Part 1

There Is A Place

"I'm sorry I couldn't give back the love you've given to me." he heard the faint voice outside his door.

Tears rolled down his eyes. He was biting his lower lip to keep himself from screaming.

"I really loved you though... L-let's start over again?"

"Please get out." he pleaded.

Outside his door, the girl felt surprised at what he said. She felt bad.

"Okay." she said and walked away.

Kyungsoo continued crying. He didn't hold back anymore, he's screaming now. Letting out everything inside of him that hurts.

"Class, be quiet. I have someone to introduce, your new classmate. Mr. Kim, please come inside."

Their teacher announced. A tall tanned guy went inside after being summoned. There's a headset clinging onto in his neck and three piercings in each ear. He was attractive, very. Not a surprise when everyone started whispering, especially the girls.

"Call me Kai." he said.

His voice was that of a teenage boy going to puberty. It wasn't really high pitched but it was almost there. He resembles a middle-age kid trying to look cool and ends up being successful in it. A classmate of him raised his hand and their teacher nodded at him, allowing him to speak.

"Kim Kai? Is that your name?" his classmate asked.

Everyone started whispering again. They were all curious about his name, except for Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo sat at the very back in the corner, avoiding everyone and just idly looking out in the window. There was nothing there of course, but he could imagine him and his girlfriend by the grass. Happily talking to each other.

"No, it's not." answered Kai.

"Ohh, so what is it then?"


Almost everyone laughed at the remark but Kai was serious. He didn't want anyone knowing his real name. It's not that he's hiding anything, he just feels like his real name is reserved for V.I.P's. V.I.P's in his life.

"Ok Kai, please sit over there." the teacher said and pointed at the empty seat beside Kyungsoo.

Kai sat beside Kyungsoo and the teacher started his lecture.

"Kids, please open your textbook to page thirteen."

Kyungsoo panicked as he forgot to bring his textbook. He was thinking too much that he forgot. He was tapping furiously on his desk, hoping to find a solution when suddenly, someone's textbook was infront of him. He looked at his right and saw Kai jotting down notes.

"I can't take this."

"Just use it." Kai said without even glancing at him.

"It's yours." Kyungsoo insisted.

This time, Kai stopped writing and looked at Kyungsoo.

"It's called sharing." he stated as a matter of fact.

"Okay." Kyungsoo finally agreed.

After several minutes, class was finished and it was lunch time. As soon as their teacher went out, Kai stood up. He was about to leave when Kyungsoo managed to catch up.

"Kai, wait up!" he shouted.

Kai turned around and waited for the latter to speak.

"I- um, my name's Do Kyungsoo." he said and handed his hand.

When he realizes Kai has no intention of shaking his hand, he puts his hand down.

"Thank you for lending me your textbook awhile ago." he said.

Kai nodded and walked away. Kyungsoo smiled. This is the first time he talked to someone in class. Well, a somehow long talk that almost started a conversation.

Kai extended his arms and sighed. He closed his eyes and felt the airy breeze brush onto him.

"This is great." he said to himself.

It was a relaxing feeling. All alone in the greenhouse of his new school; the grass surrounding him. Although he wasn't all alone.

"I-is someone here?" he heard a familiar voice.

Kai shrugged it off and tried to nap, ignoring the person. He thought that maybe if no one answered, the person will leave, but he was wrong.

"Oh! Kai!" Kyungsoo exclaimed.

He was smiling. Now that there's someone here with him in the greenhouse, Kyungsoo felt relieved. Kyungsoo was always here alone, his ex-girlfriend didn't like being here.

"What are you doing here?" Kai asked with his eyes closed.

"I'm always here." Kyungsoo laughed and sat beside his new friend.

Or so he thinks.

"I shouldn't have come here." Kai said and stood up.

"Wait, don't go!" the latter pleaded.

Kai raised his eyebrows.

"I mean... It's just- I'm so happy that I finally have someone here with me."

"Are you gay?"

"What? No I'm just..."

"Okay. I get it."

Kai sat back down, positioning himself in front of the latter. Kyungsoo smiled.

"So where are you from?" Kyungsoo started.


"Really? I'm from Goyang!"

And their conversation continued. The two became very close friends.


He started to panic as he heard the faint voice once again.

"Is that you?"

He tried not to turn around. Ignoring the voice calling out for him. He failed though when that person tapped his shoulders. He turned around and saw his girlfriend, wait no, ex-girlfriend smiling at him.

"Long time no see." She said and hugged Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo was surprised at the sudden affection and hugged her back. Missing the feeling.

The hug ended though, and he felt very empty once again.

"How are you?"

"Um, I'm fine."

Suddenly, a very tall guy showed up and hugged the girl. Kyungsoo gulped, he thinks he knows who the person is.

"This is my boyfriend, Baekhyun."

"Hi, nice to meet you."

He was quiet. Forgetting the hand being offered to him, he just looked at his ex-girlfriend.

"Him?" he thought to himself.

"I-I need to go." he excused himself and walked away.

He started running when he knew he was from from them. He kept running and running. He knew where he had to go. There is a place he knows all too well. A place that's able to calm him, and a person that does the same.

"Kai." he called.

Author's Note: I'm gonna post part two and also maybe three tomorrow because it's like midnight already and I am so tired, I just want to lay in bed haha. Hope you like my story! I'll try to improve. Please leave comments and if you liked it, do vote! Thank you!

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angeelmaee #1
Hi! I'm not really good at reading 'homo'stories but I love it! Haha! Keep up the good work! Updae please!