Show Some Love

The Savant

Monday morning, Mirae walked with a brisk in her step. The sun shone brightly, and a slight breeze flew through the air carrying the chirps of the neighborhood birds. It was true that everything seems more beautiful when you're in a good mood, because the entire world looked and felt perfect to Mirae. Even the sun seemed to smile at her, and so a large smile was painted on Mirae's face in return.

"Hey Mirae!" a voice shouted from the school gates. Recognizing the voice as Hwayoung's, Mirae gave a cheerful wave in response. Hwayoung always came to school early since she was involved in the school council, and she always greeted her best friend at the gates after her meeting.

"You know," Hwayoung said once Mirae got closer, a lollipop hanging out of , "for once I'm not gonna be sad about you missing lunch with me, because today you get to see your boyfriend."

"Yah shut up," Mirae groaned, smacking her friend's arm. "Hey where'd you get the er?"

"They were passing them out in the hallway, apparently it's National Show Some Love Day. Stupid, but whatever. I got a free er~" she sang. Mirae just smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Come on, I gotta get to homeroom." And off the two went to their respective classes.



"Wha- how'd you get two?"

"Chanyeol gave me his," Kai replied with a shrug, stuffing the two ers in his pocket.

"WHAT?" Baekhyun shrieked. "He didn't give it to me?!"

"Calm down," Kyungsoo coolly said, "it's just a er."

"Wait til I see him, he's gonna get it."

"I'm sure he will," Kyungsoo said suggestively, raising his eyebrows.


"I was just agreeing," Kyungsoo quickly responded with his arms raised.

"Come on guys, the bells about to ring," Kai said, ushering the group to get to their classes. These guys, I swear...



As Mirae walked into the classroom, her eyes took a quick scan of the room to see most of her classmates already in the room. Her eyes landed on a certain person in the back corner- Kai.

It seemed he had just sat down, and he already had one of his female admirers at his desk- another classmate of theirs, Tiffany, along with Sehun. Kai didn't brush her off, but he didn't seem all too happy to be engaged in conversation. However that changed when Kai's own eyes met Mirae's.

"Mirae!" he shouted out, cutting Tiffany off mid sentence. The entire class hushed at Kai's outburst, but Kai didn't seem to care. He quickly left his desk and went up to the front of the room to meet Mirae at her own. The attention was now on the two, and hushed whispers of "Why is he talking to her?" and "Since when do they talk?" echoed around the room. Hating the attention, Mirae awkwardly gave Kai a small "hey" as she sat down in her desk.

Kai glanced around the room, noticing the eyes of his peers. "Well, I guess I'll talk to you later, okay?" he said to Mirae, noticing the tension. She gave a small smile, silently thanking Kai for keeping the conversation short.



As Mirae sat through the boring lectures and lessons, her mind couldn't concentrate on the teachers at all. Luckily, not much new information was learned, since many classes were just reviewing for upcoming tests. As the bell finally rang signalling the end of her math class, Mirae happily began packing up her things. She glanced to the back of the room to see Sehun in an engaged conversation with Kai, and so she decided to just meet him at the practice room.



"And then she just kept going on and on about Yoona and I-"

"Dangit Sehun!" Kai groaned as he looked over Sehun's shoulder. "She already left without me..."

Sehun blinked in confusion before slowly turning around. "What?"

"I'm gonna go," Kai said, packing up his belongings.

"Oh, your date with Mirae?" Sehun said it with such distaste that Kai couldn't help but feel angry.

"It's not a date," Kai grabbed his things and stood up. "I'll see you later." Sehun just watched as his friend hurriedly left the room, an annoyed expression on his face.




Mirae tied her shoes and glanced up at the clock on the wall. Good, I'm not late. Leaving her stuff in the locker room, she quickly left the locker room and made her way to the practice room. But nothing could prepare her for the sight that met her eyes once she opened the door.

Mirae stepped into the room, but her body went completely frozen as she saw Kai sitting on the bench. But he wasn't just sitting.

He was leaning back, one arm hanging over the side of the bench, his hair ruffled and bangs swepted across his forehead as he held his phone in the other hand. And above all, hanging out of his mouth was a lollipop.

Oh my God...

Upon noticing her presence, Kai quickly snapped his head up and a grin broke across his face, the lollipop stuck between his teeth. "Hey Mirae!"

It took Mirae a good two seconds to respond, and when she did, all that could come out was an "oh, hey." Kai didn't seem to notice, or atleast, chose to ignore it as he continued talking, unfazed.

"Were you able to practice the routine at all?"

His question snapped Mirae back to reality. "Y-yeah! Yeah I did yesterday, I think I got it. Not as good as you, but I'm working on it."

"That's great! You wanna try it out now?"

"Let's do it," Mirae said, sounding a bit more confident.

Kai went over to the stereo and started the song, tossing the er stick into the garbage. He walked back over in front of the mirror and stood a few feet next to Mirae. "Ready?" he asked.

Mirae nodded her head, mentally preparing herself for what she was about to do. She knew the steps, and she could do it, but to say she was nervous was an understatement.

The music started and immediately the two delved right into the song. Their moves were perfectly in sync, and nobody would have been able to guess that the pair had only danced together once. Mirae put all her energy into it, and by the time the song ended she was completely out of breath. Kai turned to her with a huge smile on his face.

