Chapter 2

Lack of Love

Author's POV


Soojung is speeding in her red Ferrari on her way to her future in law's house. Other than being a doctor, she really likes fast things such as fast cars since it gives her the rush and the thrills which gives her the feeling of being "alive." She barely has 10 more minutes until she could be considered late and her parents especially hates it when people arrive late during meetings. She is feeling relieved because she had a very fast car and the meeting place is not that far from the hospital.


She finally reached the gate of the Kim mansion barely 3 more minutes before its time and informed the guard that she is here for a meeting and introduced herself. She couldn't help but ask if her parents arrived already and indeed, she is already running late since they were already there. The guard also informed her that her younger sister arrived just a few minutes before her. She did not expect her sister Sulli to be there since this meeting only mainly involved her and not Sulli. However, after giving some thought, she realized that this is all for show. After all, this should be a "family event" and her parents would want to show an image of a happy family who cares enough for their family members.


True enough, Sulli's car is already parked in the mansion's lawn along with her parent's car. Sulli is still studying in college taking up business courses since her parents wants her to be involved in the company soon whereas Soojung was given the freedom to choose her own path since her parents don't really have plans of getting her involved in their business because she isn't really considered family after all. Furthermore, Sulli isn't really treating her badly like how their parents do. In fact, they barely talk and interact but Soojung has a feeling that her sister wants to be acquainted with her ever since they were young because they practically grew up alone with no one to talk to or play with except that Sulli is always highly favored by their parents. She remembers Sulli taking initiative to start a conversation with her but Soojung just answers shortly and dismisses her immediately before their conversation could even progress to a friendlier or personal level. Soojung chose not to get herself attached to Sulli since Soojung thinks that they would just one day compete and fight against each other or she'd just be hurt and jealous of Sulli along the way and not to mention that Soojung deeply despises her parents. Soojung generally doesn't hate Sulli but she hated how fate played with their circumstances. She often wondered that if only Sulli was born earlier, she would not get adopted by her parents and not be in this situation right now. Sometimes, her sorrows and pain growing up lead to her thinking that it might have been better if Sulli was not born at all. Their parents treated Soojung well as if she is her parents' own right before Sulli was born but everything changed when Sulli came in the picture. But again, she always ends up to a realization that none of these are Sulli's fault and that her anger should only be directed to her parents who started everything. Soojung sometimes pities her sister because most of the time, she tries so hard to get close to Soojung and is oblivious of what really is going on within their family but Soojung just can't help it. She cannot get all smiley and comfortable with Sulli when deep inside her heart, she is really hurting. Soojung also doesn't want to get attached to Sulli because she was afraid that one day, she will just forget everything that her parents did to her and just forgive them that easily.


In short, Soojung is really in pain all these years and a lot of things are going on in her mind to the point that sometimes she even can't understand herself anymore. She knows that she is completely messed up and broken but she refuses to show it and just keeps everything to herself which is just making things worse.



Soojung's POV


As I arrived in the Kim mansion, I wasn't really surprised that their house was this big but I got to admit that its pretty less than what I expected. From the looks of there house, this family is pretty simple and the house gives off a very warm vibe. Something that I have not really felt in our house back when I was still living with my parents. I was led by their maid into the main hall and the living room. I was told that my parents and Mr. and Mrs. Kim are in the terrace upstairs if I want to join them there but I told the maid that I'd just wait in the living room and asked her if she could tell them that I am here already. The maid gladly accepted my request since I still want to check out their family pictures and stuff displayed in their living room. As I scanned the room, it felt really warm, cozy, and homey. I also found several pictures on the wall including diplomas, awards, and other achievements of the family members  and I am impressed that they graduated from prestigious universities. There is this one whole wall which is full of pictures of the family members from different places and stages in their lives and they looked really happy, loving, and contented with very bright smiles plastered in their faces. There were pictures of birthday parties, trip overseas, pool parties, graduations, and many others. As I scanned the place, I felt my heart being clenched and a pang of jealousy shot right through me.


 'I wish my family is like this or it should have been so much better if I grew up in a family which is just like this.'


Then a thought hit me. Maybe this marriage isn't so bad after all and a seed of hope is slowly blossoming in my heart hoping that this would turn out to be so much better than what I have expected. This marriage might just be a ticket to get out of my pitiful state and I will surely buy it if its the only way to get out of my situation right now. Judging from their faces, this family is pretty outgoing and friendly and as I scanned the pictures, two faces who are repeatedly present in most of the pictures felt really familiar to me.


'I think I have already seen them somewhere.'


Before I could get deeper in my thoughts, my parents along with Sulli went down the grand staircase with people whom I assumed were Mr. And Mrs. Kim tailing behind them. They looked all smiley and comfortable with each other already. My parents "smiled" at me upon seeing me, however I see that familiar glint in my mother's eyes as if telling me "why did you not arrive earlier?" I just replied with a small forced smile and shrugged it off. My sister Sulli acknowledged me and gave me a quick hug.


