
The Secret In Her Eyes

"we just packed your luggage. you're going korea tomorrow" my aunt told me as soon as i got home. i frowned.

"why...?" i asked slowly. did they want to throw me away?

"theres a donor. youll be able to see. now go to sleep" my aunt said as she walked away.

a donor...? did i hear that right? ill be able to see the world again? and see how luhan looks like?

"really...?" i said as i smiled to myself.

"at last" my uncle continued, sighing in relief in a mean way. my smile vanished.

but tomorrow? is there a time where i can tell luhan about it? saying my farewell to him? i dont have a phone to contact luhan. i cant leave the house now, because they wouldnt let me. how can i tell luhan? this is too sudden.

the next day before i left, i gather my guts and asked my aunt.

"can I please say goodbye to the neighbour first?" I asked. i felt my aunt nodded her head impatiently. "be quick"

I knocked on their door and no one opened it.

I went back to the house. "what is the time, aunt?"

"12.14 pm" she said. all of them are in school and work. of course no one would open the door. luhan ends school at 12 pm. he should be reaching home soon.

"could we please wait for awhile?" I begged my aunt.

"yeah, if you want to miss your flight and lose your chance to see the world again" she said sarcastically.

she took my luggage and urged me to leave immediately.

goodbye luhan. goodbye mr and mrs lu. you were nice people. I will repay you guys one day. thank you. I said in my heart as I quickly caught up with my aunt.

she brought me to the airport.

"here, this assistant would be leading you. in korea, the donor's son would take care of you. now go before you miss your flight" my aunt said as she left me.

"hi," a female said. "I'm your assistant."

she brought me to the plane and I was left alone after.

i cant believe i wasnt able to tell luhan that im leaving and being able to see. on the bright side, maybe i could give him a surprise.

once I reached korea, I alighted and some other assistant brought me out to the donor's son.

"this is myungsoo. he'll be taking care of you from here on." the assistant said before he left. I nodded my head.

he didn't say anything and he lightly took my hand and brought me to the car as he started the engine.

"I've heard about you. I'm sorry about your mum" I said. his mum died from cancer.

he nodded his head and then realize I couldn't see. "I-I mean, it's okay"

I laughed away. "don't worry, I can feel you. that's my talent"

"... I've heard about you too. I'm sorry." he said softly.

"I'm alright and I'm used to it. how about your dad?" I asked as I faced him.

"he died when I was young. accident from work"

"I'm so sorry-"

"no, don't be. you suffered worse" he laughed slightly, "guess we both have a bad past. at least I still have my little sister"

I smiled.

we got to the hospital and immediately went for eye transplant.

from this point, either I would wake up still in darkness, or will see the world.

if I could see, I want to see luhan again. please let me see luhan. for luhan.

luhan's pov

I was about to go home from school when I was street casted by sm company. si yoon wanted me to be a singer, I followed them and went for a audition. I easily got in and they wanted to contact me again.

It was 4 pm and I went back home, wanted to tell si yoon the good news. I knocked on her door and no one opened. thinking her aunt and uncle brought her out, I went to my house. I couldn't wait to tell si yoon about it. I tried again that night but it was the same.

the next day, I walked out of my house and realized their house door had a "for sale" sign.

where is si yoon? she left without telling me? without her giving me her last goodbye? was she being force by her aunt and uncle? so much questions popped up in my head all at once.

"what's wrong?" my mum asked as soon as I walked into the house melancholy.

"si yoon. she's gone. their house is on sale. it's too sudden that it's not right" I frowned.

"she didn't tell you about it?" she asked.

"nope" I looked down.

"is there a way to contact her?"

"no. her aunt and uncle didn't allow her to have phone. do you have their contact number?" I asked desperately.

my mum shook her head. "I'm so sorry luhan. si yoon is a really nice girl, but her aunt and uncle is always pulling her away from us"

will we ever meet again, si yoon?

si yoon's pov

I tried to open my eyes.

"she's awake. call the doctor. si yoon?" it sounded like myungsoo.

I opened my eyes and I knew it. I could see the light shining into my eyes. I slowly opened fully and then shut again.

"what happen? can you see?" myungsoo panicked.

I nodded my head. "it's too bright" I said.

I felt the doctor came in. I heard the curtains drew closed.

"open your eyes slowly." the doctor instructed.

I opened my eyes slowly and I could see. it was blur, but I could see fragments of colours. moving. people moving.

I can see.