"We were awesome!" he shouted, doing a small fist pump. Mirae giggled in response.

"We were pretty good, weren't we," she responded coolly.

"Good? More than good. Let's do it again."

Mirae nodded once more as the song began to repeat, and the two danced again. This time Mirae was much more relaxed and instead focused on having fun while dancing with Kai. This time they exchanged some tips and constructive criticism, and by the third time dancing they were practically flawless. They were also extremely hot, and they both grabbed their waterbottles and took a seat on the ground.

"So, Mirae, why don't you take dance classes here?" Kai asked after taking a swig of his water bottle.

"Uh, well, my dance teacher figured that, with my ability and everything, I had different 'needs'," she airquoted, "than others regarding dance. Also I don't really want others to know about it. What I can do, that is. Which reminds me..." She shifted her eyes from Kai, wondering how to put her worry into words. "Can you, uh, not tell others? About my ability, that is? If you haven't already. Not that you would talk about me, I mean, why would you? But-"

Kai broke out into a small laugh, cutting Mirae off. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But," he smirked, "you told me."

"That's true, you and Hwayoung are the only ones at school who know. Besides Seung Deuk-nim, and the principal and stuff."

Kai nodded, a small smile stuck on his face.

He sure does smile a lot...dang I love his smile.

"So, Kai," Mirae piped up, surprising even herself. This was the first time she had initiated part of the conversation, and she felt good for finally doing so. "How long have you been dancing? It must have been a while."

"It has been. My dad put me in my first class when I was 7, and I've been dancing ever since. What about you?"

"My parents put me in a class when I was 8, and so I was in a class for a few years, but then I had to drop out..."

"Why'd you drop out?"

Mirae didn't answer, silently wondering how she was supposed to answer. The reason was that her step mom died and they couldn't afford it, but that seemed like quite a heavy answer for a seemingly light question. Plus she didn't really know Kai very well, and so she wasn't sure what to say.

"Was it not really helping you anymore?"

Mirae decided to go along with that answer, even though it wasn't the main reason. It's true, the dance class didn't help nearly as much as one on one tutoring, but that wasn't really why she dropped out. "Yeah..."

Kai noticed her uneasiness and changed the conversation. "Have you decided on a routine for the competition coming up?"

"I haven't, actually," Mirae responded as she awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck.

"Do you have any ideas?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna go over them with Seung Deuk-nim at practice tomorrow, but the main thing is that I just can't decide. I'm really undecisive actually..."



"Well, if you want, I can try and help you pick one. Since you helped me practice and all, I should return the favor, right?"

Mirae just stared at him for a second, stunned, before responding. "You really don't have to, it's okay-"

"But I want to."

"Well, I guess, if you want to-"

"Then it's settled. Here, where's your phone?" he asked, standing up and glancing around.

"Oh I left it in the locker room. Why?"

"Mirae-ya, you didn't bring your phone?" Kai asked in mock exasperation. Raising a finger, he flicked her right on the forehead.

"Hey!" she shouted, attempting to suppress her didn't work. She watched him as he walked over to he bench and grabbed his phone which lay atop it.

"What's your phone number?"

Once again, Mirae was stunned and took  a second to respond, the red already making its way to her cheeks. She stumbingly told him, almost forgetting her own phone number.

"Oh Mirae, it's getting late, we better head back and change."

"Oh okay." Just before she could stand, Kai let out his hand, beckoning Mirae to take it. She did, and he pulled her up, the warmth in his hand feeling perfect in her own. As he let go, Mirae found herself missing the feeling.

"See you later Mirae!" Kai said, walking towards the door.

"Bye Kai," Mirae softly called back.

"Oh! I almost forgot," he said, turning around and walking back to Mirae. He reached in his pocket and took out a er. "It's National Show Some Love Day, so here," he said, handing it to her. He then his foot and left out the door.

And so Mirae stood in the center of the dance room, a huge smile plastered on her face, the blush on her face beaming scarlet.



AAHHHHH I'm sorry for not updating -__-

School and competitions and graduating and other stories and people and computer problems and laziness all resulted in a huge lack of updates. Ya'll prolly forgot about this story xD But it's back! And I will definitely update more often.

So please comment on what you thought of this fluffier chapter! Story will pick up more soon :)

/dead Lord help me

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[The Savant] Sorry this hasn't updated in a while! Almost done with an update currently.


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Yongmi5 #1
Chapter 7: This story is so cute!
Kei24M #2
Chapter 7: MiKai is love. MiKai is life. It's just so cute!! <3 <3 <3
kaisbae #3
Chapter 7: kai pushing mirae to eat reminds me of how he was on hello counselor
so sweet ^^
blackjacklex #4
Chapter 7: this was so cute <3 cant wait for next chappp
Chapter 7: ~~~nice keep it up~~~
Chapter 7: Exo do NOT do anything stupid but knowing them they will. and Kai ASK HER OUT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!
blackjacklex #7
Chapter 6: i wonder why her cell phone wasnt in the right spot? anyway hope u update soon authornim
Chapter 6: Omg this chapter is very relatable :3
kaisbae #9
Chapter 6: this was so funny XD
i can totally picture baekhyun and chanyeol acting like this kekekeke
Chapter 6: Exo-K is very embarrassing and what are the chances Mirae's friend leaves the day after Kai gives her his number.
I'm with Kyungsoo on when will they start dating