The Spies

OPERATION T.R.E.E. (To Rid Every Evil)

Onew managed to track these girls down and looked for their citizen profiles. He found all five girls and realized that they were all strangers to one another and lived in different parts of Korea. Onew realized that pursuing this project was much harder than he thought but not wanting to give up and willing to impress his bosses, he proceeded with the operation.

 “Now all I need to do is inform them by sending them individual notifications via e-mail.” Onew tried to track their email addresses down but a silky smooth voice came from behind.

 “Or you could do it the fun way.” Onew turned around and saw a beautiful pair of legs standing behind him. He eyed them all the way up, his eyes now meeting a black pencil skirt and working their way up to a white, long-sleeved blouse. Onew looked at her small, pretty face, with her small lips being the highlight. With tantalizing, seductive eyes and flyaway hair, the aual Onew was left with his eyes wide and his jaw hanging.

 “What are you looking at?” asked the pretty secretary.

 “I’m…uh…looking for your nametag.” was Onew’s excuse.

“My name’s Kim Hyun Ah, I’m the new secretary here and I was assigned to you. U-Know and Max delegated me to help you with this spy project.” Hyun ah explained. Onew pulled a chair for her, not taking his eyes off her S-line which was emphasized by her tight-fitting pencil skirt that was way above the knees. Hyun ah sat next to him and looked over his shoulder, studying the girls’ profiles.

“These are some pretty girls you selected.” she spoke softly but soothingly. Onew could listen to her voice forever.

“Yeah.” he laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. “I just selected them.”

“How did you find them?”

“University records.” he said. “Was looking them up.”

“Oh.” Hyun ah was even more fascinated by the touch-screen monitor and wanted to give it a try.

“Can I have a look at these girls?” she requested. Onew moved away in his swivel chair, making way for Hyun ah. Hyun ah tried her hand at the touch screen monitor and studied the girls’ profiles. She looked through their records and their pictures.

“She’s very pretty. I wish she would dress up nicely, though.” Hyunah pointed at Sohee’s picture which was of her in pigtails with glasses. “She seems nerdy.”

“She is.” Onew answered with his back turned, busy minding his own business. “Can I get you some coffee?” he offered. Hyunah whipped around and flashed a beautiful, million dollar smile.

“I’m allergic to coffee, but thanks.” she smiled. “Chivalry isn’t dead after all.” Onew smirked and blushed. He wasn’t normally attracted to girls but this one was something else.

“Alright then, let’s get down to business!” Onew said. Hyunah smiled at him and turned back to the monitor.

“You have selected these five girls to take part in your mission. We have to notify them first before taking any action. Remember, these girls are college students.” Hyunah advised him.

“Yeah. I know that.” Onew suddenly remembered what she meant when she said ‘do it the fun way’. “Oh and by the way, in terms of notifying them, what do you mean by ‘the fun way’?”

“Oh. It’s when we send them notifications telling them that they have been chosen as spies by the T.R.E.E. Headquarters and they must undergo training.” Hyunah said.

“Where’s the fun part?” asked Onew, confused.

“Well, the fun part goes a little like this…”Hyun ah pushed the notify buttons on all their profiles, automatically turning her microphone on


CL was in her room doing her homework and finishing her projects when she heard sparks.

“What was that?” she looked up at the TV and carefully studied it, trying to see if there was something wrong with it. “Don’t tell me you’re acting up again!” CL looked down and continued writing. The spark sounds came on again and she was starting to feel really creeped out but decided to ignore it.

It’s just your imagination, Chae Rin. Just your imag-

The TV switched on. CL felt as if it was Poltergeist all over again. She stood up from her bed and crept to the far side of the room, pressing herself against the wall.

“Whatever you are, don’t ing touch me!” CL pointed at the TV screen which was acting up. It and on the screen appeared Hyunah. CL fell to the floor, frightened.


Jessica was busy organizing her things. She was sitting on her bed with all her cosmetics and jewelries and accessories scattered. Her mother had just bought her three jewelry boxes from Italy and Jessica was trying to figure out how to arrange and fill them up when her phone began to ring. Jessica searched for her phone but couldn’t find it on her bed’s first layer. She dug deep into the covers and found it underneath the comforter.

“Video call? Who would?” she wondered. She pushed answer and out came Hyunah’s video.

“What the is this?!?!”


