Swept Off His Feet (Namjin) [2,000 words]

Bangtan Drabbles

I'm sorry it took so long, but here's the full length drabble! i hope you like it! comment suggestions or requests and if i like it i may write it! thanks!

Enjoy!~ Summer

Their First meeting was a little more... dirty than Namjoon had hoped.

Namjoon was too excited. He knew he needed to calm down or he was gonna be spotted, the palace the last place he wanted to be. He, the Prince, had escaped. Or, at least, snuck out with the help of his ever-present friend and assistant Yoongi, or Suga as he liked to be called. He was finally able to walk around the shops and be semi-free! Here had a specific shop in mind. He began to search for his real quarry, a new bakery in the town that had become famous overnight. Rumors of the amazing pastries and apparently quite beautiful owner had spread clean across the kingdom to the castle.

"Hurry up so we can get back, Jimin is waiting for me in the gardens." Suga growled out, pulling Namjoon from where he had stopped to look at a booth selling crystals. "It's this way, your Dumbness."

"I imagine Jimin will come running no matter how late you get in" the tall man laughed, not watching where he was going. Suddenly, he found himself covered head to toe in dirt.

"Whoa, whoops. Didn't see you." The figure in a pink apron shrugged after he had swept a pile of dust out of his shop onto the flabbergasted Prince. As he turned to go back into the shop, Namjoon was experiencing some technical difficulties trying to get his mind to work again. Because damn if that wasn't the prettiest boy he had ever seen. Never mind the whole dirt thing, he could get over that.

"Well, we're here. And judging by your face, I think you agree with those 'most beautiful in all the land' rumors. I'm gonna go ahead and go back to the palace. Be careful, alright?" Suga walked backwards as Namjoon shook himself out of his reverie. Receiving a nod in reply, Suga bolted. He had somewhere to be (or more like someone to be with).


After patting all the grime off his clothes, he walked into the bakery. The man in pink was standing behind a counter, wiping it down with a rag. He looked up as Namjoon came closer.

"Can I help you?" He stood up and tucked the rag in a pocket on the apron. Namjoon fumbled for words for a moment before asking what was fresh. The smile that followed made Namjoon blink. Promising to be right back, the man stepped into the kitchen area behind him.' Hot damn he's fine! I got to figure out his name. , what am I gonna say my name is? Oh well, if he figures it out he figures it out.' He was broken from his thoughts when the man returned carrying a bundle. "Here you go, sir. Freshest loaf we have." 

"I'm Namjoon, by the way. I live across the kingdom. Word of your bakery has spread far." The man looked surprised at first, but quickly turned to suspicion.

"You're not here to warn me or something, right? Because all I do is bake. I have no control of who says what about me and who that offends and whether or not that may be right-" he was breathing heavily when he broke off, a slightly fearful look on his face. Namjoon was quick to reject the notion.

"No no! I was just curious. Has someone been threatening you Mr...."

“Jin. My name is Jin. And it’s nothing. Just some crazy thugs. Well, here you go,” he handed over the paper bag of bread. “Have a nice day!” And then he smiled. And Namjoon was hooked.

Namjoon spent the next couple weeks sneaking out of the castle to see the pretty shopkeeper. After about a week Jin had started saving little pastries for Namjoon. A few days later Namjoon started bringing a flower he’d picked out of the castle gardens every day. Jin had a full bouquet after a couple days. They had been getting along really well; to the point Namjoon almost fell out on the floor when Jin asked him to call him hyung. He quickly agreed once he gained his bearings. The same things happened not five minutes later when Jin called him “Namjoonie.” Somebody call the doctor, he was having heart palpitations.

All that begins must end, however, and it soon became apparent that Namjoon had responsibilities as Prince he was neglecting. The result was him stressing about how to tell Jin. Then it was decided for him.

The kingdom hosted a parade every year to honor the royal family. As a rule, Namjoon didn’t go to these types of things, but Suga guilt tripped him into going. It didn’t help that he enlisted their friend Hoseok to help. It was practically a sin to make the ever-hyper, happy boy sad and when he whipped out the teary-eyes, Namjoon’s resolve crumbled. He found himself sat atop his best horse, a huge black stallion he had fondly named Monster, dressed in his royal garb. Swathed in silky material, he felt like a doll. They rode down the main street, his mother and father ahead of him with their band of servants. Suga rode on one side, Jimin the other. Hoseok brought up the back. The others waved and smiled at the crowd that gathered. Cheers and shouts went up when Jimin stood on his saddle to wave and smile. That was short lived, however, as Suga quickly motioned for him to get down. If Namjoon had blinked he wouldn’t have caught the concern on his face.

