a nice sunny glade

late like thunder


kyungsoo tips himself off the edge of the cloud, tuning out yifan and joonmyun's bickering as he floats slowly down to earth. he's not on business today, so he goes barefoot, which lets him move without rumbling thunder dogging his every step.


he senses rather than hears the wind's presence nearby and his lips curl into a smile.


"hello sehunnie, how are you today?"


kyungsoo feels the air around him shudder as if in shock before solidifying into the gangly form of the wind spirit.


"how do you do that?" he gapes at kyungsoo.


kyungsoo's feet touch down on grass, and he spins around enthusiastically, finding himself in a lovely sunny glade. "it's all intuition my dear." he winks cheesily at the wind spirit before settling down on the soft grass, patting the spot next to him invitingly. the wind spirit sits down obediently, rolling his eyes all the while. he opens his mouth to speak, but-


"what's this? a party? and no invite for me? i'm wounded!"


sehun found himself facing a grinning spirit with light emanating from every pore of his being.


"baekhyun, so nice of you to join us," kyungsoo drawled, "would you like some tea?" he added sarcastically.


"nah, no tea for me! do you, perchance have some coffee, dear sir?"


kyungsoo glared at the infuriating spirit, the glare only intensifying when the light spirt whipped out a whiteboard out of nowhere and exclaimed, "baekhyun: 1, kyungsoo: nil, nada!"


the light spirit then turned to the wind spirit, ignoring the glowering thunder spirit next to him. "hey sehun, you good?"


"i'm fine," sehun drew a line across his neck, mouthing at baekhyun over the thunder spirit's head. "don't this up."


the light spirit huffed. "i have no reason to do so," he sniffed with his nose up in the air, "i'm here for the same reason you are, hunnie."


"what." oops, they'd forgotten kyungsoo was listening.


the two glanced at each other. "jongdae." they said in unison.


chensoo will appear..... eventually...

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so so so sorry but i've hit major writer's block with this fic. i really can't say when i'll update this but i really do want to finish this :p


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Arashika #1
Chapter 7: I'm sorry I was going to give a serious comment but douchecanoe
Not really sorry indeed don't be sorry I can't stop laughing give me a moment to get back to semi-seriousness before I give you a proper comment

Ok, I'm calm. Kind of. Douchecanoe. Crap. Brb.

I need to stop.

Ok. I'm really enjoying this story so far! I love the way you've characterized everyone, the Krisoo interaction at the beginning was adorable. I'm currently in love with Yixing and Luhan and Minseok oh my god I can't deal with this this was so refreshing though after all the pining from Kyungsoo :(

It is really sad that Kyungsoo is always left to chase after Jongdae, always just a few steps behind, always wanting to meet him but never having the chance. I do wonder though, how come he wants to know Jongdae at all? Why is it he seems to love Jongdae when they've never met? How did they even become these elemental spirits in the first place? How come Kyungsoo can't meet Jongdae when they're not working as spirits, since he was able to meet Sehun and Baekhyun without some elemental force causing the meeting? I'm curious why it is that they're so segregated when it seems like the spirits can meet outside of their element.

I'm also very curious what Jongin's element is. I really wonder what's up with him, that he's trying to keep Jongdae away from Kyungsoo too. What's he up to? Hmm...

This story is amazing! I'm really enjoying the way it's written, and the way scenes are split. Personally, I wouldn't make every scene change into a separate chapter, but that's my personal style and this works just fine as well. I'm so curious as to what's going to happen next, and I can't wait to find out :D

Thanks for sharing this story with us! Take your time in writing, I hope that the story will be finished in future but don't feel pressured, do it at your own pace :D

Great job, keep writing~
Chapter 7: in love with this fanfic tbh 10/10
arandomperson #3
What is kaikai gonna do
I can't wait for more! This is so good! Will they ever talk to each other face-to-face... And Jongin, he seems deviou!
chizu_ya #5
Chapter 6: Why kai tell jongdae that kyungsoo is dangerous? Can't wait to find out,,,
Cause_life_told_me #6
Chapter 3: This story is so cool!!! I can't wait to see what happens, EEEEEE let it begin!!! xD
subscribed! bcoz it looks great! :D