
I Just Wanna (in process)

Taeyeon was seated beside Luhan in the karaoke room. They were cropped together closely as they looke at the awkward scene infront of them. They were currently visiting Nichkhun on wgm since he asked them if they wanted to hangout and meet his wife on screen. Ofcourse they agreed and they have to agree that she is really nice and bubbly... maybe too bubbly for Taeyeon at the moment. Taeyeon is not really a quiet person but he feels awkward around new people easily. He doesnt really get used to people fast either. He likes to keep things in rather than showing off his amazing personality. He has a really thick skin when he's with his family and friends but just infront of the camera's or infront of strangers he is a shy guy.

"Taengoo-ah! Sing a song for us!"

Nichkhun smiled brightly as he turned to his friend holding the mic out to him. Taeyeon scanned the mic before looking at the tv. If it was something he didnt want to show off then it would be his voice. Everybody thinks the highest of him being a former sweetheart solo-artist of Korea, being one of the best foreign solo-artists in the States and not to mention the leader of the group that represents their nation in the catagory boygroups. Everybody thought he was Superman. Ofcourse he wasnt. He smiled slightly and shook his head.

"No thank you"

He politely rejected the offer only to be pulled up from the couch by his older friend as he pushed the mic in Taeyeon's hands. Nichkhun's wife on screen took a sit on the couch gulping down her glass of water as she looked up at the two boys innocently.

"That wasnt a question Taengoo-ah, sing for us!"

Taeyeon nodded with a soft sigh escaping his lips as Nichkhun took a seat beside his wife on screen a wide grin spread across his lips. Taeyeon flipped the pages of the book with the songs. He glanced at Luhan somehow hoping the younger guy would help him out by volenteering to sing with him atleast. But to Taeyeon's bad luck Luhan stayed seated while looking at the couple on screen with an uncomfortable expression on his face. Taeyeon took the other mic and held it infront of Luhan's face as he chose a song that was supposed to be sang by two people.

"Come on Han"

He gave the younger guy a sly smile making the younger guy stare at him for a while before giving a small smile and nod. Taeyeon chose a song he recorded with one of his friends before his career as a foreign solo-artist in the States aired. It was basically the last thing he had left of the friendship with the latter who is a growing actor in South-Korea now. It was released as a digital single, nothing really special. They wanted to make a sub-unit of them but they knew it was impossible due Taeyeon's busy career. Ofcourse Taeyeon wouldnt mind since he loved to perform with his friend, but the company didnt let him and since he's under their power he couldnt really do anything about it. It is one of the best selled digital songs in the kpop industry history. As soon as the song started Luhan's voice echoed through the room with Taeyeon's soft subvocals at the beginning.

"Datcheobeorin neoui maeum sogeuro chajaga bwado"

Taeyeon gently sang as he looked at the wall above the tv not wanting to see the picture displaying on the screen. He didnt want to see the face of the guy who said those hurtful things to him, yet he never wanted to let go of this song since it was the last thing he had left of those 4 years friendship. He slowly started to rap his part closing his eyes as Luhan was focused on the lyrics on the screen. Nichkhun could feel the feelings that Taeyeon was radiating. After the song Nichkhun and his wife on screen cheered loudly.

"Wah Taeyeon-ssi your voice is really amazing, I didnt know you could rap aswell and Luhan-ssi your voice is really amazing too"

Luhan and Taeyeon smiled before bowing. They got those comments alot on their voices so they didnt really know what to say besides 'thank you' which kind of became old. They both took their seats again on the couch. They watched the couple sing a bit more before Taeyeon felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He took it out and saw he got a message from his manager saying he would pick him up sooner due a sudden activity. They were expecting him at a talk show. Ofcourse. He sighed softly before shoving his phone back into his pocket getting up from the couch bidding everybody goodbye. Luhan must be mad at him when he gets back at the dorm tomorrow morning, but hey, he couldnt do anything about it anyways.

