Advice || HIRING


Ever wanted to just ask someone for advice? Sometimes the advice you get from other people is not what you would like to hear. Or you might even have no one to ask for advice. Well, here is the Advice team. We will be giving you the best advice we can and we will be 100% REAL. We won't give you bs and we won't give you something that we believe won't benefit you. 

This is also meant to help anyone in need of advice in general so please ask because maybe it can benefit someone else as well.



You can ask for advice in the comments below, or you can keep it anonymous and ask for advice here.


1. The Advisors

2. How To Act on a First Date

3. How To Deal With Loneliness


Check out "Your Confessions" to just rant, confess, and say stupid stuff. 

Want to be apart of our new AFF page Convices and become an ADVISOR. Apply here.



Let's Talk : confessions and advice

How to deal with loneliness is up :)


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