Sohee was in the library, doing research on her computer with some books by her side. No, she wasn’t researching for a project or anything. Sohee was researching for fun. As a matter of fact, Sohee was actually supposed to go home now but she told her dad to wait for a while as she had some schoolwork to do. Sohee sat in front of the computer with her books, Googling some facts on the net. She stumbled upon a trivia site which floated her boat.

As Sohee was reading the trivias, the computer screen faded into black, making Sohee feel frustrated and annoyed at the same time nervous.

“Oh no! What did I hit this time?!” she frantically looked around for some wire that her foot could’ve kicked.


Nicole was in her room, playing games on her iPad, namely Fruit Ninja. As the young photographer was lying on her bed, so engrossed in the game like there was nothing around her. Nicole glided her finger across the screen, slicing and dicing the fruits up in an attempt to garner more and more points.

“C’mon! C’mon!” she urged with intensity. It was getting harder and harder to win the game as the pace picked up. Out of nowhere, her iPad went blank, initiating a great sense of annoyance in her.

“WHAT THE FUDGE IS THIS?!?! she cussed in a polite manner, replacing with fudge. THe iPad went totally black. Nicole shook it hoping that it would restart but something came up instead.

“Oh !” Nicole was surprised at what turned up that she threw her iPad across the bed.


Gahee groggily dropped her things and plopped on the sofa with her laptop on. Gahee’s laptop was a pink Dell that was a bit dirty and had a lot of stickers at the back. She logged on to her Twitter account as well as browsed for some clothes and accessories while watching her favorite TV series on YouTube. Multitasking was a favorite activity of Gahee on the Net.

“You are in a perfect position to kiss my .” Gahee tweeted. Gahee was an open-minded, carefree, ironic, and sarcastic person who didn’t give a about what other people thought of her. What was important to her was she got her message across.

“Damn them bastards. Don’t let em get you down!” she tweeted once more. A lot of her high school friends replied to this and sent her direct messages, asking her what was wrong. Gahee was about to reply when her laptop went dead.

“WHAT THE MAN?!?!?!” Gahee growled at her laptop. Since Gahee was hot headed and wasn’t the type to hold her actions in, she deliberately hit her laptop with her hand, thus making the video appear.

“OH !!!!” Gahee nearly threw her laptop in shock.

All at the same time, these girls were watching a video released by the T.R.E.E. Headquarters.

“Hello Ladies. Sorry to disturb you but I have very important news for you.” Hyunah spoke. CL sat down in front of her TV, lowering the volume. She paid close attention as this seemed important.

“We are sure you girls, as college students, are very much aware of the bombings and terrorist attacks in three different cities in Korea.” Jessica dropped her jewelries and fell into a deep daze. She wasn’t really watching, more like just staring at the video in her phone.

“These terrorist attacks are obviously well planned and cannot be controlled by the T.R.E.E. Headquarters operatives on their own. That is why, with the help of our best intelligence agents, we have selected you girls.” Nicole stared at her iPad with wide eyes, the same pair that gazed upon the photography president when he said she could be vice president.

“You will be visited by our chaperones to be brought to our headquarters for further briefing.” Sohee tried to look for the speakers to turn them off or cover them because it was getting really scary and embarrassing watching this at the school library.

“You aren’t given the option to decline. This is a matter of national security and we believe that you girls can stop terrorism. Your chaperones shall arrive in exactly 5 minutes.” Gahee didn’t know what to do and remained unmoved.

Hyunah bade them goodbye with a smile and went off. From 5 different cities in Seoul, 5 different girls asked out loud all at the same time,

“WHY ME?!?!”

In the headquarters, Onew was talking to the drivers.

“Alright, I want you guys to chaperone the girls. Lee Chae Rin lives in Busan, Jessica Jung lives in Seoul, Nicole Jung is from Incheon, Park Gahee is from Daegu, and Ahn Sohee is fromg Gyeonggi-do. We promised that you’d be there in exactly five minutes, so using your HomeSearch devices, you would be able to find their exact locations as of the moment. Good luck and stay safe.” The drivers saluted Onew and headed to the parking lot all at the same time to get into their Porsches. Once in the car, the drivers turned their HomeSearch devices on and typed in the names of their designated girls. The luxurious Porsches driven by the best chaperones in town sped away to different parts of Korea.

CL was leaning against her wall, struck by what she had just witnessed. Never could she, for the life of her, imagine herself being a spy. Handling guns, fighting bad guys! Sure CL had a bit of an attitude when provoked but she was a nice girl! She knew how to spit words of fire but she sure didn’t know how to hit a person. CL could barely even hurt a fly!

