
The Savant

"I can't believe you have his number! You got to get on that!"

Mirae rolled her eyes as she just helped Hwayoung pack her things. "You," she said, pointing her finger at Hwayoung, "need to shut up."

"Really though, it's obvious he likes you. I mean, how many girls does Kai talk to?"

"Please, Tiffany sits on his desk every morning. So there's one."

Hwayoung ignored her. "I cannot believe I am leaving right when you are starting your relationship with one of the hottest guys in school..."

"Hwayoung! Please! Can you stop with the couple crap? I don't even know if I like him or not..."

"Fine fine fine. Let's think. Your only major crush has been Jonghyun, right?"

"Yeah," Mirae replied with a hint of embarassment in her voice.

"Well, how do you feel about Jonghyun?"


"How did you know that you liked him?

Mirae thought for a few seconds. "Well, I mean, the first time I saw him, all I could think about was how gorgeous he was. And then he was super nice, and I got this giddy feeling in my stomach."

"And how do you feel about Kai?"

Mirae thought a few more seconds. "Um...he's also really gorgeous. And he's super nice. But, I don't have that annoying giddy feeling. I feel more...comfortable."

Hwayoung tapped her chin. "It seems like he might just be a really got guy friend."

"But that's what Minho is, and my relationship with Kai feels...different. I don't know. I've only known him a few days!"

"That's true. True love often takes time to grow and develop. Unless you're me and Kyungsoo, that was love at first sight~"

Mirae quickly cut her off by throwing a sock at Hwayoung. 

"In all seriousness," Hwayoung said as she picked up the sock and put it in her suitcase, "I think you should get to know him as friends. That's where the best relationships come from anyways. And it'll be the easiest way to figure out your feelings. And maybe, just maybe, you won't be so awkward."



That night, Mirae said her goodbyes to Hwayoung since she'd be leaving the next day during school. She was going to miss her friend greatly. How am I going to be able to survive these weeks without Hwayoung?



Mirae walked to school the next day, internally dreading it. The day hadn't even started and she already missed Hwayoung. As she was walking, Big Bang's Fantastic Baby blared from her pocket meaning she had an incoming phone call. She glanced at the screen and saw it was Seungdeuk, her dance teacher.

"Yoboseyo Seungdeuk-nim?"

"Hi Mirae. I'm really sorry but I am going to have to cancel our dance lesson later. This time it's my own fault and not the school's."

Mirae sighed but didn't want her beloved teacher to feel bad. "No it's fine, I'll just see you Wednesday then?"

"Yes, definitely. Have a good day at school Mirae."

"Thanks, bye," she said, hanging up the phone.

Then, a dreaded realization struck her. Who am I going to sit by at lunch? Normally I sit with Hwayoung... Mirae sighed and continued on her way to school.



Lunch came and Mirae sat down at a table in the corner...alone. She felt so embarassed since everyone else sat with people and here she was by herself like a loser. Well, I kind of am a loser at this school...

Mirae opened her lunch bag and began taking out the contents. 

"Hey Mirae?"

She'd recognize that voice anywhere. Lifting her head up, her eyes were met with the beautiful face of Kai standing before her.

"Hi Kai!"

"Why are you sitting her all alone? Where's Hwayoung?"

Mirae shifted in her seat, embarassed that Kai had seen her sitting alone. "She got into an internship in Japan and will be gone for a few weeks, so, yeah."

"Woah, jinjja? Good for her. But that doesn't mean you should sit alone! Can I sit with you?"

If Mirae had any food in , she would have choked. "No no that's okay, I don't want to steal you from your friends," she said, glancing at the table of boys a few tables down.

"They can live without me for a little bit I'm sure," Kai said smiling as he took a seat. Mirae glanced around the cafeteria to see quite a few students staring. It made her uncomfortable. Kai's voice broke her out of her reverie. "So what you got?" 

"Just some kimchi and lettuce," Mirae said with a small smile. Her lunches were never huge, and she couldn't afford the food from the cafeteria. 

