Destination One

OPERATION T.R.E.E. (To Rid Every Evil)

 The girls were cruising down the road in their high class Cadillac. They were blasting some music while sipping some cocktails from the mini bar that rolled up each time they pushed a heart shaped button. Gahee and Jessica were the ones who were enjoying the alcoholic drinks while Nicole preferred to take a few sips only. Sohee was reading her comics while CL was driving.

 “Girls, don’t drink too much. You might not be sober enough to take some bad guys down!” CL scolded them. Jessica had her second glass of margarita and wasn’t quite tipsy yet. Opting to take CL’s advice, she put the glass down and focused on the mission. Gahee did the same thing.

CL was in the driver’s seat, seated next to her was Sohee. At the back was Gahee, Nicole and Jessica. Nicole had to come in between the two girls to prevent war from breaking out. Sohee was so caught up in her comics that she started to read aloud to them.

“According to this comic strip that I’m reading, the happier you get, the sadder the situation becomes. And when you’re sad, the happier the situation for others becomes.” Sohee read out loud. CL smiled at her while Jessica gave her a dumbfounded look.

“Seriously now?” she asked sarcastically.

“Ahahahaha.” Sohee laughed her high-pitched laugh which made CL and Nicole laugh while it made Gahee groan in boredom.

I want out of here right now! I can’t stand being with a childish nerd, a righteous leader who always disciplines us like she’s a mother, a clingy photography obsessed geek, and an airhead Barbie doll! Oh God, please take me now! Gahee grunted in her mind. Since she was seated next to the window, she leaned her head on to this and relaxed herself for a while. Jessica just buffed her newly polished nails.

“Alright girls, we’re here!” Gahee wasn’t even 10 minutes into her nap and they were already in Busan. CL parked the car and the girls, who were still tired and groggy, sat up and prepared themselves for their mission though their bodies weren’t conditioned yet.

“We’re here already?” Nicole couldn’t even believe it herself. “That was fast!”

“I drive fast.” CL said with pizzazz. Jessica raised an eyebrow and smiled at her. The girls altogether went down the car in style, flaunting their gadgets and costumes amidst the chaos.

“We look so hot, I think.” Nicole said.

“I know. I wish you could take a picture of us.” CL said.

“I want to but there’s no photographer.”

“Guys, let’s take pictures later. Right now, we have some work to do.” Jessica spoke like she was the leader.

“Jessica’s right.” CL agreed. “Come on, let’s look for those bad guys!” CL advanced to Jessica’s side and walked with her.

“Nicole,” Gahee caught up with her. “Take pictures of the situation of the city with your gadget camera so we can send it to the Headquarters and they can analyze it.”

“Good thinking!” Nicole took out her camera and began to take pictures of the destitute place. There were broken glasses, small fires, fallen posts and semi-crumbled buildings. Nicole, Gahee, and Sohee looked around for any signs of evil.


“It’s working! Domination is ours!” cackled Luna. Luna was the leader of a group hired by Kim Jonghyun to wreck havoc in Busan. The group’s name was the Unfallable Five and it was composed of, obviously, five members. Luna was their leader, Jo Kwon and Ga In were her right hand people, Min and Hara were her other people.

“We need more bombs! More firearms!” Jo Kwon cackled.

“And we definitely need more soldiers!” Ga In said.

“Not to worry, we got those!” suddenly, their monitor flashed Jonghyun’s face. And he didn’t look that happy.

“Unfallable Five, I have bad news for you. The Headquarters’ team, Operation T.R.E.E. is in Busan and are about to hunt you down. You better stop them. Stall them if you must!” Jonghyun ordered, disappearing from their screen.

“Operation TREE?” Luna wondered. “Who could this group be?”

“Maybe it’s another one of those forces that the Headquarters send.” Min said.

“Another one of their failed forces, I must say.” Ga In mocked. The others just laughed.

“Well let’s see if they’re any match for our Cobra Cops!” Luna toggled a switch which was the signal for the Cobra Cops. The switch made a hissing and rattling sound, similar to a snake. This alert made all the Cobra Cops jog right out of their headquarters and assemble before their Masters. Luna Park looked down upon them and smirked evilly.

“Yes, Boss. Reporting for duty, boss!” they said in chorus, giving her a salute afterwards.

“Men, a new force has come to put a stop to our plans. We cannot let this happen. This isn’t permissible! That is why you are here! Ready your machine guns, ready your bayonets. Raid the city and attack them by surprise. I’m sure with their mediocricy, they wouldn’t be able to get past you. Stupid of the T.R.E.E. Headquarters to send out rookie spies when they know how good we are at this!” Luna boasted and ordered at the same time. The Cobra Cops remained stiff.

“Now, out you go. Do not let this plan burn into flames!” Luna screamed and pointed at the door, signaling for them to march out. The Cobra Cops gave one last salute and formed a line, jogging right out the door.