"Soojung-ah! Its been weeks since I last saw you! How are you? You aren't usually the type to show up  last minute. I'm sure something's up. Is there?"


Sulli asked me as if attempting to lighten up the mood because I think she sensed that our parents tensed up after seeing me.


"Yes indeed. An emergency case came up just before I was about to leave the hospital and I needed to  perform surgery right away."


I answered without even feeling a bit apologetic. I think my parents aren't buying it and showed me a "are you seriously going to bring your patients up to make us look bad" look. I've got to admit it that I kind of memorized my parents' looks whenever they are trying to tell me something. Thankfully, Mr. and Mrs. Kim seemed to buy it and just smiled at me. Mrs. Kim turned to me and said,


"Oh dear, you must be Soojung! Its nice to finally meet you and don't worry about being late. We understand your profession. Mrs. Jung, I think its okay to just let it go. Besides, she isn't that late and I think we should be the ones apologizing since Jongin isn't here yet."


I gave Mr. And Mrs. Kim a small smile and a slight bow.


'Oh, so that's why I don't see any guy here except for my father and Mr. Kim. He's had the guts to make my parents wait. Now I think that he is kind of rude knowing what type of meeting this is. I think he's definitely bad and maybe he is trying to get into his parents' and my parents' nerves. I think he doesn't want this marriage any more than I do. '


As expected Mrs. Kim looks very kind, considerate, and warm though. She also sounded very positive and careful not to aggravate my parents and she seems like she can handle different situations very well.


"My son texted me a few minutes ago that he'd be late for a few minutes because he had attended to an emergency. We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience. Why don't we head to the dinning room and settle down as we wait for Jongin?"


Mrs. Kim said apologetically and led us to the dining room. I sat in between my mother and Soojung with an empty seat opposite me which is I assumed to be my "husband's" seat. As we were about to start eating, I heard a voice from behind me and I found it awfully familiar and I fought with myself not to turn my head around to check out who that person is. I initially planned to look not a bit interested but my curiosity won over me and I looked back.


"Sorry. I am late. I had run into an accident. Good afternoon Mr. And Mrs. Jung. Hi mom, hi dad."


I froze upon seeing the owner of the voice. My eyes looked like they're going to pop out. 'He's the guy I was treating earlier! No wonder he is late. I mean, he couldn't drive with that cast on his shoulder. He probably took a cab or asked someone to bring him here. Now I feel bad for calling him rude.'


My parents stood up and greeted him as well as Sulli and I snapped out of my thoughts and stood up and gave a quick bow as well. I think he probably did not notice me yet since his mother came running to his side.


"Jongin! Oh my God, are you okay? What happened to you? Is everything alright?" Mrs. Kim exclaimed after seeing her son in the state he is in.


"Jongin! Where have you been? Did you get into an accident? Why didn't you tell us?" Mr. Kim also followed after his wife.


My parents softened after seeing Jongin's state. The tensed look in their faces subsided right away. 'So my parents also have this "soft and considerate" side.'


"Mom, dad can we discuss this later? I am sure we are all hungry already. I will just explain everything later."


Jongin told his mom and dad and headed to the seat opposite mine. But before he was even seated, our gazes locked and by the looks of it, he was just as shocked as I was a few moments ago.  Right at that moment, a word escaped his mouth and he said,




"How'd you get here so fast?"


And with that, my parents, Sulli, and Mr. And Mrs. Kim looked towards us with a confused look in their faces. I was also puzzled by how he reacted. I did not expect that question from him either. I just planned to keep my cool and just pretend to be oblivious of the situation but I think given the situation, it can't be helped.


"Wait, you already knew each other?"


Sulli asked after a few seconds. I think both our parents are still confused. I was contemplating whether I should be the one to explain or not but before I could even open my mouth, Jongin started speaking.


"So I guess it can't be helped. I think the explaining should start now. Can I? We can just talk it over while having our lunch."


Jongin asked and upon not hearing any reply, as if gesturing him to go on, he continued,


"So I was on my way here when I picked up Yoogeun from play school. Yoogeun was hit by a car and I also got injured in the process of trying to save him. We rushed to the hospital and Yoogeun seemed to need to get immediate surgery. Sora is left in the hospital with Yoogeun after he has undergone surgery."


He ended his statement as if gesturing for me to continue with my side of the story. So I filled in saying,


"And I was about to head back to my penthouse before going here when a call came telling me its an emergency case of a 5 year old kid who was hit by a car so I checked it out and indeed, a surgery needed to be performed."


"Oh so that's why. No wonder both of you were running late and it really is a huge coincidence! I thank Soojung for taking care of my grandson. Is he okay now?"


Mrs. Kim said in delight and she seemed relieved that everything is clear now. I was about to answer her when Jongin butted in.


"Mom, Yoogeun is okay now and the surgery went well thanks to this brilliant doctor here. She even treated my injuries for free."


