Chapter 3: My greatest sin

In My Arms


 I left the throne room in a hurry and headed for the armory chamber. I knew my father wasn’t going to back down easily and I needed to be prepared for what was about to come. I was all alone in this; what I needed now was locked away in the Lost Tower. My only light was not beside me. I took my trusted sword and left the chamber. I need to see him, I have to see him before it’s too late.

I used to go to that Tower when I was 16, my father liked to show me what happens to those who go against him. The Tower is up in the mountains, surrounded by dark clouds and with a dark aura neighboring him. From the gates, you can smell the blood and you can hear the cries of those unfortunate tortured souls. But even if that place was something I enjoyed two years ago, now I hated it. That Tower is now not a place I can return to and enjoy the scenery.

As I was riding my black mustang, I was getting closer and closer to the Tower. The dark clouds could be already seen; the smell of blood and torture was still unchanged. As I got closer, I remembered the times I spent with my father, he wasn’t that bad; he really looked like he loved me. I’m sure he had feelings. Even if he is the Devil, he still has feelings. Maybe something happened to him, something that was so sad that he was scared for life. Even if he is dark and wicked now, I can’t believe that he didn’t love someone in his whole life. And that’s what kept me going until I reached the Lost Tower and I saw Jongin.

Jongin was in a cell; his white clothes spattered in red, his blonde hair was messy and his body bruised all over. I was about to cry just seeing him like that. I got closer so I can speak with him, by then I did not know what a big mistake I will make.

“Jongin…” I slowly whispered. He just moved his head a bit so he could see me,

“Jongin, I am so sorry. This is entirely my fault…”  He looked at me and with his bruised and hurt face tried and smiled at me. When I saw that look on his face, I was almost crying. His eyes were tired and his body could barely move. His cheek cut and his lip shredded. His beautiful hands cut and filled with blood, his long and skinny legs were full of bruises. Even like that, in that hopeless state, he tried to move, he came closer to the bars and with a faint smile on his face, he said,

“My Kyungsoo, I deserve this, it’s okay… all of this, I had it coming. I must pay for what I did.” He looked completely hopeless and even so, he continued.

“I remembered while they whipped me, I remembered what my greatest sin was…” he started coughing and barely speaking he came closer and grabbed my hand, he looked at me with tears in his eyes and with a shaky voice he tried to speak again,

“It was love. My greatest sin, it was falling in love. In Heaven I always dreamt of walking the Earth –” he coughed again, but this time he started spitting blood. I tried to stop him so I grabbed his cheek with one of my hands,

“My light, please stop now, you have committed no sins. Look at you, only the mere of thought of committing a crime brought you to this state. Your beautiful hands are hurt; your tanned face is cut…” he forced a smile again and a tear fell on his face and trying again to speak he continued,

“Please, let me say this – you need to hear it…” again struggling to speak, I could barely watch him, but I let him speak,

“My Father finally allowed me to walk the Earth and be among human beings; and then, I saw you; you weren’t like the others… You were with someone, and that someone had a very dark aura surrounding him –it was pure darkness… but you were glowing with light, it was a sight that wasn’t possible to see. That amount of darkness and your silver light were like the Yin and Yang… and then I saw you embracing that darkness. You had a pure light, one that only angels could possess, it was so bright that I thought you were an angel…” and after finishing that, his expression changed and his face looked pitiful and so I rubbed his cheek a bit and smiled faintly, only to see him struggle to continue,

“I kept following you. I did not understand why an angel could embrace that darkness. And after a while… it wasn’t curiosity that made me follow you – it was love; I fell in love with you… I saw you smiling and singing once in a while. I saw you laughing with that creature of darkness and in a foolish moment, I decided to go home… I returned to Heaven and I asked my father for permission to stay on Earth and meet you. But, the moment he heard what your name was and the moment I said that I want to be with you, that I cherished you and felt drown to you, he raised his hand and in that instant exiled me…” hearing this, I started crying… his sin, his greatest sin, was loving me.

“But I met you again, in that forest – under that blue light, you came, you found me and I fell in love again; I did the same mistake again, but it’s okay now, here I can pay for what I have done… I don’t regret loving you, so please don’t be sad, don’t cry for me, smile; the only thing I want from you, is to see you smiling. Please, smile…” coughing again and smiling after, he took my hand from his cheek and put it down holding it.

In that moment, I couldn’t help it anymore, he looked like he needed a hug, but the bars kept me away from it, someday I will do something about my habit of forgetting where I put things and remember where I placed the keys for this damned Tower; all I could do for that moment was to kiss him. I touched his chin and lifted it so he can see my eyes clearly; he was still smiling like a fool and barely keeping his eyes open, I got closer and then I kissed his shredded lips, his eyes slowly closing and his body was barely keeping his balance. I didn’t want to end this, I could feel my tears falling on my cheeks; Jongin’s breath was almost nonexistent. I decided to break the kiss, only so I could look at his face again. I placed my forehead on his and I slowly whispered,

“I’ll get you out of here, I promise; even if this is the last thing I do. I will get you out and then we can be together, we will escape this Hell. I promise!”

In that moment he smiled faintly again and with his last breath, he struggled to speak again and said,

“Even if,  you can’t get me out… even if we can’t love each other, I will always –will always… love you.”  And like that his body gave up and he collapsed,

“I love you too, Jongin… I love you too…” and like that hoping that he could hear me, I confessed my love.

After that, I decided I am going to get him out. I couldn’t let him just lay there. Thank God, I still had the keys to this damned Tower, the thing was to remember where I hid them. It took me a bit to remember and snatch them from where I left them last time I came to this tower, so like that I opened the door to his cell and got him out; I raised him on my back and somehow we managed to get out. We escaped and now we were finally free –or that’s what I thought at first…

As soon as we got out of the tower, my father was there, waiting on his white horse. I knew then, the moment of our worlds colliding has come. I slowly placed him down on the ground; he tried to say something, but just gave up and lost consciousness again.

And like that, I drew my sword out and provoked my father. I was ready –  

“Come at me! Show me what you can kid. Show me how your foolish feelings can surpass my power! Let me see how you can beat me with this so called light of yours! Let me see how you surpass my darkness with your dim light!”  That was all it took for me to hear; I went for it. 

A/n: This is about to end. The next one will be the last chapter. I hope you didn’t get bored reading it ^^  Someone might die in the next chapter, any guesses ? >.<

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Nu cred...............
Nu ma asteptam, serios! E superb! ♥ Sa mai scrii! <3
Jimmy_win #2
As kkyungiesoo said, i like the story . it is different. love inside the different, its sad and deep.
But it's not mean i like boys,hahah lol
Chapter 4: I almost cry at the end. that was so sad and beautiful!