Waking up

I'm Nobody


Waking to my alarm going of in my ear. I hit the alarm trying to shut it off. After it had fallen to the ground it had shut off. FINALLY. With the alarm off I get out of bed, and go to the bathroom to take a shower. After finishing my shower I get out, and get dressed. I head downstairs to see if anyone is awake. I'm not surprised to see Hoon hyung in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Curious to know what he was cooking I walked into the kitchen. 

I asked Hoon "What are you cooking?" while I was peeking over his shoulder to see what he was making. Whatever he was making smelt really good making my mouth water. 
"Nothing special just some omelets and pancakes." Hoon replied. 
"Are the others still asleep?" I asked Hoon. 
"Ne, would you go wake them up for me?" Hoon asked me. 
"Sure hyung." I replied with a smile. I walk out of the kitchen to let hoon finish making the food while I go wake the others.

I knew the food would be done soon so I walked back up the stairs. The first room I reach I knocked on the door to see if anyone would answer. Once nobody answer the door I knock once more before I enter the room. I saw a lump on the bed, so I walk over to see who it was. I moved the blanket that covered his face, to see Kevin laying there asleep.

"Kevin hyung, wake up? Hoon hyung is making breakfast, and it will be done soon." I said while I continue poking his face. Kevin's eyes flutter open as he sits up he rubs his eyes. 
"Morning Jaehwa." Kevin said sleepy tone stretching out his hands like a cats, and it was the cutest thing I saw. 
"Morning hyung, Hoon hyung told me to come wake y'all up. The food is almost done." I said. As I said the word 'food' he was out of bed getting ready.
"Want me to help you wake up the others?" Kevin asked as he finish combing his messy bed hair.
"Really?" I reply while smiling. If Kevin hyung would help me that means we get done faster and I can gets some food into my empty stomach.
"Sure I would." he said. I was happy to receive help from Kevin hyung. We both went to opposite doors to find more members to wake up.

After finishing, me and Kevin walked back down to see that hoon hyung had already placed food on the table. I went to sit down at the end of the table. Kevin hyung came and sat down next to me. I grabbed a biscuit, and placed it on my plate next to the omelet the had already been placed there by hoon. It was quiet at the table, so I decided to ask them what the were doing today. As they say curiosity killed the cat.

"What are you guys doing today?" I asked them curiously. 
"Well we have a schedule later today." Soohyun said before taking a bit of his biscuit. So I guess I will be by myself for the rest of the day.
"Will you be okay while we are gone Jaehwa?" asked Kiseop worriedly.
"Yeah, I will most likely be watching TV, or reading." I replied not wanting the to worry about me. I usually read in my spare time when I have nothing to so I won't have a problem with it. I would rather go outside, but I don't know my way around Seoul yet. I could get lost, and I didn't have the others numbers in my phone yet. So if I did get lost I would have no way to contact them. So that was thrown down the drain.
"Maybe we can bring you next time." Kevin said, and as soon as Kevin said that it made me really happy. Even though Kevin is my bias I have a feeling I will fall in love with him sooner or later.
"Really? That would be awesome!." I said with the biggest smile on my face. I mean who wouldn’t want to see UKISS practice. It's a once in a life time chance, and I get to have that chance. 
"Look like someone's excited." Eli said while he laughed. 
"Well how can he not be." Kiseop said. he started laughing along with Eli. 
"We can bring him tomorrow, we only have dance practice." Soohyun said. 
"What other groups do you like beside U-KISS?" Jun asked me. I never really thought about it. I mean I do listen to other groups.
"I like shinee, and Rainbow." I replied. After think a bit.
"Really, you like Rainbow too?" Jun got excited. I guess he liked them too haha who knew we have something in common
"Yeah I guess we have something to fanboy over together." I said laughing.
"Yeah I guess we do." Jun replied with a smile. 
"Since we're finished eating we should put up our dishes." Hoon said while getting up taking his plate with him to the sink. we soon follow Hoon, and put our dishes in the sink. 
"So what should we do before we leave at three?" asked Kiseop.
"Maybe, we should watch a movie it is only twelve." Jun suggested. 
"Sounds good to me." I said I love to watch movies.
"What movie will we watch then?" Eli asked Jun. 
"How about we watch the Fashion King?" Jun said. 
"I've been wanting to watch that movie." Eli said. That is the movie I've been wanting to see, so obviously I will agree to watch it.

