LAST PRACTICE, 8 April 2015


What a cloudy afternoon. Jenissi walked into kitchen. The house elves greeted him friendly. Few of them offered him some sweets for teatime snack but he refused it politely. He didn't come to kitchen for foods or make something. He came to find a target for his practice. 


"Who can help me to practice knockback jinx as the target?" asked him. 


The warm smile of house elves slowly faded away and replaced with fear. They slowly took a step back. 


"No! Don't be afraid. I'm sorry if I make you all afraid. So, can you help me to find a good and heavy target to be flipped?" 


They looked each other and discussed something together with low voice. 


"Anything is fine as long it's heavy and not broken after I flip it." 


They stopped discussing and one of them came to him. 


"We think we know, Sir. But it's on storage room", said a house elf. 


Jenissi smiled widely. "Can you bring me there?" 


The house elf nodded. "This way, Sir." 


Jenissi followed the house elf to storage room. His eyes widened when he stepped into the storage room. There were tons of dried branches and big cylinder woods. 


"This is the place where all woods for fire place are storaged. We hope these woods could help your practice, Sir." 


"This is more than enough. " Jenissi nodded and smiles to him. "Thank you. " 


"You're welcome, Sir", replied the house elf before heading back to the kitchen. 


Jenissi took out his 9.75 fir wood with dragon heart-string wand. He pointed his wand to the big cylinder wood and made that wood levitated into the center of the room. 


"Let's practice begin!" 


He closed his eyes and concentrated before opening his eyes. He moved his wand and targeted the wood. 




The wood didn't move. 




The wood moved a bit but still not knocked back. 




The wood stirred but still stood there steadily. 




He screamed and the wood knocked back to the floor with a loud bang. He smiled widely but he still not satisfied yet. He moved his wand and made the wood stood back. 




The wood flipped few inches before falling into the floor. 




He moved his wand and made the wood stood aback. He closed his eyes and concentrated again. He opened his eyes and took a deep breath before moving his wand. 




The wood flied and knocked back on the floor with a loud bang. 




He smiled and collapsed on the floor. He fallen asleep there because of exhausted.

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