Saturday Suprises

The Savant


"Okay, what's up with you?"

"Huh?" Mirae turned towards Minho as she was wiping the counter at the cafe. The dinner rush was over, and Mirae was busy cleaning off everything while Minho leaned on the counter, smirking.

"I haven't seen you this peppy since Taeyang went shirtless at Inkigayo."

Mirae's cheeks reddened as she hit Minho with her rag. "Shut up."

"Sim Mirae! Hitting a coworker in front of guests?" Minho gasped as he gestured towards the tables. Mirae glanced around at the practically vacant cafe, where it was completely empty besides an old man sitting in the corner reading a book. "How unprofessional." Mirae stifled her giggle and went back to cleaning the countertop. "But really," he asked, his voice dropping its mock incredulity, "what's up? You've been smiling nonstop all shift."

Mirae continued wiping the counter, avoiding eye contact with Minho. "Nothing," she said as she tried to suppress her smile.

"You are the worst liar.  Come on, I'm your oppa! You can tell me anything. Pleeeaase?" He ended his sentence with some pitiful aegyo, not managing to look very cute at all, but that was Mirae's favorite kind of aegyo. 

"Fine," Mirae groaned. It wasn't a big deal, and Minho really did know her best besides Hwayoung and her dad, but it was still embarassing to tell. She took a deep breath before telling Minho everything that transpired that day between her and Kai. 

"And as I was walking out," Mirae said as she took out the old bakery goods, "he told me not to forget about Monday, and then I came here."

The entire time Minho was just leaning on the counter, the biggest grin just plastered on his face. "Sooooo," he sang as he stepped closer, his hands on his hips. "Do you like him?"

"Oh my gosh you are such a girl!"

"Do you like him as much as you like Jonghyun?"

Mirae's face turned shocked as she smacked Minho's arm. "Minho! Not so loud!" Minho always liked to tease Mirae about her crush on Jonghyun, one of their coworkers. She didn't even tell him about it, but Minho told her it was super obvious and that she was lucky Jonghyun was blind to that kind of stuff.

"You so like him," Minho smirked.

"I-I don't know...I barely know him! All I know is I act like an idiot when I'm around him."

"Aw don't say that, you act like an idiot around everyone." Minho earned another smack for that remark. 



Mirae finished her shift late that evening and arrived home to an empty house. Still not home? She knew her dad was working late, but she thought he may have been home by 11. Yawning, she glanced down at her backpack. I'll just do it tomorrow with Hwayoung. Mirae then went up to her room and got ready for bed. Her phone in her hands, she sent a quick text to her best friend.

To: Hwayoung ^_^

We still on for tomorrow, 7?

From: Mirae

A minute later her phone 'Ding'ed and she unlocked her phone to view the message.


To: Mirae

Duh, see you then =D 

From: Hwayoung ^_^


She then laid down on her bed and eventually drifted off to sleep, the wonderful day she had on her thoughts.



She was dreaming. She was with Hwayoung and Kai as Kai tried to teach Hwayoung how to dance. She was failing miserably, and Kai and Mirae both laughed their heads off at the scene. She turned towards Kai, and both of their laughter slowly diminished. They stared at each other, and the gap between their faces got smaller...smaller...smaller...until-


"It's about time you woke up," Mirae's dad chuckled. Her pillow pet was in his hand, and Mirae's hair lay messily in her face, as a result of the sudden hit in the face from her stuffed animal.

"Dad! What the heck," Mirae groaned as she rolled over on her stomach, placing the pillow over her head.

"You weren't waking up when I was calling you. Come on, it's time to get up."

"Nooooo-" she whined as her dad pulled the blankets off of her. 

"Do I need to go get some water?"

Mirae immediately jolted up. "I'm up, I'm up, alright?!"

"Good," he said with a bright smile. "Because we are going out today."



The weather was cool and the sun was shining as Mirae and her dad went for a walk down the busy city streets. After window shopping at various shops, the two were busily munching some street food. Mirae enjoyed these outings with her dad, even if they could't afford much.

Mirae's step mother had gotten sick at an early age and, after depleting much of the family's savings on medical bills, passed away when Mirae was only 12. Ever since, the two lived paycheck to paycheck, with barely any money to spare. That's why it was so important for Mirae to keep her grades up so that she could keep her scholarship. The pair's lives certainly were busy, but Mirae lived for these lazy Saturdays in which the two could relax and enjoy each other's company.

