Chapter 1

Building 5
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[CONTENTID4] This chapter is purposefully rather short. Hope you enjoyed.<3








His overall presence was something... that supposedly attracted everyone to him. He was a damned magnet. Tall figure, handsome face, good grades, deep voice. 

Everyone wanted him.

Even me. 

However, at this time everyone wore smiles glued on their phony faces. All except me. I was biterly angry. 

The charming, handsome, high school senior was not as charismatic as I thought he would be.

Because at this moment, he was beating the life out of my classmate.

"Oooooh!" Grins plastered on their shocked faces, I looked at juniors and freshmen holding up their phones, recording the fight.

Jongin punched him straight in the jaw, blood spattering right out of the poor boy's mouth. I felt even worse because I didn't even know his name. The crowd multiplied, and I felt sick to my stomach. But, I couldn't move. My feet were carved to the floor. 

"Beat him less!" Some girl shrieked behind me. I twitched.

This school is full of phonies. 

"He isn't bleeding hard enough, knock him out!"

My pupils dilated at this remark. The kid was on the ground, blood pooling an inch around him. He was still trying to block Jongin, who was now on top of him, beating his face.

The guards remained behind the crowd, not bothering to stop the fight. How loyal to their job. It seems like Jongin got bored, so the bully got up. I held my math notebook, my eyes widening. Everyone started screaming, we all knew what was next.

Jongin cockily took his time, even tying his shoe, his soon to be weapon.

"No!" I screamed, fishing past the girls in front of me. It was too loud. I couldn't be heard. Tears fished my eyes, I've seen enough. 

Jongin lifted his boot, right over his victim's head. The screams got louder, me included. I've seen enough.

"Kim ing Jongin, stop it!" Before I could realize, my math book flew out of my fingers. Everyone began to turn towards me. The thick notebook  hit Jongin straight in the back of the head, with a loud clack noise. I didn't even stutter.

It was silent, people began to put their phones down.

Within the utter silence, the only thing that could be heard was a pair of boots. Jongin turned around, his black eyes staring right into mine. I felt no fear.

"You're an immature fool," I scowled at him. My feet fished through more of the crowd, until it was just me and him. My voice grew quiet. "You almost killed someone. Be glad I saved your ."

I heard several quiet gasps. Jongin's face didn't alter. He looked right at me. His face, however, grew colder. He put his hands in a fist, the veins popping out on his ar

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AmiyaW #1
Chapter 2: Love this story so far ! Great writing !!
koolkat44 #2
Chapter 2: This is about to develop I see lol
Chapter 2: Hmm...Interesting . Jongin is full of BS. I can't wait to see this little love affair bloom.
Chapter 1: First chapter was so good. Looking forward to your next! XD
Really excited to read what will happen next !!
Chapter 1: Wow! Jongin is bold.
lostninjaqt314 #7
Chapter 1: My god was he beating up Chanyeol? Will there be more chapters?
kekechilders #8
Chapter 1: Ohhh i like it. I wonder why he was fighting that guy.
koolkat44 #9
Chapter 1: Ooooo, this is interesting.