Operation T.R.E.E. were roaming around the place and it didn’t take a genius to know that the place was severly devastated and that it had already been ruined by the bombs and fires that the Unfallable Five kept on setting. Huge chunks of blocks and parts of buildings were falling from the skies. One nearly smashed Sohee’s head.

“WAAAA!” she shrieked childishly as a block fell from the top of a building and crumbled at her feet. She held on to CL who was holding her golden gun. Sohee was tightly clutching the thinner girl’s arm. CL held her poor little ‘sister’ as it appeared.

“Are you okay?” she asked, giggling at her childishness. Sohee pouted cutely and whined and meowed. All this was natural and she was just so cute! CL clutched her like she was her little sister.

“Nyarrr~ What happened?” Sohee asked.

“Buildings are starting to crumble. This place is really destitute.” CL said. Jessica looked around and kicked some debris on the ground.

“Who could be responsible for this?” asked the blonde beauty. Just then, they heard a hissing sound and heavy marching coming from all directions. The girls hurdled together, fearing for the worst. Sohee still had her comics with her and hugged it tightly, fearing that it would get lost. Jessica was afraid but trusted her skills in weapon and hand-to-hand combat. Nicole, never wanting to miss the opportunity to snap a good photo, assumed position and took photos of the city in ruins.

“We’re in danger and you still take pictures?!” asked Gahee. Nicole shrugged and smiled a fake smile, obviously forced.

“Eh. You know. They could make good scrapbook pictures!” Nicole shrugged again. Gahee glitned her eyes and shook her head. She hurdled closer to CL who held her gun closely to her chest.

“What’s going on, Leader?” asked Gahee, sounding like she was really into the mission. She needed this. CL was so passionate about this and Gahee couldn’t afford to let her down by showing disinterest.

“It seems as if they’re sending in some soldiers or henchmen. We better prepare ourselves.” CL loaded her gun, followed by Jessica.

“The Unfallable Five.” muttered the tough fashionista. Sohee and the rest of the girls looked at her. “They’re behind all this.”

“How do you know?” CL asked her. Jessica turned to the leader with a serious face, trying hard to concentrate and remain brave while thinking of a plan. The hissing sound was coming closer and so was the marching rhythm. Sohee was growing more and more afraid and Gahee felt her shaking from behind her.

“Sohee, you’re shaking. Are you okay?”

“I’m ing scared!” she said with a sweet, cute voice. Even in this state, Sohee was still so adorable. Pitying her, Gahee held her arm close to her body in order to somehow comfort the youngest member of the group. Pretty soon, soldiers in all black emerged from all corners of the center street. They had a black metal uniform on with a logo of a serpent in the chest area. They had bayonets and shotguns, machines that could end a person’s life. In fact, it would only take 1 soldier with a bayonet and a machine gun to kill all five of them. That’s how powerful it was.

“Woah. What are we gonna do!!??! They’re armed.” Nicole complained.

“And dangerous!” Sohee cried.

“CL! What are we going to freaking do?!?” CL was still thinking of a plan when the Cobra Cops were coming closer and closer, readying their arms. Jessica was getting impatient and reloaded her gun.

“We’re gonna die thinking of a plan!” grunted the fashionista. “I don’t know about you but I’m going ahead! You can stand here and think of a plan while they rip you to shreds but I’m gonna fight.” With two pistols in her hand, the pumps-wearing diva sprang on her heels with her guns and faced the assembly. Seeing that a spunky girl had the guts to come and face them, they readied their deadly weapons. Jessica was quick enough to shoot them continuously, denting their metal costumes. The other girls moved over to the far corner, watching the blonde action diva get it on with them. Three of the Cobra Cops stepped forward and lunged at her with their steel fists but Jessica shot them, only denting their costumes. Figuring that she would have a fairer fight if she didn’t use guns, she kept the guns in her pockets and whipped up some martial arts.

“The hell is she thinking? Is she crazy?! She’s gonna hurt herself with that!” Sohee screeched.

“Girls, we can’t just stand here and watch her, we have to help her!” CL urged them.

“Right! We have to help Jessica! Come on! Girls your weapons!” Nicole agreed. Gahee didn’t react and just watched Jessica in action. It was quite an unbelievable sight, seeing a girl go head to head with three steel-clad guards. Pretty soon, the other Cobra Cops were attacking her but Jessica was reslient! She just kept on chopping and kicking until her heels were almost broken and her wrists were red and bruised.

“LET’S GO GIRLS!” CL screamed. Operation T.R.E.E., save for Gahee, ran to Jessica’s aid and used their weapons to destroy the Cobra Cops. They all used their pistols to shoot and their strong bodies to fight. CL created dents and was quite able to slay a good number of Cobra Cops with her SuperCobalt pistols. Nicole, on the other hand had toxic pistols that not only killed but poisoned the Cobra Cops. Jessica’s pistols had Fire Bullets, igniting the inner system of the shot guards. As for Sohee, she was given a gadget like no other.

