Chapter 7: Truth

You Predominate My Life


Author: I have edited a bit with the chapters before, but the ideas are mainly the same

                “Sungyeol-a, I actually, I am in love with Sunggyu-hyung.” Woohyun muttered.

                Sungyeol’s face showed his shock, perhaps with a bit sympathy, but it only lasted for a second, which to Woohyun’s surprise. He didn’t expect he would be that calm, after hearing a news that he himself thought it was enough to turn the world.

                “Sungyeol-a, there’s no need to hide your emotion. Once I decided to tell you, I have already prepared to accept the shock on other’s face.” Woohyun continued after not hearing any replies.

                “Hyung, I understand.” The younger said.

                “You understand what.”

                “Yes, I understand how it feels like to be in love with someone who doesn’t love you back, having a crush that cannot be public.”

                The older stared at the younger as if he was a weirdo, the expression was exactly what he expected the younger show.


                “Hyung,” Sungyeol interrupted Woohyun, “Yeah, we are on the same boat. I am, no I was, in love with a guy. In my eyes, or possibly in many people’s eyes, he is perfect. A perfectly craved face, that pair of deep eyes, high nose, pink lips, with his naturally curled hair. And the kindest heart, cleverest mind I have ever seen. Oh, it is just perfect.”

                “But why ‘was’? He is that perfect, according to you, then why you are not in love with him now?”

                 “Because I soon realized he just treat me as his best friend, nothing more. I clearly remembered that day, it was a Friday. That day, he asked to wait him here after school, as he got a secret to tell me. What a secret that made me breakdown completely. He told me that he was in love with a girl, I do admit, a pretty girl, and asked me to help him. I remembered myself faking a smile, I wondered why didn’t he notice it, he usually knows everything about me. Then I stumbled back home, and cried for a whole afternoon…” Sungyeol said non-stop, all of a sudden, the memory of the past kept rushing towards him.

               Sungyeol didn’t realize, it was the first time for him to forget L’s presence up there on the peak.

              “It’s been a while with you, unnie.” Krystal broke the silence. Victoia stared at her blankly, her mind was suddenly not working. She had long for a confirmation of her assumption, but she wasn’t sure was that one.

              Krystal turned to her back after a long silence. Her usually smart-looking unnie was now staring at her without focus, as if she was daydreaming. And that surprise her, she didn’t expect Victoria didn’t understand her hint.

              “Unnie,” she said while slowly unmasked herself, showed her pink and small lips, and her soft jawline.She was stunningly beautiful, Victoria thought, and amazingly familiar.

                A squeak escaped from Victoria’s mouth when she finnaly confirmed that she met her lost dear dongseang.

                Krystal looked at her unnie in amusement, she had never seen her unnie having such child-like sound.

                “Let’s go to the hill, I can’t stand much longer in this dusty place,” Victoria soon regained her calmness and suggested.

                After a few minutes spacing out, L found Sungyeol who should be next to him disappeared. He sighed, that naughty monkey was running was away again. He wondered where he would he would be. He glanced around, and caught a glimpse of two familiar figures under the tree in a distance.

                “Soojung-a, why don’t you tell us that you have returned to Korea?” Victoria asked once they had settled down.

                “Because I cannot bear the guilt in my heart when I see you.”

                “But why? You have never done anything that made us hate you.”

                “Unnie, have you ever angry with me for leaving all of a sudden and without any contacts?”

                “No, I swear.”

                “Unnie, don’t lie. I am sure for an instant, you had hated me.”

                “No, we didn’t. What point on hating you? There’s no reason for us to hate you, Soojung-a.”

                Krystal shuddered at the name Victoria said, she hadn’t heard it for a long time, not even from her parents, for she demand them to call her new name.

                “Because I only told you on the last day I left, and giving you no more information.” Krystal answered.

                “We understand you that you won’t do it without a reason.”

                “Yeah, but a selfish one.”

                “And that’s still a reason.”

                “Sorry, unnie.”

                “There’s nothing to apologize, Soojung-a”

                L took a closer look of the two figures, he was frozen in place once he saw who they were.

                Krystal and Victoria. But why were they together, Krystal with one of Soojung’s best unnies? L felt uncertain about was Krystal Soojung. He stared at thim, he could only see Victoria’s face and Krystal’s back. There was something odd with her, but he couldn’t spot it.

                He stared at her for a long while, looked at Krystal’s hair flying under the wind, the breeze cherishing her.

                “Please don’t tell other unnies, I beg you.” Krystal said.

                “But why? There are your best unnies in the world, aren’t they?” Victoria retorted.

                “Because, because I do not want to hurt all of you again, I might leave again, not sure when.”


                Krystal sighed, “because I am already a trainee now, the company says I might debut soon.”

                Victoria stared at her unbelievably.

                “Unnie, I won’t forget you, I swear. And besides,” Krystal grew uncomfortable under Victoria’s stare, and tried to chage the topic, “Do you know where is Myungsoo?”

                “Myungsoo? You still didn’t get the forget him?” the older teased.

                Krystal blushed, and nodded shyly.

                “Sad that he left after you left. His best friends reveal nothing about his whereabouts.”

                “How about L? Who is  he?”

                “That handsome jerk? He is a transfer the year after you left.”


                “Wait, isn’t that L?” Victoria pointed towards Krystal’s back.

                The younger turned, and stared at the guy looking at her.

                Krystal and Victoria were chatting happily, just when L relaxed and thought they didn’t notice him, Krystal suddenly turned her back.

                He finally knew why he felt she was odd that moment. She had put off her mask, revealing her beautiful lips and jawline. The whole face was exactly same with the person that he missed every day, Soojung.

                At that moment, he saw that Krystal is Soojung,at least their appearance is the same.

Author: So, L and Krystal had finally met. i have seen that some of the readers are confused why Victoria couldn't regonise L, it is because that Myungsoo quit school after the year Soojung left, and transfer to the school in a new identity.

               ‘But why? I bet L and our Soojung don’t know each other. L is a transfer after Soojung quit school.’ Amber retorted. She was a bit furious, because she thought Sunggyu was faking them. (chapter 3:Linked)


                “Myungsoo? You still didn’t get the forget him?” the older teased.

                Krystal blushed, and nodded shyly.

                “Sad that he left after you left. His best friends reveal nothing about his whereabouts.”

                “How about L? Who is  he?”

                “That handsome jerk? He is a transfer the year after you left.” (chapter 7:Truth)

Also please check out my new one-shot 24 hours ><

Lastly, I have been hypered since knowing Sunggyu's solo comeback: 

Kim Sunggyu-The Answer MV Teaser : here

Kim Sunggyu-Kontol MV Teaser : here

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I'm very sorry that I can't update this story very often, due to the hectic schedule of mine and also I'm writing the one-shot stories.


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Christina_wolf #1
Chapter 13: Hey authornim, please update the story soon. Why do u have to leave the story hanging at the most exciting part. LOVE the story by the way.
Hi authornim, if english is ur third language, then wats ur second and first language?
Please update soon! I really miss this story

/throws hearts
vanzhun #4
Chapter 13: Thank you for the update!
rahmi123 #5
Chapter 13: I like this story.
I want more moment myungstal :) , update soon please. :D :D
Chapter 13: great chap!! i love it^^ update soon please:)
Chapter 13: Cant wait for the next chapter. Myungsoo already confident that she's soojung. Now its soojung's time to recognize him without doubt. I want to see them close soon. Update soon
vanzhun #8
Chapter 12: Please update soon :)
Chapter 12: update soon please...^^
Chapter 11: ok now i understand..update soon please^^