After Jun got the movie from the cabinet were it was stored he went to go put the movie into the DVD player. We all sat on the couch. Kevin was sitting next to me, and was leaning against my shoulder making it hard to pay attention to the movie. The only thing I could think about was Kevin. My heart was beating fast. Cursing at my heartbeat, because it was beating loudly. Hoping Kevin would not be able to hear it. Thinking about this my face flushed a light pink. Why am I feeling like this. Knowing Kevin is may bias so I like him more than the others, but am I starting to like him like this. I haven't even know him that long aside from watching him on my laptop screen. Maybe I should just ignore this feeling. I try to turn my attention back to the movie on that was playing on the TV screen. After the movie finished it was close to two, and we have nothing to do till they leave for their schedule. We had about an hour to spend, so we decide to get to know each other by asking the other some questions. I know I mostly gonna get all the questions since they already know each other.

"So what kind of talents do you have Jaehwa?" Jun asked I knew this was going to be the first question that was going to be asked. It was so obvious.
"Well I can speak two other languages, plus I can dance and sing." I replied. They all look at me with surprised looks. See I knew this was the reaction I was going to get when I told them this.
They all say in unison "You can dance and sing." I smiled and nodded my head. I guess they didn’t catch the part where I can speak another language.
"We definitely need to bring you tomorrow." Kevin said excitedly, and as soon as Kevin said that I regretted that I even said I can dance and sing. They were gonna force me to dance tomorrow along with singing. After they asked a few more question I felt we got closer and more friendly. Before we knew it time flew by, and they had to get ready to leave for their schedule. After they got ready they left with their manager, and before they left Soohyun told me that the will most likely be back around 8:30 or 9 PM.
"Bye Jaehwa see ya when we get back" was the last thing I heard Kevin say before they all left.

 All I did after they left was watch Kill me Heal me, and read my book I brought with me. Before I knew it I fell asleep on the couch with my book still in hand. 



We just got finished with the photo shoot we had to do, and we are now on the way back to the dorm. I started to wonder what Jaehwa was doing. Was he bored without us there. Ever since he came to the dorm I can't stop thinking about him, he is so cute. All I can ever think about now is that cute little boy. Wait what am I thinking like this, do I like him. I should just stop think about this. 

"Hey where back, lets get out I'm tired." Eli said as he was getting out of the van. We follow Eli out of the van, and into the dorm. 
"Jaehwa, we're back, did you miss us." Kiseop shouted, and no one answered. 
"What do think he doing?" Jun asks. We start looking around, I went into the living room to find Jaehwa asleep on the couch with a book in his hand. I thought is was so cute how he fell asleep with a book in his hands like that. I wonder if he was bored.
"I found him." I said to the guys. Motioning them to come in to the living room.
"He was asleep on the couch." I said as I was looking at him. I found his sleeping face to be cute. After I realized what I was thinking my face flushed a light pink.
"Shouldn't we move him to his bed." Soohyun said bringing me back out of my thoughts.
"Yeah, I think so too." I said. I walked closer to the couch making it easier to pick up Jaehwa. 
"I will go put him in his bed." I said to the guys as I walked up the stairs. 

I reached the door to Jaehwa's room. How was I going to open his door if I was caring him like a princess. Trying to get one of my hands free to open the door with out waking up Jaehwa was hard. In the end I found away. I turn the lights on so I could see where I was walking instead falling around walking in the dark. Walking straight to Jaehwa's bed placing him down on the bed. I cover him up with his blanket. Getting ready to leave his room I looked around, not expecting to see my face on a poster above his bed. Thing is it was a poster with only me. I guess I am his bias. I left the room smiling like a fool. To find this out made me really happy.