A Sword Pen.

Being an artist, Onew and Hyunah gave Sohee a pen that she could use for drawing and killing people. All she had to do was draw on that person and automatically, it would cut that person the way she drew it, making it brutal and artistic at the same time. Sohee pulled out this pen and took advantage of her small and quick state to draw on the Cobra Cops. My, was she a talented artist! She drew shapes, animals, faces, doodles and all these inflicted pain on the Cops, especially when the innards all fell out.

Jessica and Nicole were tag-teaming on the Cobra Cops. Nicole was just randomly shooting while Jessica continued to show off her martial arts skills. One cop grabbed her foot but she fought back by twisting around and kicking his helmet off. Jessica saw his head and grabbed the opportunity to shoot it off. One tried attacking her with his bayonet but she gave him a scissors kick, making him drop the bayonet. Jessica took the bayonet and giving the helmet a mighty kick, she aimed for the Cobra Cop’s head, skewering it.

All of a sudden, Jessica was pushed down, the bayonet straight up nearly stabbing her.

“OH !” she was a few inches away from dying. Good thing she was able to roll out before it killed her, though. A Cobra Cop pushed her to the ground with his machine gun.

“Get ready to meet your maker, little priss!” he teased. The other girls were busy killing other guards so they weren’t able to aid Jessica. Jessica moved back, pulling her gun out. The merciless Cobra Cop kicked her small hands that were holding the guns and with her fatigued state, it was hard for her to fight back. The Cobra Cop’s machine gun was pointed at her, ready to shoot holes on her body til she died. Jessica held her breath with frightened, fearing doe eyes. Sohee saw this and tried to save her but a Cobra Cop intervened and she had to face him.

Good thing there was a standby!

From behind came a blast of laser, ultimately piercing the Cobra Cop’s stomach. Jessica was blinded by the light so she had to cover her eyes with her forearm. The Cobra Cop fell to the floor, revealing the bearer of the gun.

“GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER, YOU ING MONSTER!” yelled an all-too similar voice. The Cobra Cop was pierced to the core of his system and fell to the ground, face first. Jessica cowered out of the way and was surprised at the face that was before her.

Park Gahee. Looking like an action star with the laser gun in her hand. The laser gun was CL’s but apparently, she left it in the car and Gahee had to make a run for it. Finding no time to make enemies with a teammate, she reached her hand out and helped the fallen Jessica up.

“Next time, watch your back.” Gahee said. Now that the team was complete, they all stuck together. CL, Sohee, Jessica, Gahee, and Nicole. Operation T.R.E.E. was now complete and ready for battle. There were only a handful of Cobra Cops left so it was pretty easy for them.

“Girls,” CL commanded. “Your guns. Pull them out now!” She noticed that Gahee was carrying her laser gun. With a confused look, she asked.

“Gahee? What-” Gahee already knew what to answer.

“Lock the car next time or bring it with you.” she answered with a sarcastic smile. CL smiled back and nodded her head.

Sohee had her Magic Pen

Jessica had the Fire Pistols

Nicole used her Toxic Pistols

CL opted to give Gahee the laser gun so she could use her Super Cobalt Pistols

Gahee, the tallest lady, had the laser gun in her hands, a machine that was supposed to be for the leader.

“Ready? GO!” CL yelled. Altogether they fired their weapons and went round and round, making sure that they killed all Cobra Cops. They saw before their very eyes, the Cobra Cops fall to the ground, bathing in a pool of their own blood. It was only the first challenge and they were already tight as a team. Finally, when all the Cobra Cops were down and out, Operation T.R.E.E. stood tall and proud.


“NO!” Luna slammed her hand on the table. “THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING! HOW DID THEY WIN?!?”

“We have no choice but to face them.” Ga In suggested. Luna was really fuming mad. So mad she couldn’t make any right decisions. Not wanting to lose, she turned to Ga In and said,


And so the Unfallable Five fled their lair and headed to the city to confront our girls.

Operation T.R.E.E. was still standing in the middle of the road when a swift blue ray of light passed behind Gahee. Gahee whipped around and wondered what this was. A red and purple ray of light passed behind Jessica. Jessica was apathetic to this but she felt its presence. Yellow and black rays passed behind Sohee and Nicole while a green smoke appeared before CL. Those forms took shape and before them stood the Unfallable Five.

The leader, Luna stepped forward and walked around them. The other four did the same thing, circling around them like hyenas. The girls hurdled together, angry looks painted on their faces.

“So you girls think that it’s that easy to defeat an army of powerful men, huh? You think fighting is this easy?” Luna hissed. CL looked her fiercely in the eyes, refusing to look away nor move a muscle.