" you like him?"

Mirae almost choked on her piece of meat. She had just finished recounting what happened the day before, since she shared everything with her dad. But it seemed she could never avoid this question.

"I don't know what you are talking about," she replied casually, quickening her step so that her dad couldn't see the red in her cheeks.

"I knew it was a matter of time, especially with how drop dead gorgeous you've gotten-"

"DAD! You did not just say that!" Mirae gaped, facing her dad with incredulous eyes. He let out a sweet chuckle as he responded,

"Yes, I did. And I mean it. Why else do you think everyone knows I'm your step dad? Because you look nothing like ugly old me."

Mirae playfully punched her dad's arm as she told him he was the most handsome man in the world, but stopped midsentence when she noticed someone down the road. 

Oh no! Damn, why do I see him everywhere?  And is that- HE'S WITH HIM?!

Quickly, Mirae grabbed her dad's arm and pulled him sideways, turning in the other direction.

"Mirae, what are you do-"

"Nothing!" Mirae whisper yelled. Please don't see me, please don't see me, please don't see-




Oh come on.



"This is so hard..." Chanyeol whined as he stuffed his face with dakkochi.

"I know, what would he even want?"

"He lives in China, he won't notice if the gift is a few days late...ugh I can't finish this. Here."

"I knew you shouldn't have ordered five," Kai said as he took the skewer of dakkochi from Chanyeol. 

Chen's birthday was arriving soon and Chanyeol and Kai were out looking for a suitable present. Suho had given them the task, and thus the boys were strolling along the streets looking at different shops, stuffing their faces with food.

"Maybe we could get him-"

"Hey, is that Mirae?" Kai said, cutting Chanyeol off.

"Mirae? That dumb dancer chick?" Chanyeol let out a loud grunt as Kai rammed his elbow into Chanyeol's side, clearly angry with his remark. "Damn, I'm sorry okay? Well anyways, I don't think this present-"



"Well alright then," Chanyeol snorted as Kai began jogging away towards Mirae. "YAH KAI WAIT UP!"



"Mirae, who is the handsome boy running towards you?"

"DAD! BE QUIET! Oh my God..." Just as Mirae was debating on whether or not to sprint in the other direction, Kai appeared in front of her. Why?? This is going to be so embarassing.

"Hi Mirae!" Kai greeted with his infamous smile. A second later Chanyeol caught up to his side, and Marisol could have died on the spot. Kai and Chanyeol, together. Mirae, get a hold of yourself. You can do this. 

"Hey, Kai! What are you doing here?" Mirae questioned with forced nonchalance.

"Shopping for a friend's birthday present," Kai replied. No duh Mirae. Pabo, pabo, pabo- "And this is Chanyeol."

"Hi Mirae!" Chanyeol boomed, his low yet loud voice momentarily startling Mirae. Of all people in the world...

"Well, Mirae, aren't you going to introduce me?" Mirae's dad asked, a smile lighting his face as he viewed the exchange with amusement.

"Oh-uh, yeah. Guys, this is my dad. Dad, this is Kai, and uh, Chanyeol." Mirae was having trouble containing her blushing face.

"So, is one of you the amazing dancer that's actually better than Mirae?"


"That would be me,"  Chanyeol beamed, pushing Kai to the side.

"Yah, you wish. That would be me, sir." Kai corrected.

"Very nice," Mirae's dad replied. "You know, it's not every day I find someone that's up to par with my star Mirae here."

Mirae could have died on the spot. "OKAAAY! Dad, I think it's time to go. Nice seeing you again guys-"

Kai's face momentarily drooped. "Aw leaving? Okay, well here, take this. I don't want it."

Mirae's eyes doubled in size as Kai handed her the stick of dakkochi. "A-are you sure? Thanks Kai," Mirae said, her face reddening again.

"Actully," Chanyeol interrupted, pushing Kai to the side again, "I gave him that dakkochi, so, technically, that's from me."

"Oh, uh, thanks Chanyeol," Mirae managed to stutter. This was all just too much for her poor heart to handle.

Chanyeol let out a small laugh. "Nah I'm just playing around, you don't have to thank me Mirae. But it really was from me." Chanyeol ended his statement with a wink, a wink that completely wiped away any handle Mirae had on the situation. If her face was red before, it was now redder than a splattered tomato, which is exactly what her heart felt like right then.

