
Paper Airplanes

    “Dad, you’re drunk,” Zitao’s voice was soft as he tried to help his dad up, “Why aren’t you at work?”


    “Your mother called,” Tao’s stomach sank, but his father on the other hand started laughing, “She was talking about you.”


    “Dad, please, you need to go to bed, I don’t want to hear it,” Tao helped his father up and tried to walk his dad to his bedroom and away from the drinks.


    “I don’t even know how many times she used the phrase ‘ing ’,” his dad stopped and poked Tao in the chest, “Don’t tell me you have been ing fags, have you?”


    The laughter was hurting Tao’s ears and he didn’t feel like talking so he simply shook his head hoping the bedroom were closer.  Until he saw his dad pick up the paper airplane he made on the walk home.


    “Red, huh? That’s a pretty romantic color. Looks like you have been ing fags, or you're the being ed, I don’t really know how all that works.” Tao knew that his dad didn’t really mean to be offensive, but the words just made him cringe.


    “Dad, your room is right here, can I please have that back?” Tao tried to grab the plane, but his dad simply crumpled it up and threw it on the ground before going into his room and slamming the door in his son’s face.


    Tao stared at the pathetic piece of crumpled up paper until he shoved it in his pocket and made it back to the kitchen.  This time rather than getting food, he picked up his fathers mess.  Sooner than expected, all he had left to pick up was the bottle of soju with a third still left.  Looking back and forth between the bottle and his dad’s bedroom door for a couple of seconds, he decided to finish it off before grabbing his phone and starting the walk to Suho’s.


    Somehow Zitao made it without screaming at a random person on the street like a little part of him wanted to do.  Jongdae opened the door, and Tao must’ve not been very good at hiding his feelings because he turned to Suho and asked, “Where’s your alcohol? I'd prefer beer, but it doesn’t really look like Tao is gonna care what you have.”

    Tao scoffed before looking around and seeing that one of Suho’s friends from the University happened to be Wu Yi ing Fan, and he really wished he hadn’t finished off that soju.





A/N: So yeah, I didn't want Tao's dad to be a total , but when he's drunk he says some things that make Tao feel pretty ing ty. I know that I updated twice today, but they were pretty short updates.

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Chapter 19: Haven't seen this story in a while. Good to see an update again.
Chapter 19: when chanyeol comes out of the stall- i can't omfg lol
Chapter 18: This chapter was so adorable! Especially when Kris got jealous!! >.<
kennocha #4
Chapter 16: I had been anticipating your comeback ^_~
I'm glad you're still supporting Z.Tao too :)
Chapter 16: Yay you're back! Thank you for updating and it was great! I hope you had fun on your vacation ❤
kennocha #6
Chapter 15: Have fun! We'll be right here once you return :)
Chapter 14: Omg this fanfic is just so good and yes, we must support EXO at all times, especially Tao right now :)