I woke up to find myself in my bed. I thought I fell asleep in the living room, so how did I get here in my bed. I decided to get myself out of my bed. I head down to the living room. I saw that Kevin hyung was already awake."Hey Kevin hyung, good morning" I said to Kevin smiling."Good morning, how did you sleep last night?" Kevin asked me. "Good, but how did I get to my bed. Last I knew I was asleep on the couch." I asked Kevin. This made me confused, plus who ever entered my room must know who my bias is now."Oh, I moved you last night, and put you on your bed." Kevin said, and I started to panic. Kevin knew that he was my bias. What am I going to do now what will he think? Maybe I'm just overthinking this. Maybe he didn’t see the poster in my room. I hope. "Did you see anything while you were in my room?" I asked Kevin. Hoping he would give me the answer I wanted."Oh, you mean the poster, and I won't tell anyone." Kevin said as he smiled. Kevin gave me a reassuring smile to let me know it was ok with him. 
"We should get going the other are already eating breakfast." Kevin said as he got up off the couch and walked into the dinning room to sit down at the table. I notice the only other seat that was open was between Kevin and Kevin.
"After we finish eating we will have to leave?" Soohyun said. I remember that they were going to drag me to practice with me, so they can see me dance, and they will mostly likely make me sing to.
"What time do we have to be there?" Kiseop asked Soohyun. 
"Around 1 I think, but I want to get there early." he said looking over to me, and smiling.

After we finish eating we quickly clean up the dishes, and we make our way to the van. Today was going to be fun I just know it.

"Jaehwa are you going to show us your dancing?" Jun asked excitedly. It's already starting. I sighed.
"And your singing." Kiseop added. 
"Of course he is." Kevin said, I look at Kevin with a nervous glance. If Kevin wanted me to do I guess I will give it a shot.
"Don't worry we won't judge you, and you will do fine." Kevin reinsured me. It was like he was reading my mind.
"How do you know that?" I asked him.
"I just do" he said as he was smiling. I'm starting to think he knows how to read minds. 

His smile made me feel better, and i relaxed a little bit. We finally make it to the company, and we get out of the van. We walk into the building, and we head into the dance studio. The guys set their stuff down on the ground. 

"Jaehwa can you dance for us?" Jun asked cutely. I can never resist aegyo. It is like it has a magnetic pull make you bend to it's will.
"Okay, I guess I will." I replied. 
"What kind of music do you want?" Soohyun asked. 
"Play whatever you want." I said. I know once I said that they were going to play one of their songs. 

I was fine with that cause I know most of there dances. I tried learning them but I still have more to learn. Soohyun played neverland, and I went to the center of the room. I was a little nervous, I mean I'm dancing in front of UKISS, this isn't something you get to do every day. I try to relax, and I let the music take over me. I started to dance, and I did feel nervous anymore. music has always calmed me down whenever I was nervous, and that why I love to dance. Before, I knew the song was over, And I see UKISS clapping for me. 

"You are really good, Jaehwa." Kiseop said. 
"You know you should become a trainee here. I'm sure you will do good." Soohyun said. "Thank you, and I will think about it" I said. With all these compliments I start to blush I was never told I was good at something unless it was my friend.
"I still want to hear you sing though." Hoon said. 
"I want to hear you too." Kevin agreed with Hoon. 

I know a song I could sing, and I walk over to Soohyun and tell him to play miracles in December by EXO. Soohyun nodded, and as soon as I heard the music I start to sing.

As soon as I finished I hear Kevin say "You definitely need to be a trainee. I can see you going far." I started to blush, because of what Kevin said. 

Him saying that means a lot to me, I mean he is my bias of the group, but I can tell I'm starting to like him more than that. 

"Now that we can see what Jaehwa can do lets show him how we do it." Soohyun said as he put their new song on. 

They started to dance, and they also sing. This is like a dream to me, I can't believe this is happening to me. This is the first good thing that ever happen to me. After they finished their dance. 

I asked them "Hey, guys do you want me to go get you something to drink?" they nodded. 
"Where do I go to get the drinks?" I asked them, and I see Kevin stand up from where he was sitting. 
"I will go with you?" Kevin said. 
"okay~" I said, and we left the room.

We head down the hall and made a few turn, and we reach a refrigerator with drinks in it. We grab enough for UKISS, and I grab one for me. Then we started to head back to the room with the drinks in hand We enter the room and hand the other their drinks, and we go to sit down with them. 

"So how did it feel to see us live?" Eli asks. 
"It was awesome." I replied with the biggest smile on my face.








                                        A/N: I will leave it there for this chapter. I hoped you liked it, and I will continue to update. ^-^ thanks for reading my story.

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