Chapter 1

Pinky Promises


A/N: It was inspired by "You belong with me" by All Over You [], and "Lighthouse Charlie" by Star123 []
       So I'm sorry if some parts are rather similar, but i'd already tried to make it as personalised as possible. SORRY.
Sighing, Woohyun gazed at the crisp white sheets of the hospital bed, mentally scolding himself for the umpteenth time. The idiot that she is, he thought. Hurting herself for me, when she deserves so much better. However, the fact that it was his fault that the situation turned out this way couldn't be denied. Letting out another gust of air, he huddled in his hoodie and his lips grazed the soft tiny hand that was intertwined with his big calloused one. “Young Mi ah… ” he trailed off, warm browns eyes staring dedicatedly at the girl wrapped up in bandages. “I’m sorr…” his voice cracked, and a lone tear fell from his eyes even before he could finish the phrase. “Sorry.” He repeated once more, his voice now coming out steadier compared to the previous attempt.
“What are you doing?”
She froze in her tracks, before turning around to gaze at him, her emerald eyes piercing. “Leaving.”
“What? Where to? I don’t understa---”
“Away from you,” she interjected, her voice sharp and cutting. “You of all people should know the gesture.”
“What did I do?!” he demanded. “You tell me. What have I done again, this time around?”
She stiffened. Gulping, she lifted her gaze, to match him, eye for eye. “No. you did nothing. It’s just me, this time around. It’s my decision.”
His eyes flashed in anger. “Then what gives you the right to leave without my permission?” he reached out to grab her. “You belong to me. You know it, and I know it. So why are you still trying to run away?”
She flinched, away from his touch. “I never did belong with ---” she paused, taking in a deep breath to calm herself down. Her hands were trembling from the emotions she was desperately trying to conceal, and the unshed tears were threatening fall anytime soon. She couldn’t let that happen. Not when she knew for sure he was going to take advantage of it. Mustering her courage to plaster a [what seem to be like a] smile on her face, she turned her head, looked down, and sighed. ‘It ain’t gonna be worth it’, she convinced herself half-heartedly. Composing her posture, her eyes flickered to him, and muttered, “For that, I am sorry.”
With that, she left the house, together with her belongings, without a second glance.
And it was only seconds after she left the house did he hear a loud crash, followed by loud swearing. 
She shouldn’t have been the one saying sorry, he thought bitterly. He was the one that should have said it. Then maybe, just maybe… It wouldn’t turn out like this. It was his job to protect her, prevent her from having any accidents. Ironically, the first one she found herself in was because of him.
“Young mi… Wa… Wake up, please. I … I can’t…” and once again, his tears broke his train of thoughts, hindering him from forming full sentences, turning his speech into one big gibbering mush.
 “Did you hear? Woohyun snagged the hottest girl in school, Kim Eun Na. I hear they are a couple now!”
“God, Woohyun, why must you be taken?”
Gossips of such sort were circulating around the school on the Monday she came back from her 2 day 1 night trip during the weekends. Young Mi frowned. It couldn’t be true. On the Friday before she left for her trip, they were still spending Friday night web-camming each other. He couldn’t get have hooked up with another girl after the intimate talk, could he? She trusted her instincts. Woohyun wouldn’t act as if their conversation didn’t mean anything. He wouldn’t. She was his friend for so long. Not when he had been trying to get her to fall for him with his bunny ear aygeo that quite frankly, made her want to cringe and punch him in the face. But… what if that didn’t mean anything? She shook the thought away from her mind.  All those previous times, the rumors were never true. She was still the ‘special one’ in Woohyun’s heart. Granted, they were best of friends, but he’d promise never to hurt her, or her feelings. And that included interacting ually with the girls she didn’t like. She cleared her head, making up her mind to clarify with Woohyun about the rumors. She’d prove them wrong.
“Oppa, you know there’s some rumors stating you and Eun Na? They say that she is your girlfriend… Are you really dating?” YoungMi questioned Woohyun. They were on the phone, just like everynight, where Woohyun would call her and they would talk about anything under the sky. 
“No, says who? They’re lying, I promise. Do you trust me, or trust them?” came his amused reply. 
“Okay then… So, oppa, my birthday is coming soon! Are you going to get me a present? …” She teased, laughing while continuing the conversation.
“NamGrease, open the door!” the straps of her backpack, she wondered what took him so long to get to the door. It was the eve of her birthday, and she wanted to give him a surprise visit for being such a wonderful friend throughout all the years she’d known him. She sighed.  The ice lollies she had bought for him were going to melt if she continued waiting under the hot sun. Scrunching up her face, she squealed in excitement as she remembered Woohyun telling her about the spare door key in under the doormat. Gingerly picking it up, she smiled in triumph before slipping the key in to unlock the door. 
“Woohyun oppa? Where are you?” her feet padded against the cold marble ground, making her shiver involuntarily in her thin cotton tee and white track pants. “I brought your favourite lollies~”
Biting her lips, she scratched her head. Where could he be? Her eyes brightened. That’s it! In his room!
Excitedly, she maneuvered her way around the house and reached the opaque wooden door. 
“Oppa, I-” she started, as she made her way into the room.

She did a double take. It couldn’t be… He promised… 
The grip on the door handle tighten visibly, and the lollies from her hands dropped with an audible crash. 
Woohyun sat up, his top half glistening in sweat from the ‘workout’ he had earlier. “What?! Can’t you see I’m bus-” his voice faltered as he took in the trembling Young Mi. From beside him, a sickeningly sweet voice called out. “Woohyun oppa, are we going to continue? Eun Na was having a very very  good time.” He froze. Caught. 

