Chapter 28

But I Want To Be More Than Friends!
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HEADS UP: new characters ^^ I'm so excited to update hence I hope you guys love the frequent updates!!! Do y'all want it to end soon? I don't think I can end by chapter 30 :( anyway no upvotes I am sad. I hope my writing is good enough to win you all over soon <3


3 days. That's all I got before Kai shows it to Kyungsoo. Seducing the innocent Chanyeol was one thing. Doing that to KAI, mind you, the most notorious bad boy in school and my ex boyfriend at that, was a completely new game.

  "If he's your best friend, what are you even scared about anyway?" Kai sneered. "Shouldn't he accept you for who you are and what you do?"   I hated to admit it.   But Kai was right.   Somehow, I couldn't open myself up completely to Kyungsoo. -   I realised I haven't texted Kyungsoo back, but it was already the start of class. I hurried back without Kai, since he was planning to skip class the entire day (which explained his disappearance in the morning).   Just before I stepped into class, I saw a bunch of girls crowding around my table. What was going on? They were talking to Chanyeol?   "Oh my god, I still can't believe Derpyeol's the hot drummer from the party," I heard someone behind me say and shocked, I quickly spun around to see Luna and Krystal from my class gossiping.    "Raerin, you're Park Chanyeol's seat mate right?" Krystal asked brightly. I nodded warily.   "Ooh, are you close to him?" Luna chipped in.   "I heard the two of you go for lunch together sometimes." Krystal added, then gave me a simpering smile.   I stepped back unknowingly, intimidated by their questions. "Well... I...."   "Leave the poor girl alone, cronies." I was aghast to see one of my classmates suddenly raise his voice amongst the chatter of the class. "Not everyone's interested in your gossip."    My eyes flickered over to the source of the voice. He had a cherubic round face with sharp, shining eyes, which made him look cute and younger than many of the guys in our class but the tone of his voice was firm and even. Krystal and Luna immediately backed away sheepishly. Whoa... This boy had a quiet sense of strength about him.   He was my classmate apparently, but I've never even see him around. I must have been too caught up in the Chanyeol and Kai drama....   "You look like you don't even know me." His face broke into a friendly smile. "I'm Xiumin."    I bowed back slightly, sheepish because it was true I didn't know him and shot him a grateful smile. "Sorry, I don't really interact much with the class..." I admitted. "My name is Raerin. Shim Raerin."   "I know." Xiumin simply smiled. His face was so likable! He knew my name? He must have saw the surprise on my face because he added, "Everyone in class knows you but you don't gossip with the other girls, that's a good thing."   I scratched my head. His nice comments were devoid of malice, but still I felt awkward. After all, I did wish I could fit in with the class... It wasn't my choice to be excluded. "I'm just out of it all." I chuckled, surprised at how easy it was to open up to this classmate of mine. "Not sure if good or bad."   "Well... You should hang out with us." Xiumin's smile deepened into a toothy grin and he gestured to an astonishingly pretty boy beside him as well as an absent-minded looking boy who seemed to be flustered and looking for something missing, plus another tall athletic-looking Chinese boy who was whining to the pretty boy. "We like to stay out of all the class gossip and politics, especially since we have Kai and Chanyeol. Luhan! Lay! Tao!"   I smiled back apprehensively as the other three turned around. They all seemed relatively friendly and nice, to my relief.   "Whoa, hyung, since when was Raerin your friend?" The absent-minded guy spoke in cute broken Korean. He must be foreign as well... And somehow he knew me too!   "I'm Luhan!" The pretty boy raised his hand up cheerily, giving me a bright smile.    "Tao here." The athletic-looking one with dark eyebags under his eyes introduced himself.   "Hyung~" The other Chinese guy continued to prod Xiumin, who pointed to him. "His name is Yi Xing, but you can call him Lay. He and Tao are both Chinese."   "Oh, okay," I said, my brain swirling with introductions, feeling irritated at myself for not even knowing my own classmates. "Sorry I don't know you all of you, I should probably make the effort to know my own class better."   "It's no worries! I know Kyungsoo and Baekhyun and Sehun," Luhan chortled gregariously, "They're your friends right? Any of our bros' friends are my friends too." He then smiled at me very charmingly, his pretty face shining.    "How did you know they're my friends?" I asked, confused.    "Oh!" Luhan laughed sheepishly. "Remember the party? We were fooling around on the banisters because we got a bit drunk. And you scolded us... Well, frankly we deserved it. And also Baekhyun always calls you the hottest chick in the level."    My eyes widened when I recalled what happened that night. Right, I ticked them off because I felt bad for Suho... I still haven't spoken to him since then....    "Ah it's okay. Sorry I was being a , too." I admitted, grinning bashfully at all of them. "And wait Baekhyun what?!" I yelped. I need to find him ASAP.   "Whoa, did you just curse?" Lay clasped his hand to his mouth. "Raerin you look too innocent!"   " isn't actually a cuss word, Yi Xing." Xiumin reassured, laughing as he shot an amused look over at me.   Just then, the teacher walked into the class. Xiumin suddenly lowered his voice to a whisper, "It was nice talking. We can hang after school."    "Sure!" I gave him an OK sign before rushing off to my seat, beside Chanyeol. I was thankful for the distraction of my new friends actually, because I did not want t
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Song running through Kyungsoo's mind: What If


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Justinediamonds #1
Chapter 39: Ahhhhhh I’m rooting for Kyungsoo!!!
We're alive... and waiting.
sheilla_2410 #3
Tho im a patient reader....
I just cant with this story
I neeeeeeddd to knooooowww T.T
Have you forgotten this story authornim?._.
Chapter 27: So far i really liked it!! Looking forward to this story!! :)
Exoweareone129 #5
Chapter 37: did you die again -.- hehe just kidding, but srsly where are you lol
Chapter 37: OMGOMG THIS IS GREAT. MY PREDICTION SAYS THEY'RE GONNA BE IN A BAND TOGETHER! Jk I just like plot twists- I like whatcha doing~ Just update soon! Ty
Boring_Aegyo #7
Chapter 37: This update thoOOOOO what's gonna happen
Chapter 37: I want Raerin with Kyungsoooo but Chanyeol ㅠㅠ how to do with him ...
Chapter 37: YA GURL YOU'RE BACK IN THIS GAME AND I'M *SCREAMS* there's so many misunderstandings going on like ralene BRUH help them out! Anyways, looks like we'll know what Kyungsoo will be in the future sequel *cough cough* FIGHTING! *heart eyes*
Bard17 #10