How is this even possible? Why me? What qualities of a spy do I have that make me eligible for espionage? The doorbell suddenly rang, making CL jump out of her skin and frantically run out of her room. Good thing she was an independent college student who was living on her own. They all were. CL dashed down the stairs to get the door at the second ring of the doorbell.

“Yes?” CL saw a man in a tuxedo with an ID card that read “T.R.E.E.” and CL knew right then and there that she was whom he wanted.

“I believe you have seen the video. Come with me.” CL backed away, further entering her house.

“Listen mister, I have no idea what you’re talking about. How did you find my house? How did this damn organization even know who I am?! Out of all the people here in Korea?! Why me?!”

“This is a matter of national security. Come with me if you want to live.” the chaperone said. CL had no choice but to follow him, sensing that it was something important.

Maybe their boss would listen to me.

Jessica Jung was threw her phone on the carpeted floor, looking at it with fearful eyes like she had just seen a ghost.

“What the is going on?!” she yelled at it. “Why are you doing this to me?!?” she asked once more like it was going to talk to her. Same as CL, her doorbell rang, making her screech a high pitched screech, one that could come from a ditzy, prissy girl like Jessica. She ran out of her room on the brink of tears and ran to her cousin’s room (which he no longer used) and grabbed whatever long object she saw that could be used for hitting. Jessica grabbed his baseball bat and when she heard the second doorbell. Jessica ran for the door and leaned on it, clutching her baseball bat tightly, ready to swing it and score a goal on whoever dared come in.

“TRY TO COME IN, YOU SICK, ERTED BASTARD! I KNOW KARATE, TAEKWONDO, JUDO, JIU-JITSU, AND CAPOIERA! AND I’M NOT KIDDING! JUST TRY, YOU SON OF A BI-” The chaperone had enough of her screaming and turned his radio on, he radioed in on Onew.

“Onew, one of the girls is being very difficult. Can you please ensure her that it is the T.R.E.E. Headquarters that’s come for her? Thank you.” The chaperone turned his radio on and leaned it against the door. Onew spoke up and said,

“Jessica Jung, this is Special Agent Lee Jin Ki codename Onew, sub-head of the T.R.E.E Headquarters. This isn’t a hoax and the man knocking on your door is not a e. Please open the door.” Jessica heard this and lowered her bat, though not letting it go. She opened the door and saw the tuxedo-clad driver, about to fetch her.

“This is a matter of national security. Your help is needed.” Jessica stared at him coldly, snapping her knuckles. She breathed out and took a moment to internalize what he had just said. Without a word, Jessica walked with him to the car.

“Thank you for your cooperation.” Onew spoke from the radio.

In Gyeonggi-Do University, Ahn Sohee dashed out of the library with her things, not looking back and running for the elevator. Throwing all politeness and caution to the wind, the little genius pushed all the people ahead of her away to get into the elevator and get out of the University as soon as possible. She got into the elevator and pushed ‘B’ for Basement, the lowest floor in the University. Sohee was all alone in the elevator, making it convenient for her to rant.

“ARRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!” She pushed the ‘B’ button several times hoping that it would go down faster. The elevator was unusually slow today. Finally, Sohee reached the basement and when the doors opened, she ran, note, ran out with her big backpack, folders, and comic books. You can just imagine how funny she looked.

Sohee could already see the exit door when a man in a tuxedo stood in her way. The cute schoolgirl who was still in her school uniform, slipped on the floor and dropped all her things, making the papers fall out of the folder and scatter. Sohee got up and struggled to gather the papers and look for a bus that she could ride home, hopign to escape this man. Thinking that he had gone away, Sohee stood up and looked up.

He was still there.

“You are Ms. Ahn Sohee, am I correct?” Sohee hit him repeatedly with her folder.
“GET OUT OF MY WAY!!! GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!” was her battle cry while hitting the chaperone repeatedly with her folder. The man in a tux had enough of her childish antics and stopped it using his strong hand. Sohee was taken aback by how sturdy he was. People normally got hurt when she hit them with her folder.

“This is a matter of national security. We have to stop these terrorists from further damaging our country. It is also for your own good so if you want to live and go on, come with me.” Sohee breathed heavily but still followed him.

Nicole Jung was still on her bed, her iPad across her. With fearful eyes and a pounding heart, she clutched her pillow tightly and buried her face in it, hoping that everything was just a dream. She even repeated that statement in her head for her not to forget it.

