Chaptered: B1A4


~Are We Close?: by alybein

pairings: badeul, side gongchan/jinyoung/CNU

author rating: none

personal rating: pg-13 or R for violence

summary: This is a story of Badeul

Sandeul age 18, has always wanted to be a singer. Gets accepted as a trainee where he meets Jinyoung, CNU, Gongchan and Baro. After training they became the group B1A4. Sandeul was the closest to CNU until they did a little parody for their fans, where he and Baro had to be a couple. After that things between them became awkward and Sandeul didn't know what to do.

Baro age 20, is a very good rapper and son after training became a member of B1A4, acts like the maknae even though he's one of the older ones. Is close to all the members but prefers being around Sandeul because he acts adorable and cute when their together. He planned with the staff for the parody that they put him and Sandeul as the couple.

a/n: I know that in reality Sandeul is a few months older than Baro but for this he'll be younge because to me Baro acts older anyways. :)

notes: most of the story is actually about sandeul and his issues with his family. It's great, though


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Omg, this is such a good fic rec! I promise I'll check often, and I made sure to read every fanfic on this list so far!