Jongin said with a smirk directed to me and I immediately felt my cheeks burning! I totally did not see that coming. I am usually used to hearing compliments about me being a great doctor but this definitely took me off guard. I glanced at my parents because they have been quiet for some time just nodding here and there.


"That is expected from Soojung. Judging from how much we have paid for her education and how we made who she is now. She should be at least this credible and competent you know."


'Way to go Dad, that is how you can perfectly dump my perked up mood.' Here they are again never failing to show me how I should be indebted to them for making me who I am today.


"Soojung has always been this brilliant and good at her job. She deserves all the credit."


Sulli added trying to beam at me and lighten up the mood again. My blood shot up and instead of being thankful to her, I started getting annoyed because here she is trying to look like a supportive and cheerful younger sister again.


My mood went down throughout lunch and I never bothered to say a word until the lunch is finished. After lunch, we headed to their living room and we were told that our parents are giving us some alone time to "get to know each other" as they also have matters to discuss among themselves. Sulli told my parents that she had to go and head back to school because her break is almost over.


I never felt this awkward and weary in my 25 years of existence and I can't help but feel nervous about being alone with this guy. I kept thinking what kind of person is he going to be or if he really meant what he said earlier. I kind of hoped that he'd be cool about everything and not make my life more miserable than how it already is. I silently prayed that this guy would be as warm as how warm I felt just from being in their house and looking at their family pictures.


 I am starting to really feel uneasy as we walked silently side by side in their garden with me just looking down and carefully observing my steps. I kept my head down low because I can't read his expression and I feel really awkward in his presence. I am silently waiting for him to start a conversation because I am not really good at talking with people and starting conversations but to no avail. He just walked ahead looking around his surroundings. I decided to just break the silence and talk to him as cheerfully as I can and be polite enough to return the favor of complimenting me earlier. I cleared my throat and started,


"Ummm, I guess our first meeting wasn't that bad? I hope everything would work and be fine between us. I guess we haven't really formally introduced ourselves right? I am Jung Soojung, its nice to meet you! I assume you are Kim Jongin?"


I said as brightly as I can and extending my hand for him to take as I introduced myself to him. There was a slight glint of uneasiness in my voice and I hoped he did not notice that. I waited for his reply but it took him a while to take my hand. I started to think that maybe I sounded too aggressive or too excited. I started to process his expression but it is not helping. His face turned blank immediately after I started talking. To my surprise, he suddenly took my hand in his free hand, shook it, and pulled me close to his face. I am now alarmed by his close proximity and this is my first time to be this close to a guy! His lips were just a few inches from my ear and he suddenly whispered loud enough for me to hear clearly.


"And I am Kim Jongin but that is Kai for you. I don't want you calling me Jongin. In case you missed it, I was polite back there because we're in front of my parents. I just want to remind you that this marriage doesn't mean anything to me any more than you do. I want you to not expect anything from me because this isn't also more but just a show. Now if you'd like your life to be easy, just go with the flow and don't get too comfortable with me. I don't want you meddling with my business and I won't be meddling with yours either. Now seeing that you are all smart and Ms. Oh so Brilliant, I guess everything's clear now and if you don't have anything more to say, I'd like to take my leave now."


He immediately let go of my hand and left me there with me trying to process everything that he has said. I was left in a daze thinking,


"I guess life isn't really a fairytale."


a/n: Hi! Thankyou for your comments and for subscribing! I will try my best to write and update as often as I can. What do you think of this chapter? Tell me about your thoughts!

Have a nice day everyone! :)

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Chapter 5: Hope you'll update this story :')
Hi, I know its almost a year since your last update..but, I hope that you'll update this story.., thanks :)
rathimf #3
Chapter 5: really a good should continue
sotakasumi28 #4
Chapter 5: next chapter pleaseee ><"
haenalee #5
authornim update asap pleasee :D
richan1891 #6
Chapter 5: Hi author-nim, i just wanna say i'm sooooo glad that i found this fanfic of yours! I like this kind of emotional story when one or both of them played as a broken human being but put a strong facade because it's really interesting to see their finally open up and develop feeling to each other slowly as the story progressing. And i like the way you tell your story, it's just really simple and flowing gracefully. And i can't be more happier because you update it regularly yaaaay! Thank you so much and i'll be waiting for your next updates, fighting! :)
guest_snb #7
Chapter 5: evil guy jongin!!
want him to trap by his plan :3
i also wonder what will happen if he found out that soojung is lack of love :( poor soojunggg
taeyong389 #8
Chapter 5: Why jong in, why?
He's have such a cruel plan to soo jung... Oh, cant wait what will happen next... Keep your time, thanks for an update, i'll be wait patiently... Fighting and enjoy your time...
HaruLisa99 #9
Chapter 5: Ahhhh im addicted haha
jsjxox #10
Chapter 5: i hate jongin more when i read this chapter .... he's gonna break my soojung's heart... :'( .. okay authornim,i'll wait for you... :))))