
Next to You


“Why does it always end like this?” I asked myself with tears running down my eyes while I hugged my teddy bear.

The love that I thought was real, it was no more. I thought our love would last forever. If not forever, I knew it would last long; long enough for us to marry each other and start a family of our own. Changwoo had already told me that he’d be by my side forever. So why leave me now? Was it because I wasn’t good enough? Or maybe because  I was too childish? All these questions on my head, it’s making the matter more confusing as it is. I mean, we’ve been going out for 3 years now since high school. We just graduated and now he leaves me? It doesn’t really make any sense. I didn’t even get a proper explanation as to why he left.

I cried for days. I didn’t even think of going out of my room. I just wanted to be by myself and I just fell, down into a deep slumber.

In my sleep, I had a dream. I was wearing a pearl blue dress made of silk that reached down to my knees. I was in a field so wide and so green. The sun was shining bright. The wind was blowing gently.  It was how people perceive paradise. Warm, peaceful and even calming. I had a walk in this peaceful paradise of mine. I knew it was a dream, after all, I haven’t seen a place like this in Korea ever since I was small and, it looked so good to be even true. I was just walking peacefully when someone surprisingly backhugged me. Instead of being in a state of panic, I was just smiling. This person’s hug, it warm.

“I knew you’d like this place, Youngie-ah,” said the mysterious guy who’s back-hugging me. His voice though, it was warm and melodious. It sounded familiar, but at the same time, it sounded like it was the first time I heard that wonderful voice. 

“Saranghae yo, Kim Minyoung”

And before I could even look at what he looked like, I woke up.

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woah. ^^ shineee.
SweetStrawberryy #2
Ohh you deserve more comments!! Ahhh lol.<br />
I really like your writing style! :) One thing to improve on it to maybe not use faces anymore (eg. T.T) unless the character uses them in text messages or something haha.<br />
I really like your story :) haha I wanted to ask you if you could check out my story =)Here's the link:<;br />
Oh and keep writing and stay positive. There will be more comments soon.