Things i wish you didnt said

Jikook's short stories collection ↷ Latest update : Things i wish you didnt said
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It doesnt takes a long sentances to break someone heart, sometimes it just takes some words to break someone   I closed my eyes as i let a tear fall down from my eyes, making a wet trail down on my cheeks, i curved my lips into a small bitter smile as i try to make the pain on my heart go away   Its funny isnt it? How some simple words could make you feel like the happiest person on earth sometimes, but kills you inside the other times?   Jungkook let his tears falls down more, he not even bother wiping it, a smile of his hyung is there, back in his mind, its not even fading away even a little bit, a sweet cute eyesmiles that jungkook will never admit how much jungkook loves it, its still there as if those smiles are created for jungkook, but no   "Min jimin huh?" Jungkook whispered to himself before chuckling, it doesnt take a long time until jungkook's silent chuckles turns into a mad laughing as he rip off a picture in his hands, a picture of him and jimin when thats taken a few years back when jimin's last name was still park, when jungkook still wishing that one day he will collect enough courage to tell jimin how much he loves him, when jungkook still got a chance to have jimin in his arms   After a while jungkook's laughs turn into a crying sounds as he desperately clenching his fist on his ears, trying to block those two words that he just heard this evenings, two words that keeps haunting him since he first heard it, two words that makes his heard broken i
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always_es #1
Chapter 15: oh my god.....*wiping my tears*'s 10 time I wiping my tears.....
Kawaii-KittyKat9 #2
Chapter 26: Um I like short story and all, but the picture isn't true right? Or is it fake? Please tell me I'm so confused.
vmink00ked #3
Chapter 27: Thanks for the sequel omg seriously this is so sadㅠ.ㅠ
vmink00ked #4
Chapter 26: Omg im crying ㅠ.ㅠ
jikookjikook #5
Chapter 17: My heart is in pieces :'((((((((((((
Chapter 28: true.. that only a few words are able to make you hurt so much..><
iggylyn #7
Chapter 27: Thank you, author-nim!! For the sequel. :D
gerrifitri #8
Chapter 27: please let jimin know that jungkook gives his eyes for him. at least let jimin suffer little bit
armypirit #9
Chapter 26: Its really....... ICANTSAYANYTHING ㅠㅠ
Chapter 26: too... sad
but nice plot at the same time :)