This is just a dream. Don’t let any of this fool you. This is just a dream. A bad dream. Yeah! All this ended when she heard the buzz of her doorbell. Nicole was easily frightened and dove deeper under the sheets with the pillow still being clutched by her. The doorbell rang a second time and this time, Nicole knew she had to answer it, out of annoyance.

“What the hell is going on?!” she grunted as she made her way down the stairs. Before opening the door, Nicole peered through the window and saw a man in a tuxedo and shades,like the Men In Black. Nicole looked at him for a good 3 minutes until he caught her and looked back. Nicole was shocked and fell to the floor, scrambling to get up and open the door.

“What do you want from me? Please!! Leave me alone!” Nicole begged.

“Don’t exaggerate. It’s my first time to visit you.” said the tuxedo-clad chaperone. Nicole stared at him with terrified eyes. “This is a matter of national security and you are needed for this mission.”

“I know and I give a damn about national security but…why me?”

“You have been chosen. Consider it an honor.” the man in the tuxedo told her. Nicole felt its urgency and though she refused to go with him, she felt that it was needed and that her life as well as the lives of her loved ones depended on it. Learning about the terrorist attacks and knowing that this wasn’t some prank or modus operandi by a criminal group, Nicole went with him.

Gahee was still in a state of shock after receiving the video. She remained put on the sofa, biting her nails in nervousness. What exactly did the video mean? How was she chosen and why? Gahee placed her laptop on the table and remained in the same position that she was in while watching the video.

What exactly is going on? I have no idea why I was chosen. This must be some kind of sick, ing joke. Who would dare pull this off? Well it certainly didn’t look like a joke to me because of the video and the seriousness and the articulation. It couldn’t possibly be a joke. But why?

The doorbell rang. Gahee, unlike the others, wasn’t surprised. She just looked at the door and stood up because she knew it was coming. She expected it and could just hope that whoever rang the doorbell expected her reaction. Gahee stood up slowly and calmly walked to the door. She peered through the hole to make sure that it was indeed a T.R.E.E. Agent at her door and not some serial killer. The man was in a tuxedo and had shades on, enough for her to deem him harmless and legit. Gahee opened the door and smiled at him.

“Good day, to you ma’am. Thank you for not violently reacting to this.”

“Hah!” Gahee smirked. “You think just because I didn’t react violently, I approve of this? no! -N-O! no! I am not, I repeat, not going on a mission. I am perfectly fine and safe here at home. I don’t need to risk my existence fighting-”

“You talk too much.” said the chaperone coldly. “Our boss doesn’t like that.”

“Then why’d you select me then?”

“Because he loves that and he thinks it’s perfect. Now come on. Lives are in danger. We have to do something.” Gahee then unleashed her annoyance by continuously mouthing him but following him into the car.

All at the same time, the chaperones were able to get their girls to come with them. They also radioed Onew in at the same time.

“Very good. Bring them over.” Onew smiled, a look of accomplishment on his face.


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thekeytodestiny #1
I read this a while ago, but never commented. This is really good. Hope you make more these stories.
pandawriter #2
this is really cool! i really like the concept!
hyeamazing #3
This is awesome! :DDD I'm glad they won over the evil people e-e<br />
LOLOL freaking awesome! Plus Jaysica haha 8D
hyeamazing #4
New reader! It's so darn cool! :D
lil898 #5
Awesome story. JaySica moment was epic. He came out of the blue. Nice job~ 
o my haha Sohee xD<br />
I would have never have thought Sohee would be the one with the battle cry xD<br />
And Nicole :\ well I'm glad she fought :3<br />
Props to CL and Jessica for finding the weak spot and the rest for distracting BoA.<br />
BoA must have been hard @___@ She seems hard to defeat..<br />
Well update soon :D
sounds cool, im gonna read this. :-)
YAY THEY DID IT!!! :D<br />
I'm happy for them ;u; <br />
I hope they will progress and get better within every mission.<br />
And hopefully the worst that will happen to them is them getting hurt.<br />
update soon
OOh they are now official spies starting today? :D<br />
And Jessica and Gahee are gonna get closer some how?? :D :D<br />
that's good!!!!! :]<br />
I hope Jonghyun and the Calendar Girls don't do something really bad 0.0<br />
Or possibly hurt the t.r.e.e. group...<br />
o update soon ;3
simple-love #10
New Reader.Love you fic. Keep Updating, I love your idea.