
Husband Material
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"Dinner was delicious." As they walked through the park that was near the Han river, the temperature hot and the air humid, Luhan rolled up his sleeves. "So what’s my lesson for today?"

Oh, no. Subin forced her feet to keep moving. She hadn’t planned a lesson; she had planned a date.


"Look around you," she said, trying to think of something, anything.

People were out and about enjoying the park and the river before the sun went down. Jogging, walking hand in hand, and pushing strollers. At the sight of a man, woman and baby, an ache started in Subin’s stomach and pulsated outwards. That’s what she wanted — a family of her own. She glanced at Luhan. "If you were out with your wife, what would you be doing?"

His forehead creased. "Talking like this isn’t enough?"

"No, it’s fine, but are there any little things you could do to make the time together more…"

"Fun?" he suggested. "Memorable? Romantic?"

"All of the above."

"Do you want me to tell you or show you?" he asked.

Oh, my gosh. Is he going to hold my hand? She wet her lips. "Either."

"How about both?" He grinned. "An A student. Remember?"

She nodded as they strolled past an ice cream vendor.

"Let’s see." He picked a dandelion from the grass. "I’d start with something a little silly like this." He held the flower under Subin’s chin. "Does she love me?"

The air whooshed from her lungs. She knew this wasn’t for real, but still…

Luhan studied it closely. "Very interesting."

She swallowed. "W–w–what does it say?"

"Only that you like the flower."

Subin grinned. "Actually, I love that flower."

And you.

Luhan handed her the dandelion. "Your turn."

She held the flower under his chin. As a yellow spot reflected on his skin, the warmth of his breath caressed her hand. She glanced up at him. The tenderness of his gaze made her want to stay like this forever.

"So do I or don’t I?" he asked finally.

"You do." Her voice sounded strange, husky. She waited for him to look away. He didn’t. This was her chance to show Luhan what she really wanted.

Still she hesitated. Scared. Excited. Unsure.

Do it now. Before it’s too late, she thought.

She had nothing to lose. Except his respect, her job, her heart.

Subin inhaled sharply and kissed him. On the lips.

The moment touched Luhan’s, he tensed. Mortified, she drew back. But he reached for her, pulled her toward him and kissed her back.

Hot, moist, male.

As his arms encircled her, his mouth pressed against hers with an urgency she had only dreamed about.

Wow! Double wow!!

She couldn’t believe this was happening. Her knees trembled and she splayed her hands on his back, the ridges of muscles beneath her palms.

For years she’d imagined Luhan’s kisses, but nothing could have prepared her for the real thing. More satisfying than fried chicken, more tempting than chocolate cupcakes. Her heart fluttered. Her pulse skittered. Sensations rippled. Heat pooled. Subin felt as if she’d just begun to feel, to see, to live.

Angling his head, he deepened the kiss. A kiss that hinted of things to come. Subin couldn’t wait. She leaned into him, wanting more, so much more…

Nothing had prepared Luhan for the power and passion of Su

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RParkSJ #1
Chapter 8: What a fun story! Luhan needed a strong woman to kickstart his life outside the office and Soobin was exactly the woman to do this. Out of love and knowing him so well.
Chapter 1: Oh myyy i loving all of your story even i am only peeking from the foreword. And this one is so fluffy already
KimHyeJoo #3
Chapter 8: Aw so cuteeee
MarshmallowL6666 #4
Damn i would seriously get diabetes after this. It was so sweet<3
Chapter 8: Cute! But now I want chocolate...
Chapter 7: Boom! Whoo! Subin dropped that bomb with style!
peppermintprincess #7
Chapter 8: Oh gosh I got some serious case of butterflies in my stomach the whole time I was reading this!!????
megzr_18 #8
letsjongout #9
I really love this story! but I think the ending was a bit rushed, maybe you could make a sequel?
cloudsFLY09 #10
luhan just typically denial haha but he is soooooo cute in the end
nice story keep writing author nimm and fighting!