1st Photo

Love Through A Lense

It was unintentional. The first stolen photo you took of him. You don’t know what it was that day. Maybe it was the sound of the camera adjusting, or the shutter, maybe it was the way he looked so fascinated with everything around him. That’s how your fascination started. Through a lense.

You were an art major wanting to be a professional photographer and Chanyeol was the busy bee of the University. Wherever you went he was there. You didn’t know what major he was in or what year he was but everyone just knew him by Chanyeol. In your photo album he was just a picture you’d turn to time and time again.

It was one evening when the both of you met. You were trying to get the perfect shot of the sunset in the secluded area near the University. All of your equipment was sprawled out on the grass.

You were getting frustrated, your new camera took so long to adjust and you couldn’t seem to get the right angle. You began to hear some rustling behind you, you thought it was just the leaves blowing from the wind but it was a peaceful day.

You quickly turned your head around from your sitting position to see Chanyeol sitting a couple feet behind you, flipping through your photo book.

“HOLY SHI- You scared me.” You quickly got up and snatched the book from him.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to. The pictures looked so nice I couldn’t help myself.” He rubbed the back of his head.

“It’s okay.” You replied as you grabbed all your things and put it next to you before settling back down again to try to capture the sunset before it disappeared.

“So what’re you trying to do?” He sat next to you.

“Trying to take a picture of air. What does it look like?” You responded sarcastically.

“Can I see?” He craned his neck closer to you.

“Shhhh, I’m trying to get the right angle.” You said adjusting the camera.

“I’ve seen you before. You’re an art major right? I’m music major.” He said while plucking grass next to you.

“Mhmmm and you’re telling me this because?” You said in between adjusting the focus.

“Nothing in particular. I’ve just seen you taking photos on campus here and there.” He replied nonchalantly.

“YESSSSS!” You jumped up as you looked at the photo you had just taken. The angle was perfect.

“Can I see?” He stood up next to you.

You looked up to see Chanyeol; you never noticed how tall he really was.

“You could be a model.” You said looking up at him.

“Not with these clumsy feet.” He joked.

That’s how you first met him. You had talked for an hour as if you had both known each other all along. What you didn’t know was that it would become something more.



“Hey, Chanyeol I have a favor to ask you.” You asked hesitantly while he tuned his guitar.

“Hmmm?” He hummed as he strummed random chords you didn’t know.

“Well you see. I have this project and I need to find my art piece to present.” You fidgeted.

Chanyeol just shook his head, “And?”

“I was hoping you could be my muse. You don’t have to do anything. Just play your guitar or whatever you do with it and I’ll just take photos. It’ll be easy. I promise.” You replied in a rushed tone.

Chanyeol looked up at you as he pointed his index finger at himself, “You want to take pictures of me? Why me?”

“Because I was going for an easy going natural tone and you seem most like that when you have your guitar. Come on it won’t take that long.” You begged.

“You owe me one.” He grinned at you.



The photo shoot was done outside, natural lighting was best. All there was, was Chanyeol sitting on a bench with his guitar. All you had to do was take stolen photos or at least make it seem that way.

“Just act the way you usually do, you can sing, talk to me, whatever you want.” You said tying your hair up.

“So you have a face under all that hair you always have down.” He smiled at you.

“Yeah, yeah, I don’t want my hair in the shot.” You stuck your tongue out to him.

After an hour the both of you were done with the shoot.

You looked over all the shots of Chanyeol; you had plenty you could work with. 

What you didn’t realize was that with every picture you grew to like looking at Chanyeol’s quirks – the way he would close his eyes when he strummed a chord to his confused look when he would think of a new tune to play.

You began to think that maybe it was love.

The years quickly passed and Chanyeol was always the only person you could see. A year become two and two became three and then you would both graduate together.

He started co-writing and making music for label companies and you started your career as a free-lance photographer.

Chanyeol always found time to be able to chat with you even though both of your schedules were packed.

“How has everything been going with you?” He asked over dinner.

