

A brand new day, a brand new start. Today is the day where I start to get a move on from all this depressing that I've been going through for the past couple of months.


"You're up early," my bestfriend, Jinri said as I went to the kitchen to fix myself breakfast. "Yeah, I'm heading over to the library to get some reading done. Want to come with?" I asked as I poured some milk on my cereal. "Hmmm, it's alright. I think I'll pass this time. Besides, aren't you going to the museum today to pass your other art requirements?" "It's due tomorrow, I'm already halfway through with it anyways." She nods then went inside her room, as always.
I didn't bother to take my bike with me since the library was pretty near the apartment. I took a couple of books that I found interesting and started to skim through when suddenly I felt someone lightly tapping on my shoulder. Turning around, it was no other than Park Chanyeol. My first love. The boy who broke my heart.


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