"good. now, keep blinking," he said.

I blinked my eyes slowly, and my vision gets clearer everytime. I could see. the doctor looking intently at me, a guy at the side looking at me. green curtains around me.

I smiled. "I can see!" I screamed happily.

"avoid the sun and rest your eyes always. your eyes are very sensitive now. come back... in a month time. when it's ready, we'll tell you"

I looked at the guy at the side.

"so you're myungsoo?" I said.

"yeah" he said as he brought his hands to his head. he's cute.

I can't wait to see luhan.

I got discharged soon after and myungsoo drove me home.

"si yoon.." he said.

"yeah?" I looked at him.

"n-nothing" he stuttered.

"are you testing me? like asking me to see you?" I chuckled.

he brought me to his house.

"you can take over my mum's room" he said as he opened the door.

"put all your stuffs down. I'll pick my sister up and then she'll come home. I'll go work after." he quickly said before he left.

"go ahead. I'll take care of everything" I smiled. wow, myungsoo sure have a tough life.

after he left, I touched whatever I could see. i was still shock that I could already see. I looked into the mirror and couldn't recognize myself. I grew up so fast. I look so mature now. I have to admit I still look alright without makeup. I smiled. I can't wait to see luhan.

after I put my stuffs down, myungsoo soon brought his sister home.

"si yoon. call her princess. it's not her real name, but she only responds when you call her that. it's retarded," he laughed away.

"nah, that's cute" I said. "hi princess" I bent down and smiled at her. she was hella cute. she look really like myungsoo. unlike me, I look different from my siblings.

"hi!" she said cutely as she showed her eyesmile. I ruffled her head cutely as she ran into her room.

"I'll leave now. thanks in advance" myungsoo smiled weakly before he left.

in one month time, ill be able to go back.

one month went pass really fast. you might think myungsoo and I would be very close now, but no. he's like at work 24/7 and he had school so he only come home late to sleep and then leave early after. in repay, all I could do was taking care of his sister and do groceries for him.

I went to the hospital and they told me my eyes are recovered and is safe to be under the sun. i can finally go back home.

that day, myungsoo took leave off.

"I have enough money for us to go to the amusement park and managed to took a day off. let's go!" he said to us.

"even me?" I asked.

"of course. you take care of my sister, and I didn't even pay you. also, to celebrate that you finally can see again" he said as he smiled.

"that isn't necessary. but thank you then" I smiled.

we went to the amusement park and we had lots of fun. we came back soon after.

"I have a surprise for you" myungsoo said as we were in the car, heading back home.

the surroundings fade off and that familar voice rung in my ears. that was the same exact line luhan told me.

I nodded my head. we reached home soon after and we alighted.

"what is it?" I asked as he held my hands and brought me up to the roof.

"for taking care of my sister. thank you." he said as he passed me a box tied with a ribbon.

"open it" he smiled. I pulled the end of the ribbons and opened the box.

"myungsoo..." I said. it was a phone.

"I need to contact you. and you deserve a phone. take it as a pay." I quickly said.

"myungsoo..." I repeated as i slowly hugged him.

"I would take it of course. but phone are expensive, we need money to take care of the family" I said.

"don't worry. I have been working ever since my dad died when I was young. I even kept my parents money aside and never ever used it. I'm not tight for cash" he smiled again, showing his teeth.

"I'll pay you back. I'll get my aunt to pay you back all these days you have been taking care of me for" I said.

"uhm si yoon? I think I have to tell you this. I only knew about this yesterday" he said and his face changed.

I looked at him. "...what?"

"I... i received a letter that your aunt and uncle left. sold the house and moved. I don't know where. she said... you have to settle here. she gave you money to settle down."

HOLA I AM BACK AFTER MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well school ended a month ago but i left to europe right after! i am still in europe and i am going back in 2 days time :-( im pretty free these days so i thought i should update :-)))))) my writing skills did went down alittle because i have stopped reading fanfics more than a year ago. anyway, ill just keep updating until school starts because im grade 12 next year! once again thanks for reading and subscribe if you havent!! see yaaaaa


update: i accidentally hid the previous chapter when i posted like 2 months ago............ I THOUGHT UPDATE IT WHAT THE ANYWAY WOOHOO TO DOUBLE UPDATE

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Chapter 12: Good job :)
Merilyne95 #2
Chapter 10: It was a nice story..I wish you a Good Luck for the story writing. Fighting..
whozmagirl #3
I'm into this!
Please update!