shadow prince

late like thunder
on the edge of this world and the next, there is a spirit that jongdae calls his brother.
floating on a cluster of thick black clouds, there is a magnificent castle, spires twisting up into the air. lightning intermittently flashes among the clouds, lighting up the dark citadel for seconds at a time. jongdae always wondered why his brother had such a flair for dramatics, but he never bothered to question it.
jongdae floats up, staff in hand, through the tall black gates and along a path pebbled with dimming stars.
"jongin?" he calls.
the space in front of him seems to condense, then distort.
a tall, dark and elegant spirit pops into existence in front of him, black shadows permeating the air around him. surrounding him is a heavy aura of darkness, yet he wears a wide blinding grin, just for jongdae.
"brother!" he cheers. "come on up!". he floats along the path, gesturing for jongdae to follow.
"mmm..." jongdae hums as he follows, "i do like the new touches you've added to this place..."
"oh, sweetheart, thanks for that lightning by the way," jongin grinned, pointing to the thunder clouds floating around, "it really does add to that sinister vibe i'm trying achieve here."
"you? sinister?" jongdae laughed as he crossed the threshold, "give me a break."
he doesn't notice the nasty smirk thrown at his back, too busy admiring the interior of the castle.
"nice touch." he gestures to the huge black chandelier hanging from the ceiling.
jongin smiles, a normal smile this time and floats into the lounge. summoning a teaset and a plate of pastries, the brothers sit themselves gracefully onto the shadow prince's large setee.  
"so brother," jongin murmurs, "i don't think you've come here just to compliment my amazing designing skills."
"well..." jongdae shuffles awkwardly and chews nervously on a danish.
"come on," jongin coos and pats jongdae on the knee, "you can tell brother kai anything, you know that, dearie."
"well you see, there's this spirit who keeps following me," jongdae looks down at his knees, missing the way jongin's eyes start to narrow, "i dunno, i find him kind of scary? do you... do you happen to know who he is?" he looks up through his eyelashes at his brother, who immediately pins on a comforting smile.
"ah, i happen to know exactly who he is," jongin weaves slowly through the room, pretending to be deep in thought.
he's in front of jongdae in a flash, gripping his thin shoulders. "he's dangerous, very dangerous," black eyes boring into brown.
"you'd do good to stay away from him."
jongdae looks up at him with naive, trusting eyes, "you'll help me?"
jongin passes a hand over the lightning prince's hair, brushing the thin silver circlet as he does so.
"don't worry, darling. brother kai will take care of it."
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so so so sorry but i've hit major writer's block with this fic. i really can't say when i'll update this but i really do want to finish this :p


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Arashika #1
Chapter 7: I'm sorry I was going to give a serious comment but douchecanoe
Not really sorry indeed don't be sorry I can't stop laughing give me a moment to get back to semi-seriousness before I give you a proper comment

Ok, I'm calm. Kind of. Douchecanoe. Crap. Brb.

I need to stop.

Ok. I'm really enjoying this story so far! I love the way you've characterized everyone, the Krisoo interaction at the beginning was adorable. I'm currently in love with Yixing and Luhan and Minseok oh my god I can't deal with this this was so refreshing though after all the pining from Kyungsoo :(

It is really sad that Kyungsoo is always left to chase after Jongdae, always just a few steps behind, always wanting to meet him but never having the chance. I do wonder though, how come he wants to know Jongdae at all? Why is it he seems to love Jongdae when they've never met? How did they even become these elemental spirits in the first place? How come Kyungsoo can't meet Jongdae when they're not working as spirits, since he was able to meet Sehun and Baekhyun without some elemental force causing the meeting? I'm curious why it is that they're so segregated when it seems like the spirits can meet outside of their element.

I'm also very curious what Jongin's element is. I really wonder what's up with him, that he's trying to keep Jongdae away from Kyungsoo too. What's he up to? Hmm...

This story is amazing! I'm really enjoying the way it's written, and the way scenes are split. Personally, I wouldn't make every scene change into a separate chapter, but that's my personal style and this works just fine as well. I'm so curious as to what's going to happen next, and I can't wait to find out :D

Thanks for sharing this story with us! Take your time in writing, I hope that the story will be finished in future but don't feel pressured, do it at your own pace :D

Great job, keep writing~
Chapter 7: in love with this fanfic tbh 10/10
arandomperson #3
What is kaikai gonna do
I can't wait for more! This is so good! Will they ever talk to each other face-to-face... And Jongin, he seems deviou!
chizu_ya #5
Chapter 6: Why kai tell jongdae that kyungsoo is dangerous? Can't wait to find out,,,
Cause_life_told_me #6
Chapter 3: This story is so cool!!! I can't wait to see what happens, EEEEEE let it begin!!! xD
subscribed! bcoz it looks great! :D