
Paper Airplanes

    When Tao woke up, he refused to open his eyes, he was too comfortable. He knew very well what his dad had said and how much he drank.  He also unlike his dad, tends to remember every word he says after drinking, so he felt sort of embarrassed about actually talking to Yifan, let alone using him as a pillow.  Slowly, he opened his eyes to see that he had slept a lot longer than just a small nap.  


    Tao had been moved to where the kid Xiumin was sitting earlier on the couch next to Kris.  His head was in the olders lap.  That made him snap up almost instantly, earning a look from Baekhyun, the only one awake.


    “Hyung, what time is it?” Zitao’s look asked a lot more questions, causing Baekhyun to sigh.


    “Around 5 am, mostly everybody left, but he,” Baekhyun pointed to a sleeping Chanyeol, “was supposed to be my ride, so,” Baekhyun moved his hand to gesture at the TV playing some drama reruns, “You didn’t miss much, we played some games and ate everything Suho had in his fridge, he on the other hand,” this time Baekhyun just used his chin to point to Kris as his arms were back under the blanket, “He refused to move, except to move you from floor to couch. He sort of , he refused drinking games, video games, and even some of the gossip games I tried to initiate.  All he did was mess with that stupid paper airplane you were so focused on for the like five minutes you were awake.”


    “He messed with what?” Tao looked to see his paper plane on the armrest of the couch and he lunged for it and held it close to him.  Standing up a bit too quickly, he started walking towards the door, “Thanks for the fill in, I won’t distract you from your dramas longer, see ya later.”


    The city wasn’t ever silent, but Tao certainly liked the calmness that went along with the darker sky.  He put his headphones on and walked home, dreading walking in that door more with every second that passed.  At 5:23 am, Tao walked in the door and hesitantly went to sit besides his fully suited father that was sitting on the couch, deep in thought.


    “Tao, why weren’t you home yesterday, you didn’t leave a note or anything,” his father looked at him with a pleading look, “Please, you know I get worried.”


    Tao smiled sadly and mumbled, “I did come home, you were drinking again.”


    “I see, it must’ve been hard to see your father passed out that early in the day,” Tao’s dad glanced at the clock, stood up, and put his hand on his son’s shoulder, “I should’ve controlled myself, I’ll make you a nice meal tonight and try to seem like a less ty dad, okay?”

    Tao wanted nothing more than to tell his dad what he had told him the previous day, but he decided against it seeing that his dad had to leave for work, and not really feeling like repeating those words.  Instead he bit his lip, refusing to cry, faked a smile and nodded as his dad walked out the door.






A/N: I am way to tired to edit, but point out anything and I'll fix it. I'll probably update every two or three days for a while. I may not be moving the plot along quickly, but you'll have to stick with me because I NEVER write romance, so I've sorta been stalling, but I'll cut it out now. Bonne nuit mon cher ami.

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Chapter 19: Haven't seen this story in a while. Good to see an update again.
Chapter 19: when chanyeol comes out of the stall- i can't omfg lol
Chapter 18: This chapter was so adorable! Especially when Kris got jealous!! >.<
kennocha #4
Chapter 16: I had been anticipating your comeback ^_~
I'm glad you're still supporting Z.Tao too :)
Chapter 16: Yay you're back! Thank you for updating and it was great! I hope you had fun on your vacation ❤
kennocha #6
Chapter 15: Have fun! We'll be right here once you return :)
Chapter 14: Omg this fanfic is just so good and yes, we must support EXO at all times, especially Tao right now :)