
Hallway Cat

On a particularly rainy spring day, you would spot Donghae staring at the raindrops that lazily ran down the window looking outside in our apartment. Sitting with his back against the wall and his knees held against his chest in a tight hug, the contemplative stares he gave at the world outside often had me wondering what ran through his mind.


We had been dealing with a particularly dark and wet week which often resulted with my going next to Donghae's side to break away his attention as I ran a hand through his hair. A soft sound escaping him and his leaning over to kiss my cheek softly as I sat down next to him.


Maybe his cat traits got to him often, I thought, as he would usually wind up curled up on my lap and napping for a while. I took this quiet time to his hair softly as I read up a little about a company that Kyuhyun had recommended me to. I still had a lot to learn when it came to be a radio personality but it seems like this company would help me far more than my current employer.




Braving the fact that the sun had peaked through the dark clouds, I took the time to drag out the dreary human being that Hae had started to turn into to.


"But we'll get caught up in the storm, Hyukjae!"


Placing a hand on his slumped shoulder and squeezing it softly, I could only reassure him that we really weren't that far from home if things turned out that way.


He sighed yet made a straight beeline into the small flower garden as soon as we got there.


Bending down to brush the water off of a rose before pulling it close to his nose to smell it, I saw that his mood had softened as he kept bouncing from flower to flower as though he himself was the pollinating bee.


A chuckle escaped me and it lead to Donghae tilting his head back to me in a questioning manner. Shaking my head and pulling him along with me to the water fountain I had loved, we took a seat on an edge and it wasn't long before he rested his head on my shoulder.


"Is something wrong, Hae?" I had asked as I squeezed his thigh gently.


Taking the palm of his hand to rub at seemingly sleepy eyes, a yawn also escaped him. “I don’t know if it’s the weather or what but I’ve been feeling so tired lately. Even Sora noticed that I wasn’t feeling as up to things. We have started to watch movies but I only remember waking up to being covered with a blanket and Sora no longer being there,” he frowned and placed a hand on top of mine. “It feels like my body is just demanding more and more sleep. I don’t understand why.”


Turning my hand from beneath his, I held on to his hand tightly,  “it’s probably the rain getting to you. Come to think of it, you haven’t really seen you on rainy days as much.”


Removing his head off of my shoulder, he looked straight ahead and tried to think of previous times. “I don’t.. exactly remember those times.”


“Well, at least you’ve remained human for this long… Although everything is still very strange. I really wonder why.”


My thoughts being violently broken as a sudden downpour was what the sky had rewarded us with for even daring to go outside. Donghae was flailing wildly and tried in vain to cover himself. Everyone around us had ran away for cover but I had taken it upon myself to just remain under the falling rain. It was a beautiful day. Sun shining and the heavy raindrops only had me marveling in joy at the feel of everything on my skin.


Donghae, however was not having any of it. He had found shelter and had to wander back to me to pull at me to leave. “Hyukjae! You’re soaking wet! Let’s go back home!”


Smiling back down at the one who seemed like such a wet cat under the brown hair that draped his face, I only reached up to his face to pull it towards mine for a soft kiss.


The bickering and struggle Donghae kept trying to have with me was futile as I kept showering him with sweet kisses until we were both snapped out of it by the sound of thunder approaching.


Dripping back into the apartment, Choco wildly barked at our return. It only took my bending down to cradle her in my wet arms and hold her against my body for her to yelp out of my hold and wander away to a dry and safer area. The smile still etched on my face and I saw that Donghae was once again spacing out.


“Hey,” I approached him and touched his face lightly, “you want to go shower first or should I?”


It took him a second to realize that I was talking to him and much longer to notice that I was touching him as well. He shook his head and insisted that I went in first. He barely looked at me and so I took it as an opportunity to wander back into the room and grab a change of clothes.


Steam dragged out behind me while I ran a towel over my wet hair. I noticed that Donghae had walked in from outside the apartment. “Hae… Is everything okay? Where did you go?”


The second he glanced up and looked at me, he quickly tried to shoo away any doubts and worry from me as he quickly shot me one of his bright smiles. “I just remembered something so I had to check outside quickly! I’m soooo cold, Hukkie!”


I was a little taken aback by the sudden nickname and he was soon right in front of me and had cautiously placed a peck on my lips. “Why don’t you go get in bed and warm up a little? I’ll join you soon!” With a soft smile, he was soon inside the bathroom humming away at a song that I knew had been stuck in his head for the last few days.


Doing as I had been told, I was patiently waiting under the warm comfort of the bed and the comforter on it. I had curled up into a ball as I waited for Donghae to wander out of his shower which was really not too long after.


As I heard the door to the bathroom open, I pushed myself off of the bed just in time to see Donghae wiping away at his hair with a towel. His body glistening with drops of water and only pajama bottoms to cover the rest of him. I gulped. Hard. It wasn’t like I hadn’t seen his body at all before; it was just that I hadn’t particularly felt a need to lust after it like I did at this very second.


He had noticed my gaping stare and smiled his way into bed. He was shortly under the sheets and curled up against my body. I felt as if I was burning underneath everywhere his body was touching mine. Having a hard time actually doing basic things as breathing was also becoming an issue.


“You know, Hukkie, I was thinking that it would be cool if we could maybe go see the sea or a big body of water one day. The ocean looks so stunning on tv…” His grip was suddenly very tight on my back.


“Hnn. I… bet we can do that one day… I would have to get settled into the new job first and then we can start thinking about that…” I was clinging on to his back as well, yet one hand had betrayed me and had made its way behind his head and had knotted itself on his hair. We had never particularly been this close to each other in bed. To the manner that there was absolutely no space for anything in between us. Breathing the scent of his freshly washed hair, the fingertips of my free hand had taken to following the lines of every curve of his back.


