Hold out your hand


"Everyone wants the pure-bred puppy, no one wants the stray" 

A foreign student begins her course out Seoul National University, humble and kind hearted she bonds immeditatly with her roomate Baekhyun and his boyfriend Chanyeol. After a horrendous first impression she meets Oh Sehun.

The devastatingly handsome dancer captures her curiosity with his reserved demeanour and cold façade. However she was warned.

Oh Sehun is dangerous

Gabriella thinks different. His beautifully emotional artwork tells of another tale

But nonetheless her attention is pulled towards the heavenly beauty of the high scouring student the year above

Lu Han

Stretched thin between her new friends, new school and new country Gabriella stumbles apon an ancient animosity between to parties. 

Getting well in over her head.


WARNING: This story has mentions of mental disorders. While it may have elements of real disorders, the character's condition is fictional to fit the story. I am by no means an expert. Negative reactions and opinons are present. 

If this upsets you or you are uncomfortable with these elements please don't read this. 


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