Luckily it was Kai who came to the rescue as he quickly yelled, "Alright Chanyeol, let's get going. Nice meeting you sir, see you Monday Mirae!"

"Bye!" Chanyeol shouted over his shoulder as he was dragged away by Kai.

"Bye boys!" Mirae's dad yelled to the two retreating figures.

All Mirae could do was manage a small wave.



"And then he gave me his dakkochi, which Chanyeol then tells me was originally his, and then he WINKED! HE WINKED AT ME HWAYOUNG!" 

Hwayoung and Mirae sat in Mirae's bedroom on her bed, a bowl of popcorn between the two of them. Hwayoung stared at Mirae with wide eyes through her entire recount of the day. 

"And I bet your face was-"

"Redder than your stupid cherry bubble tea," Mirae groaned, her face planting into her pillow.

Hwayoung burst into laughter as she imagined the situation. "Really though, what are the chances you'd see them there? And out of all of Exo-"

"It just had to be them," Mirae whined, lifting her face off the pillow.

"You've gone from 0 to 180 real quick." 

"A little too quick for my tastes."

"So, if you had to choose between the two, who would you pick?"


"I said, if you had to choose-"

"Yah shut up I heard you," Mirae said, throwing the pillow at Hwayoung.


"Seriously though, I gotta work on keeping my stupid face under control. How do you do it with Kyungsoo?"

"I just have that natural talent I suppose."

Mirae rolled her eyes as she grabbed her pillow back and face planted into it once more.

"Really though Mirae, you're getting pretty close with Kai, and it's only been a day! You're probably going to get really close. Like, real, real close," Hwayoung said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yah shut up."

"This can be my way in! The closer you are with Kai, the closer I am with Kyungsoo," Hwayoung sang. Mirae turned her head to see a dazed expression on her friend's face, meaning she had lost her to the power that is Do Kyungsoo. She leaned forward and flicked her finger against Hwayoung's forehead, snapping her out of her trance. 

"You were under Kyungsoo's spell again," Mirae said before Hwayoung could start complaining.

"Well Mirae," Hwayoung said as she rubbed her forehead, "how does it feel to get so close to THE Kim Kai?"


Mirae dreamily laid her head down onto her pillow as she thought of all the times the two had talked in the past day. Despite her horrid awkwardness, Mirae couldn't deny, it felt pretty dang good.



Oh hey guys!


How are ya'll? You like the poster? It's been a while since I updated...we'll blame AP tests on that. But they are all done and  I have one week of school left so YEHET!


Then I am graduated ♥

And since my last update, I started watching EXO Next Door and I SWEAR I DIDN'T COPY THE WHOLE AWKWARD/BLUSHING THING! Not only did I start this story before I ever watched it, but I also based that part of Mirae off myself xD (I blush very easily, like, too easily. And people will always point it out and I'm like nuuuuu and then I look in a mirror and aw shiat they were right. K I'm rambling)

So anywho's it may be a little while before I update again, just because I have way too many frickin stories, but I will try my best!

But PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS! ♥ The more you comment, the faster I update ;) I'm so sneaky.  


k peace out bai

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[The Savant] Sorry this hasn't updated in a while! Almost done with an update currently.


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Yongmi5 #1
Chapter 7: This story is so cute!
Kei24M #2
Chapter 7: MiKai is love. MiKai is life. It's just so cute!! <3 <3 <3
kaisbae #3
Chapter 7: kai pushing mirae to eat reminds me of how he was on hello counselor
so sweet ^^
blackjacklex #4
Chapter 7: this was so cute <3 cant wait for next chappp
Chapter 7: ~~~nice keep it up~~~
Chapter 7: Exo do NOT do anything stupid but knowing them they will. and Kai ASK HER OUT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!
blackjacklex #7
Chapter 6: i wonder why her cell phone wasnt in the right spot? anyway hope u update soon authornim
Chapter 6: Omg this chapter is very relatable :3
kaisbae #9
Chapter 6: this was so funny XD
i can totally picture baekhyun and chanyeol acting like this kekekeke
Chapter 6: Exo-K is very embarrassing and what are the chances Mirae's friend leaves the day after Kai gives her his number.
I'm with Kyungsoo on when will they start dating