Will this night ever end?

The Test Of Time

I will post another chapter tonight if I can as this chapter isn't the best but it gives you context so you can better understand future chapters


Ren's POV


I entered the club in hopes I would run into her.


Of course girls stared at me as I walked to one of the back booths to meet an old friend. One I was less than ecstatic to see, but business had to be dealt with at some point.


You made it. I was hoping you would, but I find it ironic that you still came even though it is the very establishment that your ex-girlfriend banished you from.” His voice was deep, but his face was hidden by the shadows.


I came here to discuss business, not personal matters involving the past. Why did you call me here?” I sat on the other side of the table, my knuckles white at the reminder that she was my EX-girlfriend.


As you're well aware, there is a new gang in town, they call themselves Block B, but unlike the gangs here in Seoul, they have recruited several gangs, most of which specializing in various 'services' to serve as their underlings.” He stopped to sigh in frustration before continuing. “There are so many of those little f**kers waiting to do whatever it takes to get to the top of the food chain.” His voice as sharp as nails as his fist slammed against the table, causing the drinks to swish around in their glasses before finally calming.


This is great information, but why am I here?”


You, my friend, are my key to getting what I need.”


I smirked as my eyebrow quirked up. “And what is it you need?”


Where I stand right now, I am untouchable. But I'm not going to sit back and let some posers take over my city. I don't need as much as want a master manipulator like yourself, to help me achieve my goal.”


Where do I sign, Mr. Dragon.” I snickered as I heard the plan and was rather amused. I came to this club in the first place to meet him. The plan enticed me more when I heard I had to some extent, keep tabs on my beloved wild card and all of her tricks.


You will never give her up, will you?” G-Dragon laughed at my infatuation for her, but I was already in too deep, and once I got her, I would never let go of her again.


One day I'll have her and when that day comes, nothing will matter.”


I left the table only to get stopped by the site of Daehyun and someone else walking off to the 2nd floor lounge, leaving behind a rather intoxicated friend who seemed too drunk to process her surroundings.


Seems I will have to charm yet another girl to get some information, but this time I'm going to enjoy it, as she may be my key to my sweet wild card.


May I have a seat beside you beautiful?” One simple look and I knew she was putty in my hands.


Our conversation was rather bland until my interest was sparked after I asked her whether she visits this club often. My words encouraging her to continue, to tell me everything, especially at the mention of my wild card, but I had to be careful about how I approached any topic. Even in her state, if I was bunt, she may recognize my ulterior motive.


Oh really, is your friend here with you?” A question I already knew the answer to but still I had to ask.


Yeah, Ram's upstairs to see the boys. They seem to be discussing urgent business, so I couldn't intrude.” Bom's smile temporarily turning into a pout.


And what kind of business could be so urgent that they could leave out a beauty like you?” Now this really gripped my attention, I was too curious for my own good but still Bom didn't catch on.


Something involving the increased security cameras and bodyguards, Daehyun seemed worried when Ram brought it up, about taking place last weekend. That's all I know.” Bom's smile widened as she grabbed my arm.


But let's talk about something else.” I cared little to discuss anything other with Bom, so I faked a phone call before I was stuck talking for an hour with her drunk self.


I'm sorry Bom but it seems my friend has gotten into an accident, can we continue this another time?” Of course I played my charm, and just like that, she took the bait.


Damn girls are easy as hell. Always so desperate to have someone sweep them off their feet and whisper sweet nothings that they will believe a lie any guy tells them. Pathetic.


Of course. Make sure your friend is okay.” Bom waved, as I ran out of the bar into the cold autumn night, the stars twinkling ever so brightly above me.


The only thing I regret about tonight was that I was never able to actually look at her face. All these years, I am still waiting for her... the only person I have ever felt true affection for, a wild card in a dangerous game, my beautiful Lee Kwan.



Even after B.A.P finished it's meeting, my mind was lost in it's own world.


One single face clouding my mind as I wandered aimlessly to the bathroom, locking myself in a stall, and staring intently at the marble tilling.


What was he doing here? After years, popping up from nowhere, bringing memories of a past I had no desire to relive. In moments like this, the walls I build crumble, and all I can do is crumble along with them.


My thoughts ran wild as tears rushed down my cheeks as if a dam had just broke. My phone rang but I couldn't focus, I was able to forget when others were around but now I was alone, and my thoughts were running too deep, it was as if I was drowning in the happy moments, in the sad moments, in the moments of great pain and hopelessness.


My phone didn't stop ringing , and I eventually gave into the temptation of turning it off completely.


I just need to be alone, just for a few minutes, until I can breathe freely again.


In these minutes, I collected my thoughts and was able to exit the stall and make my way to the nearest mirror. As I applied light makeup to cover up my puffy eyes, I heard voices of the past, it's almost as if they never had left.




You should have just died.” His words hanging heavily as the air became harder to swallow. We still stood on the edge of the lake, right off the highway.


I am sorry.” My choked sobs as I felt him grip my still injured shoulder.


I wish you had, than I could finally live happily on my own.” His gaze leaving mine as if I were vermin.


I am so sorry.” I apologized as I tried to grip his hand but Min Ki retreated his hand before I could.


We're done. Have a nice life Ram.”




The tears that threatened to spill were dabbed away, and soon enough I was at the bar, helping Bom out of her seat after saying quick goodbyes-luckily the boys failed to notice my puffy eyes, as I piggybacked her all the way back to campus, which was only a 15 minute walk, and I was definitely not willing to grab a taxi, in case Bom decided to try anything funny.

Hey Ram.” Bom slurred into my hair.


Yeah.” My response taking a bit of energy, even though Bom was quite light.


Do you remember that time I almost jumped out of that taxi, and the driver fainted and you had to steer the car back to campus.”


Sadly, I do remember. I also remember an ambulance coming to revive the driver, before you passed out in the school's fountain and I had to piggyback you to the dorms, while all your clothes were soaking wet.”


Ahh, good times.” Bom reminisced before her head fell onto my shoulder, and I assumed she was finally asleep.


My walk on the school's pathways was silent until a voice spoke up behind us.


Had a long night?” Just had a run in with my jerk ex, found out some other gang is trying to trespass on our Seoul soil-and other gangs are trying to f**k us over and now Bom is drunk as hell and I have to carry her all the way to the dorms and help her get to bed, how eventful.


You have no idea.” I mustered a chuckle before I turned to face the shadow. A really lanky shadow.


Do you need help?”


Nah, I'm good. Why didn't you show up tonight?”


Wasn't feeling well.” Zelo spoke.


Well I hope you feel better soon, especially with school starting in a few days.” I adjusted Bom on my back before starting to walk again, facing him.


You and school, I will never understand.” Zelo shook his head.


You're not the only one. Have a good night.” I waved before turning to walk back to our dorm.


Ram, can you speed up, I feel really sick.” Bom mumbled, as I picked up my pace, fumbling to try to get the key from my pocket.


Will this night ever end?




















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mental_cherry #1
Chapter 6: Zelo! what did you do!?
Floqkpop #2
Chapter 3: Yaay! Nu'est is in this fanfic. *tears of joy* Pretty nice so far .. I wonder if Ram is gonna meet EXO hehe