
Husband Material
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Sorry for any errors! Posted in a hurry! Thanks for subscribing, vikKiBeoMin and lvasianff ^^

Sitting with Luhan at a candlelit table tucked away in the corner of a small, but romantic restaurant had been darn near perfect so far. It wasn’t fair. Tonight’s dinner reaffirmed everything Subin knew in her heart to be true. She and Luhan belonged together. Whether in the office or out of it, they were a seamless team. A perfect match. If only he saw it, too… .

His pager sounded. Again.

A not so subtle reminder this wasn’t a date but a lesson. Subin took a bite of her crème brulee.

Luhan glanced at the pager and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. The guy really didn’t know how to act on a date. No wonder he could never keep a girlfriend for long. Not that she was his girlfriend or this was really a date, but she was still a woman and having dinner with him. Yet he treated her better at the office. As he started to dial, Subin snatched the phone from his hand.

He stared at her. "I need to make a call."

"You can wait until after dinner."

"But — "

"Husband material lesson number two," she said. "It’s rude and not at all husbandly to ignore your wife during dinner and make phone calls."

"What if it’s important?"

"You said calls one through seven were important."

His gaze shifted from his cell phone to her. "Do you care if I make another call?"

"This isn’t about me," Subin said, more for her benefit than his. "You asked me to turn you into husband material and that’s what I’m trying to do. If you would rather I not —”

"No. Please. Do whatever you need to do. I’m sorry." His sincere gaze made her feel tingly inside. "This is just going to be hard for me."

Welcome to the club. "It’ll get easier." At least she hoped it would.

"I’m sure it will now that I have you,"

But he didn’t have her. She sipped her ice water. Not the way she wanted him to have her. And worse, it was looking like he never would.

Not returning calls during dinner last night had been difficult for Luhan, but he’d survived his lesson without any far–reaching consequences. This morning, however, was another story. In spite of what Subin said, a walk along a beach, on a Thursday no less, was not going to turn him into husband material. He wouldn’t be a good provider if he let business languish, now, would he?

But that’s exactly what he was doing. Ignoring work. Quarterly earnings were about to be announced by several of the companies he covered. A presentation for institutional investors was due on Friday. Subin, of all people, should understand. But instead, she’d foiled every attempt he’d made to contact the office. "Could I at least have my phone back?"

"No." She walked through the water, kicking at the waves like a little kid. She carried one shoe in each hand and had rolled up her jeans, but the water still drenched the hems. "I brought you to here so you could get away from work."

"I’m away from work." Far, far away. And hating every minute of it.

Luhan stepped around a wave rolling to shore. He could only imagine what disaster needed his attention. He couldn’t believe he had allowed Subin to take him away this morning when she’d shown up in tennis shoes, jeans and a T–shirt. "I really need to check my voice mail."

She splashed him with her hands and he jumped back, just avoiding getting salt water on his dry–clean only pants. "Loosen up a little."

"I’m loose. I ditched my tie, my shoes and my socks. See?" He raised them in the air. "I even had a beer at the clam bar. I never have a drink during lunch."

"Maybe you should call Mei and Anna and see if that’s enough to cha

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RParkSJ #1
Chapter 8: What a fun story! Luhan needed a strong woman to kickstart his life outside the office and Soobin was exactly the woman to do this. Out of love and knowing him so well.
Chapter 1: Oh myyy i loving all of your story even i am only peeking from the foreword. And this one is so fluffy already
KimHyeJoo #3
Chapter 8: Aw so cuteeee
MarshmallowL6666 #4
Damn i would seriously get diabetes after this. It was so sweet<3
Chapter 8: Cute! But now I want chocolate...
Chapter 7: Boom! Whoo! Subin dropped that bomb with style!
peppermintprincess #7
Chapter 8: Oh gosh I got some serious case of butterflies in my stomach the whole time I was reading this!!????
megzr_18 #8
letsjongout #9
I really love this story! but I think the ending was a bit rushed, maybe you could make a sequel?
cloudsFLY09 #10
luhan just typically denial haha but he is soooooo cute in the end
nice story keep writing author nimm and fighting!