"That's not very much," Kai frowned.

"No it's okay, really."

"You're a dancer, you should be eating a lot. Here, you can have some of my food."

Mirae quickly shook her head. "No Kai, that's your food. You eat it-"

But Kai was persistent. "As your friend, I insist."

Mirae glanced over at the food on his tray, and already started salivating at the two large pieces of pizza on Kai's plate, next to a cookie. It was by no means a healthy meal, which made Mirae want it even more. "But then you'll only have one piece left," Mirae replied, her self control rapidly fading.

"How about...I trade you some kimchi for one piece of pizza."

Mirae knew it wasn't a fair trade, but the heavenly pizza was calling to her. "Okay." The two swapped their food and Mirae could have danced in happiness. "Thanks Kai! You are jjang." Mirae took a deep bite into her pizza and didn't notice the small blush on Kai's cheeks.


Mirae was surprised at how the conversation was able to flow with Kai. She thought it would be awkward and slow, but it wasn't. They talked about the upcoming competition, their classes, and Kai told some funny stories about his hyungs. Mirae was caught mid laughter when the bell rung.

"Well I have study hall right now. Where do you go?"

Mirae groaned. It was a Tuesday. And on Tuesdays, she had "gym class."

"Ooh, that's rough. I'll see you in class later then?"

"Yeah, see you then!" 

Kai picked up his things and, with a smile and a wave, left. Mirae felt overly happy with how her lunch turned out. She then made her way to the locker rooms for gym class.



EXO's POV During Lunch...

"Where's Kai?" Sehun asked as he took a seat next to his friend.

"That's weird, he was right behind me-" Kyungsoo stopped midsentence as he glanced behind Sehun.

"What?" Sehun asked as he turned his head behind him.

"Is Kai sitting with Mirae?" Chanyeol blurted as he turned around in his seat, his eyes growing huge in shock.

"WHAT?" Baekhyun craned his neck trying to see, but Chanyeol's large body was in the way. "Chanyeol move, I can't see over your giraffe neck!"

"Guys, you're going to cause a scene," Suho said. "Let him eat in peace."

"I can't believe he's ditching us for some girl," Sehun muttered with disdain.

"Yeah, he should have brought her over here!" Baekhyun exclaimed.

Sehun looked at Baekhyun. "What? No-"

"Yeah why didn't he have her sit with us?" Chanyeol chided.

"He's probably embarassed," Suho said.

"We aren't embarassing!" Baekhyun whined.

"I wonder why he's sitting with her today, alone," Chanyeol pondered with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Probably because Hwayoung isn't here. Mirae usually sits with her," Kyungsoo answered knowingly.


"And since Hwayoung will be gone for a while, Kai will want to sit with her. Which means she will sit with us."



Blech lame chapter I know, but don't worry! Some drama and plot will start next chapter. Hope you guys still like the story ^_^



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[The Savant] Sorry this hasn't updated in a while! Almost done with an update currently.


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Yongmi5 #1
Chapter 7: This story is so cute!
Kei24M #2
Chapter 7: MiKai is love. MiKai is life. It's just so cute!! <3 <3 <3
kaisbae #3
Chapter 7: kai pushing mirae to eat reminds me of how he was on hello counselor
so sweet ^^
blackjacklex #4
Chapter 7: this was so cute <3 cant wait for next chappp
Chapter 7: ~~~nice keep it up~~~
Chapter 7: Exo do NOT do anything stupid but knowing them they will. and Kai ASK HER OUT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!
blackjacklex #7
Chapter 6: i wonder why her cell phone wasnt in the right spot? anyway hope u update soon authornim
Chapter 6: Omg this chapter is very relatable :3
kaisbae #9
Chapter 6: this was so funny XD
i can totally picture baekhyun and chanyeol acting like this kekekeke
Chapter 6: Exo-K is very embarrassing and what are the chances Mirae's friend leaves the day after Kai gives her his number.
I'm with Kyungsoo on when will they start dating