Midnight snack

Our Happy Ending (Don't Judge LOVE by its COVER Sequel)
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     Its 3.00am in the morning and I can't sleep. Want to know why? Because every time I close my eyes I only saw one thing.. That is.. Tteokguk (Rice cake soup) and its not even new year.

   I swallow my saliva while thinking about it.  I shook my head 'I'll just cook it tomorrow and eat it..' and turn to face Taemin. He was sleeping like an angel. I smiled and closed my eyes trying to sleep but failed. When I closed my eyes once again the picture of tteokguk is just so.. so.. Mouth watering.. Is this what they say when pregnant woman will always crave for different types of food every single day no matter what time?

    I sat up and my lips while thinking about it. *Rumble* Great my stomach is rumbling.. I sigh and crawled out of bed. I walked downstairs to the kitchen in 3:30am in the morning and its still dark out. I took out the ingredients that I need carefully not to make a sound. I was taking out the pot from the cabinet when "Jagi-ah what are you doing?"

    I turn around and  saw Taemin leaning against the kitchen Island. "Oh.. I was just cooking" I smiled and close the cabinet door "Cooking? What are you cooking in this time of hour?" he asked "Tteokguk?" I said while filling the pot with water "Is it one of your cravings? You know stuff that pregnant woman craves for?" he raised on of his eyebrows

    I nodded "I'm suprised you know about it.." I smirk "Well Onew hyung told me that.." he walked closer to me "Let me do it" he looked at me "Its okay I can do it.. Go back to sleep" I smiled "Ani..Ani.. Onew hyung also said its not good to cook your craving by yourself and should someone else do it so  it won't ruined it? Something like that?" he shrug 

    "You sure?" I raised my eyebrow "Yup.." he nodded "Do you know how to cook it?" I asked unsure "Of course! I cooked it once with the guys~" he took the pot from me and turn on the fire "Once?" I crossed my arms "Just go to the

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Chapter 9: Awwww so cute story!!! ♥
Smteamint #2
Chapter 9: So sweet! Lol erted taemin XD
IsuelMaya #3
Chapter 9: so nice... if it is possible continue writing.... i'm sure the story will be more interesting....
Chapter 9: finally i finished read the story + the sequel! Yay!
Its really really good story
sorry i didn't comment before cause i really curious about the sequel hehe
if they have another child lets named the baby MinHee XD
HappyAngel #5
the story is daebak !!! you are a good writer!!!!Fighting
I knew i was right for the meanings behind the childrens name XD
Michellesofjan #7
This totally ROCKS! You're AWESOME! DAEBAK! Do more TAEMIN'S ! Hehehe Sorry biased :)). But it's SOOOOO AWEEEESOOOMEEEE ! ANOTHER? Hehehe just joking :))