This is… deadly…


I had felt his soft breathing on my neck and it  made me shiver from head to toe. What were we talking about? His grip grew tighter as did mine. The room had suddenly been filled with nothing more than heavy breathing as we broke apart only to find our faces ever so close to each other before finding our eyes closed and our lips meeting suddenly. Harshly. Demanding.


Curious hands touched each and every corner of our upper bodies as I had lost my shirt by now. We kept in a tight hot embrace only sharing kisses, sighing and with light moans falling from our mouths.


It was interesting to have our desires so blatantly out on display. Often only staring into each other’s gaze, one hand over the other’s cheek, heavy breathing and such loud unspoken words.


I had fallen in love. So hard that it hurt to even think about it. To even do anything with this man in front of me was hard to imagine yet so close within my reach.


To escape the sudden rush of overwhelming fear at the discovery of my emotions, I plunged my head into his neck. Placing soft kisses on to it, I felt him away at my hair soothingly as our bodies had intertwined into one single entity… We remained in that tight embrace until sleep had decided to take us both soon enough.




The next week, I was only too busy trying to keep up with my new job. I had just barely made it home to sleep and eat and get back on my way.


Endless apologies were given to Donghae and a promise that I would make it up to him and soon. He had only sent me off with a short kiss and a smile on his face as he waved me off into the day.


I hadn’t really realized that much was amiss with Donghae until I ree day to spot the brown furred cat that I hadn’t seen in so many months sleeping away in the sofa. Placing down my work bag quickly, I sat down next to the small body and pet away at his fur. “Hae… Why are you...?”


The small cat blinked out of sleep, yawned and stretched out his body before nuzzling up against my chest and continued his cat nap on top of my lap. I had decided to not make too much of this since it was only a few hours later that his human self was back to normal and he was spinning around his usual chair and making too much of a ruckus with Choco barking away at his heels.


He apparently wasn’t too aware of turning back into a cat but it had begun to become a usual thing to be found in that form often now.


I sighed deeply into a sandwich during my lunch break a few days later. The weather had settled and the heat was starting to take over the country in crazy waves. I can’t deny that I was starting to feel concerned over cat Donghae dominating our time together but he would have at least some full days as a human that I would only try to hang on to him too tightly and causing him to laugh too hard at how clingy I had suddenly become.


Another sigh escaped me before the sun was suddenly interrupted from my spot outside as I had taken to sitting on a bench and basking in the sun.


“Do you mind if I have a seat?”


That voice… I looked up in time to see a very familiar man in a very familiar suit suddenly sitting next to me. The brightness of the sky blue suit dulled in comparison to his bright smile however as he had folded a foot over one of his knees and placed his hands on top of it.


“How are you doing, Hyukjae? I hope life is treating you well.”


Staring at him with my mouth slightly open, he chuckled and continued on, “my name is Zhoumi. I’m sorry for never taking the time to formally introduce myself to you.”


He had extended a hand for me to shake which I did so after wiping the bread crumbs from one of my hands. “How do you…” I had started before he stopped me with another flashy smile.


“I see that Donghae has been struggling a little bit as of late, hasn’t he?”


I gulped… How did he know?


The smile faltered on his face as he let out a sigh at my questioning look. “Hyukjae, we have so much to talk about…”


I felt the need to run from this man but I was glued to my spot unsure of what was next but I could feel my stomach churn as I abandoned all thoughts of my sandwich which quickly fell on to the ground.




A/N: Ahhhh... Things are unraveling as we quickly approach the ending of this story... As the two major fics I have going on right now are nearing completion, I am gearing up for my next two multi-chaptered stories. I am proud to say that the Zhoumi from this fic will play a nice part in my next Eunhae fic. I do look so kindly back to the time with this series but it will come to an end in two chapters. It has been a great ride dealing with this silly cat ^^ -S

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Chapter 9: So beautiful 😭
Chapter 5: There is a cat outside my door 🤓
Chapter 9: Si beau merci
Chapter 9: Although what happened to Aiden was unfortunate, it gave him a chance to meet Hyuk as Zhoumi said that they would not have met at all if any of that did not happen. It was also his interest in Hyuk that gave him the chance to get out of Limbo. This story is so well thought-out. I am amazed 😭❤️
Chapter 9: He remembered. ...
Chapter 9: Awwwwww my heart is bursting with warm and fuzzy feelings. Choco princess....she’s so sweet and precious, I always feel grateful to her for being a part of Hyukjae’s life. And I love their relationship. I was so glad when Aiden woke up and remembered Hyukjae. Donghae is really a precious person, I love how Hyukjae is growing even more beautiful because of Donghae. You did a great job on adding that extra sweetness and value to your fic. Something to think about. Thank you.
Chapter 9: I think I fall in love again with them again.... Love the story so much ~~it's so sweet and lovely... They are meant to be together, they are destiny, soul mate... Thanks for this wonderful story...
sweetylailai #8
Chapter 9: Great story. Even if i don't understanded all Zhoumi explainetion. Good job!
gotasdemiel #9
Chapter 9: OMG i must say you really surprise me with chapter 7 and the whole soul thing and limbo, like... i wasn't expecting that AT ALL, i just tought it would be like a cat always, but nicely done! i loved the idea and there was a real explanation as to why Donghae was a cat, Zhoumi's character is a really god idea, and since there's another fic where this character develops better, i will totally read it.
Thanks again for this breath of fresh air, since i started reading this as another animal fic where they stay together even one of them is an animal and just that, but it was really interesting that there was a real explanation and it didn't end like other fics, so... yeah, thank you and i will read your other fics! :3
Chapter 9: I got a little teary eyed when his parents hugged him. Beautiful story T^T