All thoughts left his mind as his eye caught a flash of pink in the crowd. He turned his head and sure enough, there stood Jin. His eyes were wide, his mouth hanging open. By the time they had rode past, Jin had composed himself. He nodded at Namjoon and turned. Scared he was leaving, Namjoon reached out and got Suga’s attention. He motioned toward the retreating figure. “Catch up to him. Tell him to meet me after the procession in the gardens. Take him there if you have to.” He saw Suga start to open his mouth to argue but he cut him off. “Do this for me and I’ll let you take the rest of the week off. Jimin too.” Suga’s mouth snapped shut and he veered his horse off down the side road in pursuit of the baker.

When Namjoon arrived back at the castle, he went straight to the stables. He left Monster in the hands of the stable hand and half-ran across the grounds to the gardens. It took him a little while to find Jin settled in among the flowers. He had one of them in his hand, twirling it in his fingers. As Namjoon walked up, Jin weakly smiled at him.

“Can I sit with you, hyung?” Namjoon fidgeted with his overcoat. Curse this stupid shiny getup. Jin looked surprised, but nodded. He moved over to make space on the bench he had been sitting on. “You know I meant to tell you, right?” Namjoon said as he sat. Jin didn’t look up. “I just felt like you might change your mind about me if you knew. I know there are rumors about me. I didn’t want that to sway you.”

“It wouldn’t have.” Jin mumbled. Namjoon scrunched his forehead and leaned closer.


“I said, ‘It wouldn’t have.’ Changed my mind. I just wish you would have told me. I wouldn’t have worried so much about you not coming to the shop as much anymore. I mean, I understand. You have more important things.” Jin hadn’t raised his head yet, speaking directly to his half-mangled flower. Namjoon was shocked when he caught the shine of tear tracks on the side of his face. He wasted no time in reaching up and wiping at his hyung’s eyes with his thumb. He moved his hand to his chin, raising his face. Jin refused to make eye contact, his gaze rooted on the flower he had crushed in his grasp.

“Seokjinnie-hyung. Look at me.” Jin looked up, surprised. He had only mentioned his whole name in passing once, and Namjoon had never called him by it. And he liked it. Without him noticing Namjoon had rendered Jin speechless. “Why are you crying? Is it me being the prince, or is it something else? Did those thugs come back? I told them if they touched a hair on your head I’d throw them in the dungeon. So tell me.” Jin noted what Namjoon had said about his old harassers, but shook his head.

“I just… you have other, more important things to do than hang around me. I understand if you’ll have to stop,” his voiced cracked, but he kept on, “coming to see me anymore. It’s okay. I can take it.” His face said differently, but Namjoon wasn’t focused on that.

“Stop coming to see you? What? What made you think that?” Namjoon seized Jin’s hand, taking the wilted remnants of plant out of it. “I’m not going anywhere. In fact, I was kind of wondering if you’d like to move in?” he finished in a question, shyly smiling down at the hand he was playing with. To say Jin was surprised is an understatement. His jaw dropped as he realized that Namjoon was serious.

“Really?” Namjoon nodded. “As in, move into the castle?” another nod. “What about my little brother and his boyfriend? You know they live with me.” Namjoon smiled.

“Taehyung and Jimin have been friends for years. And anyone special to you is special to me.” He was getting dangerously close to kissing his hyung, so he stood up and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Jin still looked flabbergasted. “So? What do you say, Princess?” it just slipped out. He hadn’t meant to say it. It wasn’t his fault the pet name fit him so well. He braced for a scolding but what he got surprised him. Jin grinned. Within the next few seconds Jin was up with his arms around Namjoon, his head on his shoulder. Shell-shocked, Namjoon froze. Jin tilted his head back and made eye contact with him.

“Sure, prince.” And then he kissed him. Now, this is illegal, assaulting a royal. Highly illegal. Death sentence-worthy. Namjoon figured he could let it slide.


A Month Later

“Where is my other gauntlet?” Namjoon had been tearing up their shared room while an amused Jin lay propped against the headboard of the bed.

“Maybe in the wardrobe with the rest of your clothes?” his grin grew as the ruffled royal continued to throw pillows off of the one-ended couch, apparently called a “fainting couch”, as Namjoon had haughtily explained when Jin asked.

“I don’t understand I just had it! It was in my hand, then I put the one on, and then… oh.” He had finally become aware that he had been wearing it the whole time. He looked over as Jin collapsed into giggles on the bed. He smiled. “Really now, jagiya?” Jin straightened at that, blushing a fierce red.

“I told you not to call me that.” He mumbled as Namjoon used his distraction to crawl up beside him on the bed.

“And miss this blush? Never.” He dodged the hand that flew his way, breaking off Jin’s mumbles about him being disrespectful to his elders with his lips. They kissed for a few moments, but Jin broke off.

“Go. You have Royal business to attend to. I’ll be here when you get back.”

Namjoon smiled and crawled out of the bed, off to go be the prince for his Princess.

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O_f_t_94 #1
Chapter 2: Oooo the plot for Namjin sounds interesting :) Great job on the yoonmin drabbles btw!