Why not kill two birds with one stone?

Over and Over Again

Look away. Look away. Just become one with your locker. It wasn’t an understatement that Kai was on the hunt for the blonde dancer for pretty much his entire life. It went back to kindergarten. Seulgi was currently trying to blend into her locker. Don’t look. Don’t look. Just don’t look.

That didn’t seem to stop him though as he finally spotted her among the group of passing students. In the moment of panic she turned too quickly and collided with an unsuspecting victim. It turned out to be her most favorite Canadian. Their impact caused both girls to fall and dropping their textbooks.

“Seulgi-ah, when did you became so clumsy? I thought that was Yeri’s thing,” she chortled. Hearing the upcoming foot step, she found her answer. “Ok, I get it.”

“Babe, did you hurt yourself?” he asks as he tried to help her up, only for her to snatch her hand back.

“I’m fine.” Picking up hers and Wendy’s stuff, she pulled the shorter girl up and addressed him again. “And if I’m correct you don’t have AP-History with Mr. Cho, do you?”

Without giving him a chance to answer, Wendy answered for him, “Didn’t think so.”

With that the pair turned and left the school’s heartthrob gaping like a fish in the middle of the hallway.

“Do you think we were a little too harsh?” the blonde asks.

Taking a quick glance back, she replied, “Nah, I think we were actually a lot more nice than when we told him off before.”

The two continue walking down the hallways and entered their class with a couple minutes to spare. They found their seats in the front of the class and chose to spend their free time talking. Wendy was in the middle of discussing whether or not to hangout later when Mr. Cho came in with Mark Tuan, Im Jaebum, and Jackson Wang in tow. Apparently not on Mr. Cho’s good side today.

“Now if you boys are done being hooligans, I am about to start class,” he told them with his stoic face on display.

“Tell me again how did they get into this class again?” Seulgi whispered to the girl behind her.

“I think they are smarter than they appear,” she replied in a daze. The blonde followed her eyes until they came upon the dazed expression of a Mr. Tuan.

“Alright, whatever keeps you asleep at night,” she said while patting the Canadian’s shoulder. She turns back to the front where Mr. Cho is writing on the board.

The rest of the class period was spent in silent as Mr. Cho discusses the governments control over Korea until the split between the North and South and whatnot. Tuning out her voice Seulgi began to doodle on her notebook. As the time began to dwindle down, Mr. Cho claps his hands together and made a few final announcements before the bell rang.

“Class, as you all know starting today you guys will be put into groups to do an assign project and when you do come to me and I’ll give you guys your assignment.”

Without turning away from her sketch, Seulgi asks aloud, “Where do you think you’re going?” She didn’t even have to look to see the brunette girl making derpy faces behind her.

“Wha~ what are you talking about? I’m not going anywhere.”

Finally looking up at the Canadian Seulgi gave her a smile and told her, “Have fun with your boy.”

“Thank you,” she squeaked and fled over to Mark. Turning back to her doodle, she felt a sudden weight on her chest. It’s almost as if she was drowning. Her breathing began to stagger as she felt what seem like water entering her ears, muffling out the entire classroom. Opening her eyes she saw blue. Everywhere.

She began to panic, when she heard a muffled voice coming from every direction. It seem to be calling out to her yet not her. They kept calling out, “Sena! Yebeo! Where are you?”

Before it could continue, a hand drop onto her shoulder, knocking her out of her daze. Looking up she found concern looking Jaebum watching her. “Seulgi, are you alright?”

“Um… uh-yeah. No I’m fine,” she stuttered. “How-how-how can I help you?”

“I was actually wondering if you would consider working with me on this project. You know because we are already doing another assignment together so why not kill two birds with one stone,” he finishes with a smile.

“Yeah, sure, why not? But may I ask why are you working with your buddies?”


As if on cue a burst of laughter filled the room. Patting the desk next to her she invited him to sit. “So before we start how about we schedule meetings again?”

“Sure,” he said with a smile. His vision then shifted towards the drawing in the notebook. “Hey, are you into art.”

“Huh, what? Oh this,” she pointed to her doodle, “it’s nothing really. Just a… um, something familiar I guess.”


Snapping her head up, she turn and ask, “Did you say something?”

“Huh, nothing. I said nothing. Why?”

“Uh never mind. So about that schedule…”



Hey guys, I know it's been long. I'm hoping to put more effort in before school starts up again. So leave a comment and tell me what you think.

Lot's of love!!!

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Chapter 3: omg thissssss i love it
layferxoxo #2
Chapter 3: This honestly seems like such a good plot already, thank you for this!
ixxmxxx #3
Chapter 2: I noticed a little bit of HSM in here. Hahaha. I sang that part in my head instead of reading it. Lol.
enefeydee #4
Chapter 3: omg yoU UPDATED THANK YOUUU
Chapter 2: im still breathing im still ok no casualty

rion_01 #6
Chapter 2: This chapter is cute. Both are good singers and dancers, so I think they might suit each other very well. ^^
And I can see what you did with the song. lol
Looking forward to more updates.
Chapter 2: this is so cute!
aw jaebum and seulgi getting closer ^^
jaebum & ddeulgi <3333