What was happening? Her mind raced, on auto-pilot. "Do you trust me, or trust them?"
“Young Mi –” he reasoned, trying to catch his breath. It was all silent except for the sounds of heaving panting. Well that, and the obnoxiously loud girl that was under him. 
He opened his mouth, and closed it again. "I-" he was devoid of all speech, fumbling, and stuttering, trying to conjure up a good enough excuse to justify his act.
He couldn't.
Told ya, her mind smirked. 
Her heart pleaded other wise. Why, Woohyun? Why?
"I see you have... company. I'm sorry for disturbing you. Have a good time." It killed her to say it, but what other way could she react to the situation?
Throw a tantrum and embarrase the out of herself?
Of course not.
For what else could she do then to put up a brave front and pretend such things didn't affect her?
She herself chose to be gullible and foolish. Of course Woohyun would want someone other than her. She was a big, fat-head idiot for trusting his words so easily. 
It was the first time that he ever made her shed uneccessary tears for him.
Unrequited love, her mind taunted. Only you yourself can be blamed for getting your hopes up, and imagine the impossible.
And once again, she turned around, making a hasty exit. 
What she didn’t know, was that it marked the start of him breaking his promises.
Woohyun brushed away the hand shaking him. “Woohyun, it’s already three days since you took your last shower, 1 day since you had your last meal, and 16 h since you got up from your seat to walk. All of us are worried for you. Why are you punishing yourself just because she was careless enough to get into a car accident?”
He whipped his head around, brown eyes hardening. “Don’t you ever say that. You got me? You don’t understand. She is more important to me than anything else in the world. So don’t you ever think about muttering it, never. Understand?”
“You would give up your life just to safe this girl? This girl that was completely unrelated to you until this year?” Sunggyu questioned, raising an eyebrow. Woohyun couldn’t possibly do that. He did not have such big of a heart to do so.
He swallowed. “if I could, I would. I would gladly be the one on the hospital bed right now. Then she doesn’t have to worry, for I’m sure that there’s no way she could forgive me. If she dies…”
It wouldn’t be just an accident, his mind taunted. It would be murder. And it isn’t called punishing, it’s called trying to redeem myself from all the times lost for not spending time with her. And it wasn’t only since last year. It was 12 years ago, on  the front porch swing, when he saw a pretty girl with translucent skin, hair tied back into to 2 ponytails, laughing at what her parents had said. It was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen in his tender 7 years of existence. It was then, and still is now.
He clenched his fist, and glared at his friend. “Still not leaving?”
Sunggyu shook his head and slipped out of the ward. He’d never understand the way Woohyun’s mind worked.

An eight - year - old YoungMI sobbed as she sat on the front porch steps of her house. Shoulders hunched, head bowed, she was shaking violently in the cold autum air as tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"YoungMi? What happened to you?" Woohyun inquired, peering at the girl, with her tear stained face. He didn't know why, but it broke his heart to see her like this.

"Sunggyu pushed me down the swing," she wailed. "It was painful." she showed him the abrasion that was forming under the smooth surface. "He said that little girls like me should allow big boys like him to play first."

Woohyun's fist clenched involutarily. "where is he?"

Violently shaking her head, Young Mi pleaded Woohyun to stay.

"Oppa, kwenchyana. I'm okay. See? Don't go hurting people for me, please?" Young mi gave him a tear-stained smile.

WOohyun felt his heart lurched as he saw the beautiful mess infront of him. ['Young mi ah. No matter what, i promise to take care of you. To keep you from harm and danger. Lean by me, okay?'] Gingerly, he slowly lifted his hands to wipe away the tears that were still running down her porcelain skin.

"No more crying, okay? Oppa's here for you." Woohyun smiled. 

"Promise?" Young Mi lifted her gaze to peer at him curiously.

Woohyun's smile became a full-blown one. Reaching down to ruffle her hair, he chuckled.

"Of course, i Promise."


Ironically, the promise was broken because of him.

It was he who caused the accient to happen, didn't he?

If only he hadn't done those past things to piss her off.

If only he had made her feel more treasured.

If only had he begged her to stay.

Then maybe things would have turned out differently,

If only.

These 2 words. So common, but yet, holds such difference consequences.

Wishful thinking, his mind smirked. It's called revenge. For all the time you failed to keep your promises.

But time can't be reversed.

So what else can he do, then to ensure a bright future for her?

But maybe she was better off without him.

He was a jerk. Someone who couldn't keep promises. How was he worthy of an angel like her?

Simple. he just wasn't.

So he made up his mind, to leave her. Not that he wanted to leave her hanging, but because it was for the better.

She didn't have to be miserable. he deserved it.

Because just like how she longed for him, he couldn't live without her.

He didn't know it back then.

He does now. But what's the use?

It's too late. The damage had been done.


YoungMi's hand twiched. Soon after, she stirred as she started fluttering her delicate eyes open.

Glancing towards her right, she saw a familiar figure. "ahh... Woohyun Oppa?" she mumbled, trying to gain focus on the blurry figure.

Woohyun froze. She was awake? A smile imediately graced his face as he tenderly her cheeks. "Young Mi ah... I'm sorry."

That was all he could say. Sorry. But sorry won't change anything.

The damage was already done. It was stil his fault.

How could he have been so dumb?

The next words she uttered shocked the life out of him.

"Stay." With that, her eyelids started drooping, signalling the end of her consciousness.

And because she asked him to, he did.

No more running away.

And most importanly,

No more breaking promises.



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Chocolato #1
ohh gosh. this is just sooooooooo freaking cute. (:<br />
<br />
and Sunggyu's annoying here. hahahahas