Chapter 2 - The Queen

Our Pre-Debut Love Story (EXO)

"Unnie! Let's go get some free food!" Seulgi said excitedly as she hooked an arm across Yejin's. "I wonder what the cafeteria has today!"

"There is free food here?" Sehun, who overheard what Seulgi had said, asked expectantly. As a boy undergoing puberty, food was his best friend and favourite pal. "I love free food!"

Seulgi looked at Sehun from head to toe, judging his outer appearance. His hair was extremely short and he wore a baggy oversized white T-shirt over a khaki berms. Seulgi looked at him in disgust as he flashed her his smile with braces on.

He is a fashion disaster. She thought as she snuck a glance at Yejin to see her reaction. Seulgi would only talk to people, whom Yejin had accepted into her circle of friends, because she understood that if she hung out with the not-so-popular kids here or in school, her place in Yejin's friendship ranking would be demoted. 
However, Yejin was too distracted by the commotions outside their dance studio to notice Sehun and his comments. She strolled towards to the door, dragging Seulgi along in her arms. She peeked through the edge of the door, that separated them from the people outside the studio, and saw her crush Junmyeon with another SM senior, Seohyun.

Both Seohyun and Junmyeon were born in 1991 so they had both previously trained together in the same class before Seohyun debuted with SNSD. They were extremely closed friends and were often mistaken as a couple.

Yejin burst through the door and squealed, "Oppa!" So loudly that both Junmyeon and Seohyun jumped far apart in shock.

"Omg! You scared me!" Seohyun said as she covered her chest with both her hands, opened in wide gap. Junmyeon, on the other hand, had recovered quickly from the surprise attack.

"Hello Yejin-ah, are you going for lunch too?" He asked sweetly, which caused Yejin's heart to melt instantly. Yejin had had a crush on him ever since he entered SM two years ago, when he was 15 and she was 13. Despite joining SM later than Yejin, she never saw him as a junior trainee. Especially after how he took care of her during one of the trainee MT trips to one of camping and pension sites in Incheon.

It was during that one cold winter night, where all the trainees had gathered around the make-shift campfire outside their pension houses, when he saw her shivering in the cold. He took off his only winter coat and placed it over her shoulder voluntarily. Since then, Yejin had saw him more as an 'oppa' than a 'hoobae'.

"Yes! We are just about to head down to the cafeteria." Yejin replied happily before bowing politely to Seohyun. Yejin and Seohyun used to be good friends when they were both part of the initial line up for SNSD. However, when Yejin was kicked out in the third line up and Seohyun successfully debuted with SNSD, their conflicting schedules had caused them to drift apart naturally. And now, they were in an extrmely awkward relationship.

However, even before Junmyeon or Seohyun can react, the three new Junior Class B trainees bounced out into the hallway after Yejin and Seulgi to introduce themselves to their seniors.

"Hello!" The guy named Chanyeol greeted his seniors loudly. He had a glasses so thick that it might be as strong and as unbreakable as diamonds. "I am the new trainee, Park Chanyeol."

"Oh yes! I heard about you. They said you won the Samsung Smart Model Contest?" Junmyeon said as he bowed his head slightly. "How do you even dance with such as thick and heavy spectacles?"

Chanyeol smiled widely when he realised that he may be the topic of the day amongst the SM trainees as he pushed his fingers through the back of his hair subconciously. "Actually, I didn't win the contest. I merely got second but SM gave me an audition after that."

"And I will be getting my eyes done in a week." Chanyeol said. "Uhm, I mean lasik. Not plastic." He corrected himself after looking at their expressions.

Yejin laughed. "So how much did your parents pay to get you an audition with SM?" She smirked arrogantly. There is no way this dude got into SM because he is 'gifted' or 'talented'. Goodness, he cannot even dance to save his own life. She thought as she recalled his horrendous body movements during their practice just now.
I hope I will never have to perform on the same stage as him. Ever.

"Huh? Paid money? My parents never paid for-" Chanyeol began, looking extremely confused by her words, before Junmyeon cut him off.

"Don't worry about her." He told Chanyeol. "She was just kidding. I bet you must be extremely talented for SM to give you a special audition."

Junmyeon turned to Yejin and mouthed, "be kind!"

Why the hell is he protecting a dork like Park Chanyeol? Yejin was furious. Not only was she scolded by her crush thanks to the dork, she had also lost her face in front of her juniors. I was merely stating an obvious fact! She wanted to scream right then and there but she knew it was better for her to shut up right now.

After training in SM for more than five years, Yejin had seen some of her fellow trainees come and go. Some of them left because they did not meet the cut for their monthly evaluations while some of them got lucky and debuted early. She knew that some of them entered SM purely because of their gifted talents while the rest entered because of connections. She, herself knew of a handful of them who got in by pulling strings.

"Suit yourself." She fumed before stomping away from the group.

"Unnie! Wait up!" Seulgi shouted as she hurriedly picked up both their bags before running after Yejin.

"You newbies should go and try out the free food at our cafeteria. It will become your new favourite place in this building soon." Seohyun smiled before excusing herself. She had another recording to do.

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Cant wait to read this story!!