Can I Have This Dance?

Over and Over Again

“Hey, gorgeous.”

Turning towards her intruder, she just sigh when she saw who it was. “Oh, it’s just you.”

“Hey, don’t be like that, baby,” the man tried to flirt. Unfortunately for him, it didn’t work.

“Kai, shut up for once. And I’m not your ‘baby’.”

He began to say something but more students began piling into the room as well as the instructor, Mrs. Lee. She place her bag by her star student before asking her to set up the music for later. She clap her hands together before asking everybody to partner up.

“Alright class our current topic is the ‘Waltz’. And like any other times I would like you to choose your own partners. Just remember that this is your grade on the line if you choice isn’t what you expected.” After she finish her speech she left them to partner up and took attendance.

Seulgi was just finishing up setting the music and amps when she felt the same presence behind her. “The answer is, ‘no’,” she said without looking up.

“Come on,” he groan. “I’m an amazing dancer. You’re an amazing dancer. We’ll make a great team.”

Not having the patience to deal him anymore, the blonde turn him around and push him towards an unpartnered girl. “I’m an assistance, not a student – despite what the roster says. That girl, Hyuna, seems unoccupied. Go and do.” With one final shove, she turn away with a victorious smirk.

Once Mrs. Lee was done checking off everybody she turn back to the class and address her students. “Okay, so as you know we’ll be starting the waltz unit, and I know that none of you may think that it’s all that fun, but who says all dances were enjoyable. Anyways I would like two volunteers. Anyone would like to step up for the gentleman role?”

She look around the entire studio but saw none of the guys stepping up. “Alright then I guess I’d have to choose then. How about –“

She was then interrupted by the slam of the door. Everybody turn to look and saw a tall fellow and he was panting really hard.

“Ah, Jaebum-shi, I’m glad to see you made it to class,” she said half sarcastically.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that basketball practice ran a little longer than usual. I promise it won’t happen again.”

“You bet it won’t. Anyways I choose you to be the volunteer. Seulgi, why don’t you take the female lead.”

She turn away and walk towards the sound system to prepare the music. That left Jaebum to quickly toss his bag to the side and walk up to the only blonde girl in the room.

“Hey, Seulgi, what are we doing right now?” he whispered softly.

“Oh, oppa, we’re just learning the waltz. You got this right?” she look into his eyes.

“Uh- well- you see-“

“Say no more,” she stop his stuttering.

Her attention was then turn towards the music the just started. Shaking off the feeling of a million of eyes on her, she held out her hand and said, “Just take my hand and take a deep breath.”

Following her instructions, Jaebum began to relax himself. “Okay, now what?”

“Pull me close and take one step.”

Pulling her closer, he place his free hand onto the girl’s tiny waist, and was hit by familiar feeling. Shaking it off, he tries to look at his foot coordination, but Seulgi stop him from looking down by using her finger to lift his chin.

“Don’t look at your feet, that’ll just mess you up even more. Just keep your eyes lock on mine and let the music guide you.”

So he did as he was told once again. He listen to the music and went with the flow. This moment brought him back to when he was younger and why he wanted to dance. Huh, where did that me go?

He continued to stare into her eyes and began to notice how light and familiar her brown eyes were. Almost like honey, or maybe caramel, that I dream off.

He didn’t know when but as the music began to come to an end, he spun the blonde one more time before setting her down into a dramatic dip.

There was applause in the background but neither of them were aware of it. It wasn’t until a cough interrupted their daze. Looking up at Mrs. Lee, Jaebum help the girl up and the two took a step apart from each other.

“Alright then, thank you, you two for that wonderful demonstration. And Jaebum since there isn’t any other girls available why don’t you take Seulgi as your partner.”

“But Mrs. Lee –“

“No, ‘buts’ Seulgi. And either way I can put this in as extra credit and volunteer hours if I like what I see.”

“Wow, Mrs. Lee, that was very manipulative of you,” Seulgi said with a little smile.

“I know. Anyways class as you can see –“

Tuning her out Jaebum turn to Seulgi and began speaking. “So how are we going to do our performance?”

“Woah, slow down there, cowboy. We were just assign the assignment today. Why hurry?”

Smiling sheepishly, he told her, “Well I also have basketball coming up and I don’t want my practices to interfere with our project.”

“Alright, follow me then.” They both walk over towards her bag where she retrieved a planner from her bag.

Being distracted, though, kept them from noticing a pair jealous eyes boring holes into their heads.

“So I’m available anytime except for Wednesday and Thursday because that’s when I have to tutor the freshmans and stuff.”

“Alright how about you give me your number and I call you if I am busy?”

“Alright, sounds like a plan.” Ripping out paper she wrote her number on it and gave it him. As their fingers brushed, they both felt a little jolt running through their veins. It surprised the both of them with nostalgic feeling.

“Um- anyways, I’ll call you?” he ask with an eye-smile.

“I’ll be waiting,” she return with her own smile.



Second Chapter

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Chapter 3: omg thissssss i love it
layferxoxo #2
Chapter 3: This honestly seems like such a good plot already, thank you for this!
ixxmxxx #3
Chapter 2: I noticed a little bit of HSM in here. Hahaha. I sang that part in my head instead of reading it. Lol.
enefeydee #4
Chapter 3: omg yoU UPDATED THANK YOUUU
Chapter 2: im still breathing im still ok no casualty

rion_01 #6
Chapter 2: This chapter is cute. Both are good singers and dancers, so I think they might suit each other very well. ^^
And I can see what you did with the song. lol
Looking forward to more updates.
Chapter 2: this is so cute!
aw jaebum and seulgi getting closer ^^
jaebum & ddeulgi <3333