She's back

Our Happy Ending (Don't Judge LOVE by its COVER Sequel)
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    "Excuse me.." I said "Where are you going Taemin oppa?" Sulli asked "Men's room be right back.." I got up and leave. She's trying to get on my nerves. Ever since she returned back to Seoul she's been clinging on me till now. I don't even have time for myself or time with Sunhee anymore. She is so.. Urrghh.. I wonder if Sunhee is mad? Are you kidding me? Of course she is! I even lied so she won't get mad or worried or stress since she's pregnant

       You see Sulli is my childhood friend until I reached 15 years old when she had to move to Japan. Eventhough we known for years I still don't know her. I just don't get her. Her personality always changes except that she likes to lie and since she was spoiled she always get what she wants and she will alwaygs get what she wants. She's too annoying, clingy, a liar and do I have to explain more? And guess what she's back..

    It all started since last week. I was just working like always and when I was about to get off work Sulli shows up out of no where! she told me to have dinner with her since we haven't seen for almost a decade. I thought it was okay since it was only for one night so I agreed. But the next day she waited for me after I finished work and when I asked why she just said "I want to spend more time with you" 

   I thought when she meant by 'spend time' I thought like good friends you know. Chit chat and dinner and stuff but it doesn't seem that way. Eventhough she said we are 'good friends' she treated me more than that. She keep clinging on me, always hold my hand, skinship and all what couples usually do and its starts to annoy me. 

  Today I thought I wanted to return home early and have dinner at home and guess what? She waited for me. She asked me to hang out with her AGAIN! I was about to decline when she suddenly drag me away. She always do that! Without listening to my answer making me stuck here with her. She's too clingy!   

   Its 6.00pm I should call Sunhee and tell her I might be a bbit late because if Sulli is around you won't get to get away from her until she says so. I searched my pocket for my Cellphone. Then I realized it wasn't with me so I went back to the restaurant where I found Sulli holding my Cellphone to her ear and sort of froze. Did she p

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Chapter 9: Awwww so cute story!!! ♥
Smteamint #2
Chapter 9: So sweet! Lol erted taemin XD
IsuelMaya #3
Chapter 9: so nice... if it is possible continue writing.... i'm sure the story will be more interesting....
Chapter 9: finally i finished read the story + the sequel! Yay!
Its really really good story
sorry i didn't comment before cause i really curious about the sequel hehe
if they have another child lets named the baby MinHee XD
HappyAngel #5
the story is daebak !!! you are a good writer!!!!Fighting
I knew i was right for the meanings behind the childrens name XD
Michellesofjan #7
This totally ROCKS! You're AWESOME! DAEBAK! Do more TAEMIN'S ! Hehehe Sorry biased :)). But it's SOOOOO AWEEEESOOOMEEEE ! ANOTHER? Hehehe just joking :))