Just as he left the building the black van was waiting for him just a feet away from him. He entered the passengers seat and fastened his seatbelt after greeting his manager. He leaned his head against the window and just looked outside as they were driving to their destination, his manager sometimes asking things about how it was in the States and such. He just kept his answers simple and short knowing he would have to answer the same questions just in 40 minutes from the moment. When they arrived Taeyeon was rushed out of the van inside the building where they were recording. He was guided to his dressing room by some staff, the make up artist quickly applied some make up on his face as the stylist got some simple classy clothes for him. He got change as quick as possible. He was being rushed to the stage as the hair stylist was fixing his hair at the same time stopping as he just walked pass the camera's. He quickly took a seat before scanning the people around him quickly. He waved cutely at the audience receiving some 'I love you' and 'Kim Taeyeon!'. As the PD gave the sign he straightened his clothes and hair before looking at the 2 MC's.

"Im Shindong and beside me is the beloved Lee Seunggi, we are your hosts for tonight so please bear with us, we arent the best... well I am ofcourse"

One of the MC's introduced with a slight joke making the artists and audience laugh a bit at his small joke. He listened mindlessly spacing out a bit at some statements. His spacing out didnt go unnoticed by his dear friend Kim Kibum, or how other people know him, Boom. Boom took this chance of subject change to tease Taeyeon a bit.

"You know, it looks like our lovely angel Kim Taeyeon thinks its all a bit boring when were not talking about him"

Taeyeon widened his eyes before snapping his head to Boom who was sitting a row behind him. The audeince laughed and some other artists aswell so as Shindong.

"N-no its nothing like that! You know I always enjoy this kind of shows!"

He quickly defended a bit panicking over the situation making the audience laugh more. Taeyeon sunk in his seat a bit embarrassed over what just happened, he covered his face with both his hands trying to hide his slightly red face. After the teasing died down he straightened up and continued paying attention to the small talks before he had to talk himself. The thing he hated the most.

"So Taeyeon-ssi, your album was a success in the States and now youre back preparing on a comeback with your group members. Did you miss your group?"

Fortunately it was Seunggi asking him or else he would get random harsh statements that would twist his answers big time. Taeyeon smiled and nodded.

"Ofcourse I missed my members. Im actually really happy that they placed me in a group along the way to the top since being solo is scary, to me that is. In a group I have people who I can reach within a second, they understand you and you can actually form a really tight close bond with them. I think its hard to be as close to other people than that I am with my members. I love my members and I feel so lucky with their support. They would sometimes leave me messages when Im overseas working on the other side of my career and it really makes my day whenever I get a message from them. Its because of them that I can succeed, and Im more than happy to actually have them by my side now again instead of talking with them on a small glass thing I can actually talk with them in personal which is more..."

Taeyeon stopped mid-sentence as he was looking for the right word. He couldnt really express how much he missed his group with words. It was just a feeling he couldnt describe. He always felt lost without s, catching himself falling back in his depression at those dark days. He might be one of the Knights, but s are sort of his Knights in shining armor. They catch him up in his darkest times.


He spoke the word out hesitantly as it wasnt really strong enough to describe how he felt about being able to talk with them in person instead of texting with them once in three weeks. He was the roof and s were the walls who supported him, lifting him up, thats what Luhan once said to him.

"Luhan once told me our group is just like a house, Im the roof and they are the walls who lift me up and support me. It kind of makes sense and I think that what he said is really beautiful. Without one wall the roof will crash down just like the left over walls. I think Knights in shining armors is just like that, when one member leaves the group wont be existant as Knights in shining armor anymore"

Taeyeon nodded as he explained the words he once heard Luhan telling him. The MC's nodded understandingly agreeing with the statement. Boom made some funny comments about it before they moved to the next subject which was Lee Jangwoo's appearance on wgm with his on screen wife Ham Eunjung apperantly a member of the girl group T-ara. Taeyeon listened carefully, in the time he is busy with his career in two world parts he never really gets the chance to get into whats new in the industry. He barely knew the rookies of his own company. Somehow he feels really guilty about it, being well known by everybody and himself not even knowing what groups just debuted, not even in his own company. He scanned the artists briefly again and to his shock he saw someone who he had admired for a long time. Boom smirked as he saw the expression on Taeyeon's face and decided to further.

"It seems like Taeyeon-ssi is really into Sooyoung-ssi since he keeps on staring at her with this really weird expression on his face"

Boom pointed out as he crossed his legs laying his hands on his knee. Everybody looked at him, including 'her'. Choi Sooyoung. Taeyeon's favorite actress was just sitting a few chairs away from him and was now looking back at him.

