed that Sora has been trying to talk to me.


"Hey, Soojung, are you fine? It seems like you are spacing out. I also have noticed that you're quite sluggish and pale. Is everything ok?"


Sora asked me with a very concerned expression.


"Yes, dear, I have also noticed that your complexion is really not very good. I think you need to rest now. I was about to ask you to come over our house and join us for dinner tonight. But it seems like you really need to take a rest. You should go ahead."


Mrs. Kim also added with so much gentleness and a smile at the end of her sentence. She also caressed my cheek while telling me to get some rest.


"Thank you for accompanying me today Mrs. Kim and Sora. I highly appreciated it. And thank you for your concern but I think I am fine. I will see you at the wedding."


I gave the two of them a small smile and a bow before I left.


I immediately headed back to the hospital and sped up because my head is really throbbing hard with me starting to get dizzy . I just want to get my tasks done and head home right away. Upon arriving at the hospital, I quickly glanced at my to do list and memorized what I needed to do. I had quickly accomplished everything and headed back to my office to collect my things and leave. But to my surprise, I saw Kai sitting in one of the waiting chairs just outside my office. I purposely went past him and opened the door but he was fast enough to enter my office right before I was about to enter. I sat in my chair and rubbed my temples while ignoring Kai's presence.


"I assume you have forgotten that you still needed to take out my stitches."


Kai suddenly blurted out in "a matter of fact" tone as he sat on the chair in front of my table.


'Oh right. That's why he's here. I totally forgot about that. But wait, he could just get any doctor to take it out for him. Baekhyun could even do that for him with ease.'


I think he's trying to mess with me again. This is not really a good time to start an argument with me. I'm totally drained of my energy and I'm feeling like my consciousness is going to leave me soon. So after giving it some thought. I decided to just comply and attend to what he needs me to do and quietly get this over with. After some minutes of calming and rubbing my temples, I stood up, collected the things that I will be needing and I headed in front of him.  I was surprised that he only blurted out that one sentence and waited patiently for my reaction.


I placed a  high chair in front of him for me to sit on and I positioned myself and adjusted the chair to the right height just enough for me to be a little above his eye level. I put on my blank face and immediately started working avoiding his eyes who were intently looking at every move I am doing. I placed my hand on his chin and lightly angled his face so that he is now looking up to me. I can feel his eyes boring holes to my face as I was concentrating on what I was doing. I gathered all the strength that I still have to not mind what he is doing right now and thankfully, I managed to keep myself from blushing. I finished within a few minutes without uttering a single word. He too did not bother to talk as if sensing that I am really tired and drained today. I am now cleaning up and gathering my things when he placed a few bills on my table. I immediately realized that he is trying to pay me for my service and I was about to tell him that I don't need those but decided to just let it go. He probably doesn't want to feel indebted to me and again, I am too tired to talk as I am starting to get really dizzy again. So I just took it and put it inside my drawer.


 Just when I was finishing up, I suddenly felt my world turning around and I stumbled on my feet and I expected to hit the ground. To my surprise, I did not hit the ground. I felt Kai's hand on my shoulder and the other on my waist preventing me to fall. I tried to process our position and how he is touching me and I blinked a few times, refocusing my eyes while trying hard not to lose my consciousness. After regaining my strength, I freed myself from his grip and grabbed my bag and my car key.


"Sorry about that. Aren't you going? I am heading out."


I told him and gestured for him to go out already.


Kai complied and went out the door. When I was already out, I did not bother to look at him and walked straight down the hallway. I felt him catching up to me behind my back and he suddenly gripped my hand and grabbed my car key.


"Tell me where you live. I'll drive you home. I don't think you are in a good state to drive."


Kai said in a flat tone, not looking at my face. With that, I snapped at him.


"Didn't I tell you to mind your own business? Now give me back my car key."


I also said plainly. However, he seemed like he isn't going to comply when he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the elevator. I tried to get out of his touch but to no avail. I only have very little strength and he's a guy for pete's sake. So I just decided to let him do what he wants to do.


"Okay fine. I'll lead us to my car. Just let go of me."


He slowly let go of my hand and we headed to my penthouse when I apathetically told him my address. I kept myself awake throughout the ride and wondered why is he doing this all of a sudden. I can't help wishing that I hope I could read his mind.


We kept quiet all throughout and I saw him glancing at me every now and then through the reflection in the window as I was looking away from him, carefully directing my eyes to the window and observing the night scene. We did not even exchanged words or goodbyes after arriving at my place. He just handed me my keys. He followed me until I am already in front of my door step. After I opened the door, I immediately felt him walking away. I never even bothered to ask him how he is going to go home given that he drove us here in my car.


I guess its just that I am so freaking tired to actually care and before closing my eyes and reaching dreamland, a thought went up to my brain.


'Why is he doing this? Is this some kind of a trick again?'



a/n: Hi chapter 4 is up!! Thank you to my new subscribers! I never thought that I could get this much subbies in such a short time. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I would like to ask if you have any Kai fanfic recommendations? Can you suggest some? I'm kinda bored these days ^^. And oh, don't be shy to add me up! i don't bite :) . And maybe we could all be friends? ^^,

Please do comment and tell me what you think of the chapter. That would really help me to be more inspired to write more frequently. Tell me what you think of Chapter 4 okay? ;)

Again, Thank you to my new subbies! Have a nice day!


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Chapter 5: Hope you'll update this story :')
Hi, I know its almost a year since your last update..but, I hope that you'll update this story.., thanks :)
rathimf #3
Chapter 5: really a good should continue
sotakasumi28 #4
Chapter 5: next chapter pleaseee ><"
haenalee #5
authornim update asap pleasee :D
richan1891 #6
Chapter 5: Hi author-nim, i just wanna say i'm sooooo glad that i found this fanfic of yours! I like this kind of emotional story when one or both of them played as a broken human being but put a strong facade because it's really interesting to see their finally open up and develop feeling to each other slowly as the story progressing. And i like the way you tell your story, it's just really simple and flowing gracefully. And i can't be more happier because you update it regularly yaaaay! Thank you so much and i'll be waiting for your next updates, fighting! :)
guest_snb #7
Chapter 5: evil guy jongin!!
want him to trap by his plan :3
i also wonder what will happen if he found out that soojung is lack of love :( poor soojunggg
taeyong389 #8
Chapter 5: Why jong in, why?
He's have such a cruel plan to soo jung... Oh, cant wait what will happen next... Keep your time, thanks for an update, i'll be wait patiently... Fighting and enjoy your time...
HaruLisa99 #9
Chapter 5: Ahhhh im addicted haha
jsjxox #10
Chapter 5: i hate jongin more when i read this chapter .... he's gonna break my soojung's heart... :'( .. okay authornim,i'll wait for you... :))))