“We don’t think it’s easy.” she replied with a smirk. “We work together though it’s hard.”

“I see. You’re a very righteous woman.” Luna said. She stepped forward and hissed to CL’s face.

“I hate righteous women.” the two leaders were hissing at each other when Luna snapped her finger. “Get them.” Hara and Min jumped high into the air and attacked Nicole and Gahee. Nicole punched Hara and kicked her stomach. Gahee tackled the shorter Min and drove her to the floor. Hara pulled Nicole’s hair but Nicole kicked her face and shot her with the toxic gun.

Ga In went for Sohee while Jo Kwon grabbed Jessica by the arm. Jessica twisted her arm and kicked Jo Kwon’s jaw. Jo Kwon teetered but regained his balance. He aimed for Jessica’s face but Jessica blocked his arm, twisted it and kicked his nuts. Yes, nuts. With a series of spins and kicks, Jessica ended their duel with a vicious kick to the face. She used her Fire Pistol and snatched one of Nicole’s toxic guns, shooting him with both. Sohee made Ga In chase her, wearing her out. Sohee gave her several jabs to the face before using her all-powerful Sword Pen to draw pictures on her, cutting her body into several pieces. With her high-pitched laugh that was unique, Sohee took a good look at her masterpiece.

“You rock, men!” Jessica gave her a high five.

The duel that was left was CL and Luna. CL stared Luna in the eyes.

“You know that I always get what I want. You don’t get in the way of my line of work. You don’t know what I can do.” Luna jabbed CL in the jaw. CL was kind of a weak fighter and just took the blows in. CL straightened out and tried to jab Luna but Luna hit her, slapped her and kicked her, making her fall to the ground. The other girls tried to back her up but what they didn’t know was that Luna had powers. She flashed her palm and the girls went flying away from her.

“DO NOT BUT INTO OUR BUSINESS! YOU AREN’T INVOLVED!” Luna bellowed. While this distracted her, CL readied herself for Luna’s turning. Luna turned to her and was greeted by a fist to the face by CL. CL continued this roll, punch after punch, using her elbows to inflict injury to her stomach and face. Luna pushed her hands away and kicked CL on the head, making the frail girl fall to the floor. Luna pulled out a sword that could skewer CL to death. CL was still unconscious as Luna had the sword above her.

“CL GET UP!” Sohee screamed. The girls wouldn’t risk interfering as one wrong move could lead to CL’s death. CL refused to move. Tension began to rise as Luna was about to lower the sword. Operation T.R.E.E. was afraid that it would end this way.

“OPEN WIDE, !” CL suddenly rolled forward with the Super Cobalt pistol and shot Luna multiple times, creating holes on her body and killing her. The sword fell near CL’s body and for additional weapons, she picked it up. The kind-hearted yet brave leader walked to her members and helped them get up.

“Wow! We won!” Sohee said as she looked at the blood bath that surrounded them. Jessica kept on rubbing her head and fixing her permed blonde locks, checking the surroundings out.

“I didn’t think we’d make it this far.” Nicole said, taking pictures of the scene.

“I didn’t think we’d make it alive.” Gahee added.

“Come on girls, we got some more work to do!” CL said. The girls followed their leader to their Cadillac as they drove to their next destination.

“That was a win for the hometown girl!” Jessica cheered. CL looked at her and smiled.

I think I’m going to like this group! CL thought.



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thekeytodestiny #1
I read this a while ago, but never commented. This is really good. Hope you make more these stories.
pandawriter #2
this is really cool! i really like the concept!
hyeamazing #3
This is awesome! :DDD I'm glad they won over the evil people e-e<br />
LOLOL freaking awesome! Plus Jaysica haha 8D
hyeamazing #4
New reader! It's so darn cool! :D
lil898 #5
Awesome story. JaySica moment was epic. He came out of the blue. Nice job~ 
o my haha Sohee xD<br />
I would have never have thought Sohee would be the one with the battle cry xD<br />
And Nicole :\ well I'm glad she fought :3<br />
Props to CL and Jessica for finding the weak spot and the rest for distracting BoA.<br />
BoA must have been hard @___@ She seems hard to defeat..<br />
Well update soon :D
sounds cool, im gonna read this. :-)
YAY THEY DID IT!!! :D<br />
I'm happy for them ;u; <br />
I hope they will progress and get better within every mission.<br />
And hopefully the worst that will happen to them is them getting hurt.<br />
update soon
OOh they are now official spies starting today? :D<br />
And Jessica and Gahee are gonna get closer some how?? :D :D<br />
that's good!!!!! :]<br />
I hope Jonghyun and the Calendar Girls don't do something really bad 0.0<br />
Or possibly hurt the t.r.e.e. group...<br />
o update soon ;3
simple-love #10
New Reader.Love you fic. Keep Updating, I love your idea.