"N-no! I was just surprised to see her here! I didnt really get to see everybody clearly since I came here late and I didnt expect Sooyoung-ssi to be here since her schedule must be really busy with all the drama and movie parts she gets offered since last year when she debuted on the big screen"

Taeyeon said in one go amking everybody eye him weirdly before errupting in loud laughter making Taeyeon somehow even more embarrassed.


Taeyeon dropped his bag as he came back to the dorm around 5am. He kicked his shoes out before placing them in the shoerack. He was tired and he knew he only had 3 hours left for a meeting with some people to discuss something about a collabortation or something. He really couldnt care less, he just wanted to eat take a nap and have his day off after the meeting. He also didnt understand why they would hold a meeting at 8 in the morning, they couldve just made it 11 in the morning, its a much more logical time. But to think of it, he would be collaborating meaning the person who the meeting was planned with would probably have a busy schedule coming up to his bad luck. He dragged his tired feet to the kitchen grabbing a small bowl he just got some cereal since he was too lazy to make any proper food.

"Youre back earlier than I expected"

Taeyeon looked at where the voice came from and saw Taecyeon standing at the fridge scanning the food inside.

"And I didnt expect you to be up this early"

Taecyeon took out some left over dishes and sat beside Taeyeon at the small dining table. Taeyeon just looked at his older friend as he stopped eating for a second.

"I have to go in less than an hour for a cf shooting, its really annoying that we only have unexpected schedules the past days"

Taecyeon said before digging in his food making Taeyeon nod understandingly as he looked at his cereal. It was indeed more than annoying that they would just get messages at random moments saying they have a schedule to attend. He only thanked the messy schedule once and that was yesterday when he was locked up in the most awkward atmosphere ever.

"Well it did safe me from the awkward feeling of being the fourth wheel as guest at wgm for Nichkhun together with Luhan. Even with Luhan by my side it was one of the most awkward experiences in life... Only to be followed to be teased by Boom after that but it was not really worse than the wgm moment"

Taeyeon said as he played with his cereal making Taecyeon eyeing him.

"Stop playing with your breakfast like a little kid Kim"

Taecyeon said followed by a soft chuckle as he shook his head. Taeyeon just sulked as he stirred his spoon in the bowl heaving out a soft sigh short after. He looked at Taecyeon and saw the bracelet on his wrist. A soft smile formed on Taeyeon's lips and nodded slightly.

"So how are you and Hara?"

Taeyeon asked softly as he thought about how he busted Taecyeon and Hara being all lovey dovey on their couch. Taecyeon shot his head up and looked at Taeyeon with a slight grin forming on his lips.

"Were doing great, she got a new part in an upcoming drama, it isnt big but she's more than delighted she got chosen"

Taecyeon chuckled softly and continued eating. Somewhere deep he wished Taeyeon could experience the same thing for just once. He knew Taeyeon wasnt the type who falls inlove at all. He heard stories from his family about how he always only focused on his school and dream. It somehow gave him a warm feeling knowing how determined Taeyeon was, but it still made him sad that he didnt see that there were actually sweet girls seeking for his attention.

"Well, good luck with the cf Taec. Im going to take a quick nap before I have to go to the meeting"

Taeyeon smiled as he stood up from his seat bringing his bowl to the sink leaving the kitchen hearing a faint 'bye' and 'sleepwell' from . He dragged his feet to his shared room with Nichkhun and Luhan. It was a small room and they will be moving dorms soon. Their going to move to a building not far away from the building where their currently staying. Taeyeon will get his own room since he spends most time overseas and going from schedule to schedule so they decided to give him his own room. Just because he didnt want to take up much space when he is not even using it alot.

He changed into his sleeping shorts and a clean shirt before crawling under the blankets. Nichkhun was still out filming wgm while Luhan was already sleeping soundly. He closed his eyes as soon as his back hit the soft mattrass, he slowly drifted off to sleep as faint sounds were heard from the room next to him inidicating the youngest member just woke up for god knows what he was going to do at this time.



Still boring right? meh.

_pinocchio_ out *peacesign*

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1124 streak #1
Chapter 2: cant wait for taeny's collab XD