Through It All (Yoongi x Hoseok) [400 words]

Bangtan Drabbles

“Through it all,squirrel never asked him why. Mole loved him for that.” – Anonymous


Yoongi awoke to a insistent beating on his front door. He already knew who it had to be, and one peek out the window confirmed it. Hoseok. 

He opened the door to let him in. As always, Hoseok had cuts on his knuckles, a busted lip, and bruises blossoming across his arms and face. He half fell into Yoongi as he tried to enter. Catching him just before he hit the floor, Yoongi walked him to the couch and set him down. He left and came back with a rag and a bowl of water, the first aid kit already on the coffee table for this exact reason. He dipped the rag in the water and started to wipe the blood from Hoseok hands. Hoseok winced, flinching, but didn't pull his hands away. 

"Who was it this time?" Yoongi finally asked, face neutral and eyes trained on his work. 

"That idiot from the garage. The one with all the tattoos." 

"Is he okay?"

"Yea. His buddies showed up after I left." He winced again. Yoongi moved to wiping off his bleeding lip, dunking the rag back into the reddening water. 

"That's good." He bandaged Hoseok's hands and placed a quick kiss on them. He lead Hoseok back to the front door.

"Thank you, Hyung."

Yoongi half grinned. "No problem, now get home before you bleed out on my stoop." Hoseok knew he was joking, and reached up to squeeze his arm. 

"I'm so sorry that I can't- that I'm not- you've done so much for me, and the one thing I could really do for you- I just-" Yoongi interrupted him. 

"Its fine Hoseok. I knew when I confessed." Yoongi smiled a tired smile, closing the door. As he walked away Hoseok cursed himself again for not being able to repay his accumulating debt to his most reliable Hyung. Hoseok knew how he felt, had known for ages, but just didn't feel the same way. Yoongi was still the one he went to though. Because through it all, Yoongi never asked why he fought. He only helped him, never prying too much. And in a certain way, Hoseok loved him for that.

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O_f_t_94 #1
Chapter 2: Oooo the plot for Namjin sounds interesting :) Great job on the yoonmin drabbles btw!