Chapter 2

Pinky Promises


-2 years later-

The sun was setting, and night was creeping in slowly. YoungMi had worn her hair in a loose ponytail, allowing strands of hair to escape to frame around her innocent face. Huddling in her thin cotten cardigan, she frowned. Where was Woohyun? Aish, this stupid guy. Always making me wait.

Looking around at the deserted playground, she smiled unconsciously, remembering the fun times she had in the playground as a child. The slides, the monkey-bar, and the swing that she was once so fond of.

The swing. That swing.

The exact same one that Sunggyu had pushed her off. A small smile graced her lips as she shook her head at the memory. She was such a crybaby then. Young, vunerable, and too naive. But it was also the reasons that made Woohyun want her all the more.

Looking around the playground, she realised that woohyun was still nowhere in sight. not again! With the intention of trying to kill time, YoungMi walked up to the swing, testing it. It still worked! Abit rusty, but working, nevertheless.

Gingerly, she sat down, crossing her legs, giving herself a little push. Creak.

Woohyun oppa... her mind wondered, as a bigger smile broke out on her face. It was 2 years since she had the accident, and also 2 years that she finally found herself being Woohyun's girlfriend.

She had the chance to finally experience his hugs and kisses first-hand, and it has been a wonderful expierience. She no longer had to feel the sting of betrayal, nor cry herself to sleep whenever Woohyun broke a promise.

No more being jealous and having to fantasize, her mind teased.

Shut up, she scolded herself, but blushed upon having such thoughts.

YoungMi suddenly felt herself stop swinging, followed by a chaste kiss on her lips. LIfting her gaze, she saw that it was Woohyun. With that, more blood rushed to her cheeks, making it rosier than it already had been.

Woohyun smirked, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Why the blush? too busy thinking about me?"

YoungMi stuttered. "Noo.. I... I was just.."

"Hush, pumkin. I was kidding. Unless... you really were...?"

YoungMi pouted. "Enough with the teasing! Why are you so late?" she reprimanded.

Woohyun cocked his head to the side, while scratching the back of his head uneasily. "Uh...I'm sorry!" he said, in a nasally voice that he always used whenever he tried to use aegyo on her.

YoungMi felt herself cringe. If it wwas one thing she still hadn't gotten used to, it was his so-called aegyo - She just can't help it, shivers just naturally go down her spine whenever he tried to apease her this way. "Nuh-uh. Still not forgiven."

"I made sandwiches for a late-night picnic?" he suggested, big, puppy dog eyes stared back at her.

YoungMi felt her resolve weaken, and squealed as he presented the picnic basket infront of her.

"Did you make all these?" she inquired as she peered into the basket.

He nodded bashfully. The crust wasn't neatly cut, the ingredients were falling out of the sandwich, but at least,, it was home-made.

It was good enough for her. After all, it's the thought that counts, right?


Lying down on the picnic blanket, gazing at the night sky, YoungMi smiled. It was better than all the dates she had been to.

Fingers weaved in between her own. Woohyun.

"YoungMi." Woohyun called her name, and she tilted her head to look at him, only to find him kneeling at her.

Startled, she pushed herself to a sitting position. Why is he kneeling?

She searched his eyes, only to be reminded at how sincere, how pleading, and how unguarded he was.

"Marry me?" He questioned, voice barely louder than a whisper.

Her eyes widened, as round  as saucers. Did she hear him right?

YoungMi felt as if she was going to pass out anytime.

His hands held a maroon velvet box, and inside was a ring. The band was silver, slightly glowing. But what caught her eyes was  the infinity symbol that was presented on the sleek band. three diamonds were embedded on each side of the curve, leading up to the infinity symbol that wwas obviously the highlight of the whole design.

She gasped. It was beautiful, even more so than she expected.

"Yes," She breathed, her voice airy.

Woohyun chuckled as he took the ring from the box and slipped it onto her finger.

"Perfection. That's what it means. The infinity symbol. Unity between the male and the female."

She gazed up at his face, only to see satisfaction, love, relief, and happiness.

This night can't get any better, she thought.

Tears threated to fall as she thought of just how perfect this moment was.

"Shh. Woohyun cooed. brushing away the stray tears with his thumb. "Why are you crying? Don't cry."

Tracing her sharp cheekbones, and finally to her jaw, he cupped her face. Woohyun leaned down, his lips hovering above hers, teasing.

"I'm going to kiss you right now, so don't cry, okay? If not i'll feel offended."

YoungMi managed a lop-sided smile. Pabo. Trying to make me smile by saying such things.

His breathed her lips, and she found herself inching towards him, slowly, before their lips met.

It was soft, senual, and better than anything YoungMi had experienced. Their breathes carassed one another, lips touching, toungues flilcking, in a desperate attempt to make up fpr all they've lost before the 2 years.

And YoungMi couldn't help but smile in between each intoxicating kiss.

She's finally home.

After all these years.


 A little girl sat on the swing, her legs dangling, head tucked into her chest, eyes red from rubbing.

"A penny for your thoughts, YoungMi?" A charming boy asked.

She looked up at his handsome features. Even at such a tender age, he was already rocking the side fringe parting.

"Sunggyu said that i was ugly and that no one would want to marry me. Is that true, Woohyun? Am i that ugly that no one would like me? Or want to marry me?"

"Silly girl, didn't i ask you not to listen to that guy?" he chided.

"But..But..." the little girl sobbed.

"Hush, Don't cry. I'll marry you." he gave her a warm wmile, making his dimples flash.

She blinked her large doe-like eyes at him. "Really? You would?"

"Why wouldn't I?" he questioned, amused."You're pretty."

The little girl's eyes sparkled as he ran up to hug the boy. Smiling so hard that she showed rows of her pearly white teeth, she outstretched her hand. "Pinky Promise?"

The boy looked down at her tenderly, and captured her small pinky in his slightly larger one.

"I promise."




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Chocolato #1
ohh gosh. this is just sooooooooo freaking cute. (:<br />
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and Sunggyu's annoying here. hahahahas