150418 Cooking

TVXQ 60 Minute Challenge


Changmin ignores the desperate voice on the other end of the phone call.


Changmin ignores him again.

When the chilling silence permeates, the voice gets even more desperate.

"Changmin, please, help me, I'm begging you. I'll do anything. Anything, Changmin, please."

Changmin narrows his eyes.

"What do you want?" asks Changmin in a low voice.

"I'll tell you when you get here. Please. Please Changmin!"

Changmin tries really, really hard to ignore Yunho, but he can't.

"Forget it," sneers Changmin, and he hangs up, rolling his eyes.

But as soon as he does, Changmin is up and getting dressed to head to Yunho's house.



Changmin knows that something is wrong as soon as he gets off the elevator onto Yunho's floor.

The whole floor is cloudy with smoke, and it's almost stinging Changmin's eyes. The air is hazy, and Changmin is suddenly worried.

He quickens his steps towards Yunho's door, and out of worry, he pounds at the door.

"Yunho Hyung?" he shouts. "Hyung!"

Changmin can hear a scream from inside the apartment, and he thinks, at least he's still alive.

Soon, the door opens for Changmin. A waft of smoke overwhelms Changmin before he can open his eyes again and focus on who's standing there.

The state of Yunho shocks Changmin. Yunho's hair is frazzled from the heat and steam and he's wearing a white apron but it's no longer white, with sauces and juices splattered all over it. He's holding a frying pan in one hand and a spoon in the other, and Changmin notices that his right thumb is bandaged up.

"Changminnie! I was so scared you wouldn't come!" shouts Yunho, looking like he might burst out crying. "I'm so lost! I don't get it! How do people feed themselves!? Thank God you came!"

"How could I not," says Changmin quietly, but he doesn't think Yunho hears in his moments of distress and confusion. "What happened to your finger?"

"I cut myself while I was trying to cut up the veggies," says Yunho sadly.

"You idiot," sighs Changmin. He takes the pan and the spoon from Yunho's hands. "Okay. Go get cleaned up."

Yunho sobs out a thanks before shoving the pan and spoon into Changmin's hands and disappearing into his bedroom. Changmin sighs and finally steps inside the apartment and heads for the kitchen – and the state of the kitchen shocks him even more.

The whole thing is so crowded Changmin can't even step inside. The mess is making Changmin's blood boil and Changmin opens up the windows to let the smoke out and begins cleaning, because every chef knows, you can't cook in a messy kitchen.

Changmin guesses that Yunho is no chef though.

Changmin knows that Yunho is a disaster in the kitchen and this was one of the things they worried about when they moved out of the dorm, but he didn't think it would be this bad. While Yunho gets changed, Changmin gets through at least some of the mess, and soon, Yunho's at the end of the kitchen, watching Changmin with his mouth open.

"Don't just stand there, do something," snaps Changmin. Yunho steps closer to the stove to start something, but then Changmin changes his mind. "Wait. Never mind. Don't touch anything."

Yunho looks down as he obeys, looking like a kicked puppy. Half an hour passes when the kitchen is spotless and exactly the way Changmin likes it, and finally, Changmin can start cooking.

Changmin twirls the knife in his hand, knowing that Yunho's watching, before he starts cutting up the vegetables. Changmin finishes easily, and he's quite comfortable cooking until Yunho speaks.

"You know, you're super handsome when you're cooking."

Changmin feels hot, and his hand shakes a bit as he butters the pan. He drops the vegetables in, and clears his throat.

"Okay, you can stop making stuff up now," says Changmin.

Yunho pouts, but he listens to Changmin again. He then looks at Changmin. "Are you going to use strawberries?"

"Strawberries don't go in fried rice."

"They do in U-Know fried rice."

"Well, good thing this is Max fried rice," snaps Changmin.

He tosses the veggies into the air and catches all the pieces in the pan. He feels a surge of satisfaction when Yunho's eyes widen. He's also hyper-aware of the fact that Yunho has come up from behind him. His whole body tingles and Yunho wraps his arms around Changmin's waist in a back hug.

