
Send a Hot Guy (and a Soulmate?)

alright, so a lot of people have mentioned a sequel or adding more and i was thinking that i could make that happen, maybe.

if you guys want a sequel, i will make one.

i'm not sure when it'll be, but I'll post a link to the forward when i can

and thanks to everyone that read this, subscribed, voted, and commented ;u;



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virghouls #1
Chapter 1: aw super cute
Chapter 1: I hope they will a real soulmate kk
Chapter 1: Jongdae is really something.
Lilianlimi #4
Chapter 1: asdfgjhkl cuteeeeee
spacerhyme #5
Wow, the story is short, but i like it, i already read the 1st chapter of the sequel, cant wait for next chapter :))
Chapter 3: This fic is literally beautiful
Kkwa15 #7
Chapter 2: i want sequel O___O
Chapter 1: Wow... I knew this would be good from the beginning. And by the end I was puking rainbows and glitter and my unicorn (whose name is Marsipan) had to transport me to the hospital to revive me after being suffocated by all the fluffiness!!!
Wait... Point is this was so darn cute asjdhasklfhs!! Can't wait for the sequel!!
Chapter 1: Ahahaha oh gosh, I cant. I'd love to see a sequel to this, actually. XD