“Great actually, I think I have this project going on and I think it’ll get published in a magazine.” You smiled at him.

“That’s great! I’ll be the first to buy it.” He chuckled.

“How has everything been going? Seems like I’m seeing your name on music tracks every day.” You took a sip of your water.

“Actually, you can’t tell anyone but I found a really nice girl.” He smiled to himself.

You took a moment to pause. He had never really talked to you about his romantic life and you always thought your fascination towards Chanyeol would subside but it only grew towards love.

“That’s great. She’s lucky to have someone like you.” You smiled at him.

“She’s perfect. She loves music; it’s just different with her. I know it.” He said as if he were in a daze.

Chanyeol had fallen hard and here you were still in love with someone who didn’t even know you loved him.

“What about you?” He shook his head and turned his attention towards you again.

“Oh, I’m not really interested. Work keeps me pretty busy.” You looked down.

“That sounds just like you.” He said leaning back as if he were thinking about the past.



“Hey do you want to come to an after party. I’ll introduce you to my girlfriend and can you bring your camera? You might end up taking pictures.” Chanyeol called you after nearly a year of not seeing each other but communicating through texts.

“Of course!” You quickly replied back.

He told you the details. You had an hour to get ready and you had to dress in formal party attire. A black dress and minimal makeup was the way to go.

You arrived at the venue to see some famous song writers there.

“Chanyeol sure made a huge impression on the music industry.” You thought as you walked up the stairs.

“______!” You heard a deep voice call after you.

“Chanyeol!” You turned around as he engulfed you in a bear hug. You noticed a girl behind him. His girlfriend. She was petite and the girly cute type. So unlike you. 

You two were formally introduced along with a good friend of Chanyeol’s, Tao.

The party went well and you snapped a few photos for Chanyeol's request. After a few hours Chanyeol invited you to a small dinner with a couple of his close friends. You simply agreed not thinking much of it.

Half way through the dinner Chanyeol raised his glass to make an announcement.You weren’t really listening, all you heard was how thankful he was and how he’s happy to be surrounded by people who care about him. Until he got on his knees and took a small black box out of his pocket.

“Will you marry me?” He asked the girl in front of him. She was so happy she couldn’t say anything. Everyone clapped but you sat there as if you were in a daze.

Is this why he brought you here? Were you supposed to be happy? All you felt was your heart hurting because of a one-sided love.



A couple months later you got an invitation in the mail. Their wedding. Chanyeol still kept contact with you and personally asked if you could take professional photos at the wedding. You both became famous in your own separate worlds. With a heavy heart you agreed. What did you think was going to happen? Fairytales aren’t real.

You got to the venue and put your best smile on. The wedding dragged and you tried hard to seem happy for Chanyeol. You took the photos of the both of them the entire time. The grip on the camera you were holding only tightened. While everyone enjoyed themselves you went out for fresh air.

“Are you okay?” Chanyeol stepped outside after he saw you alone.

“Just need some air it’s kind of hot it there.” You looked out at the scenery.

“Thank you for taking the photos. It means a lot to me.” He patted your shoulder.

“You know it was love through a lense. I didn’t realize it at the time.” You quietly said.

“Huh?” He tilted his head.

“Nothing, I’m just thinking of title names.” You lied.

“Always thinking of work.” He chuckled.

“You better go inside, it’s almost time to cut the cake.”  You shooed him in.

How were you supposed to be happy when everything hurt?

“You know you can’t keep holding it in.” An accented voice said behind you.

“Oh, hello Tao.” You said turning around, smiling.

“Maybe it’s time you use a new lense.” He stood next to you. 


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Chapter 2: Sequel pls oh my god!!!!!!!
CosmicLatte00 #2
Freaking yes to you. haha. Im sorry for being rude. I actually already read this like almost a year ago and when I saw the title I thought 'hey, maybe there's already a sequel' and I didnt read the page column. And the rest is history. So, yeah.I'll be waiting.
Chapter 2: Yes! Please write a sequel!