"You should live here," says Yunho, putting his chin on Changmin's shoulder as he continues to cook.

Changmin feels his ears turning hot, but then he composes himself. "You're the one that was all gung ho about leaving the dorm."

Yunho looks devastated as he looks at Changmin. "But –"

Changmin looks at Yunho, almost wanting Yunho to give a good excuse. Changmin had been sulking for days realizing that Yunho was the one that suggested that they moved out of their dorm.

"I wanted to leave the dorm, not you. Why do you think I got such a huge apartment?"

Changmin looks at Yunho. "What?"

"I wanted to share it with you."

Changmin is struck speechless for a second, then he composes himself and turns away from the stove to face Yunho. The movement makes Yunho's arms loosen from around Changmin's middle.

"So why –" says Changmin, his mind not quite comprehending.

Yunho shrugs, looking a bit guilty.

"I don't know. I didn't like being reminded every day of what happened in that dorm, and I thought it might be better if we moved out."

Changmin blinks. He didn't expect to hear that.

"How could I want to move away from you? I wish I could live with you forever," whispers Yunho.

"Just because I cook for you," accuses Changmin, but his heart has melted like springtime. Yunho knows.

"No, because you're awesome and I love you."

Changmin's entire being is blushing, and he just knows that Yunho can see it. His face is as hot as it could be, and he doesn't think he could go any redder, but then Yunho leans in towards Changmin and kisses him.

Changmin wraps his arms around Yunho and he kisses right back, even though he's blushing and his heart is beating out of his chest. He's completely lost in the kiss, and it's just Yunho and Changmin in the world… at least until Yunho pulls back just a bit.

"Um… Changmin?" whispers Yunho.

Changmin half expects Yunho to propose to him right then and there, but –

"Uh… your vegetables…"

Changmin whips around towards the stove, and finally smells the smoke.

The vegetables are charred black in Changmin's negligence, and smoke is starting to fill Yunho's apartment again.

"No!" shouts Changmin in despair. "No, no, no! How! How did I! This is all your fault! You distracted me!"

Changmin is frantic as he tries to get the flame down and the useless vegetables off the heat. He drops the pan in the sink and is reaching for the vegetables again when Yunho stops him.

"Baby," says Yunho, Changmin's shoulder. Changmin looks at him. "Do you just want to order pizza?"

Changmin sighs. "Okay," he agrees sadly.

"And maybe will you live here with me?"

He's a lot more cheerful when he agrees with this one.

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Chapter 8: I love moon bunny, it's sweet
Zheeda #2
Chapter 8: chapter 8: aww...so adorable..
make me blushing(?)^^
Anashim #3
Chapter 8: it's so sweeeet :* :*
Chapter 7: Hahaha was this crack? XD
This was too cute~ I can imagine Changmin Bunny lol
How cute would that be? Lots ^0^ This was adorable~~~
Chapter 7: Awwwww XD that was adorable
Chapter 6: !!!! This is adorable, the entire thing!

And the I completed version of Tears made me laugh despite everything because goddamned Cho Kyuhyun
Chapter 6: Yunho is just amazing with Changmin. The last be they have for each other is relationship goals. I miss them together. Can't wait for 2017. ❤️❤️
Chapter 6: Awww I can imagine a crying Changmin wallowing in his own misery and then an understanding and caring Yunho comforting him~ SO CUTE! Thank God Yunho didn't react the way I thought he was going to react XD When I saw that you updated I was so happy ^-^ Thank you~ LOL But at first I thought that maybe you made a mistake because the first half of the update was the same as the previous post, and then I scrolled down and realized that the new part was on the second half of the update ^0^
Chapter 6: you finally finished Tears XD the unfinished version was stressing me out because I was really worried about what was going to happen next... but I'm glad Yunho didn't react as badly as I thought he would... ^^