Prologue II: RUN

Die For Me

Chen’s POV

I slot my arm through the other side in my backpack and caught up with the rest of them, they were laughing and joking around on the pavement.

“Today was just to long,” Kris groaned walking up ahead

“Yeah, man we had to go to those stupid tutoring sessions as well. Like why would I wanna spend my free time with those nerds?” Luhan added on as he jumped onto the side of the waterfall balancing as he talked.

“At least we don’t have to go again,” Tao ran up to him before pretending to push him off

“Argghhhhhh, no, NO! NO!!” he stood still as we all laughed at his face, he’d gone bright red and alert trying to protect himself from Tao’s arms.

“Lulu it’s just a bit of water,” I said making a baby voice to with the voice I’d put on

He sent me a death stare while the other high-fived me. “Come on man, I wanna go home.” Suho waited near the end of the pavement half waiting half stomping his foot.

We caught up with Luhan lagging at the back, a red man appeared just as we arrived and you could hear, Suho sigh quietly under his breath. I looked down at my watch bored and hot from the sun beating down on me.

“Get the hell of me,” I turned at the sound of some girl’s voice, to my right I saw a group of guys around four surrounding some girl. She looked annoyed and scared at the same time as they all laughed at her remark

“What you gonna do girly, scream murder?” one of them lifted his hand and caught her chin he lifted a little so she was looking straight up at him and smiled a little,

“Look,” Kai nudged me little as he nodded to where I was looking.

“You ing jerk, leave me alone.” She shook his hand off and pushed him away but he just walked back up to her. His hands started trailing around her and that’s when I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Yah, pabo!” I called out to the dude and he turned slowly, he was wearing casual clothes and had a saunter in his step. Tilting his head a little he waited in silence for a couple of minutes before addressing me.

“You talking to me, rich boy?” he pointed to himself as if in disbelief before walking two steps nearer to me.

“Didn’t you hear her, she wants you stop.” I pointed to the girl who was stuck in shock staring at me

“And is this any of your business?” he asked

“She said stop, so stop got it. I don’t give a if it ain’t my business.” I walked nearer to him as well; I could feel all my brothers watching me and see the girl confused as well.

“Dude, I suggest you step back before this gets serious. Come on,’ he turned and grabbed the girl’s wrist she tried to fight against him but wasn’t strong enough. She swung around my way and I grabbed her other arm.

“Let go.” He said his voice becoming darker every second, suiting his already monstrous face

“ off,” I held onto the girl tighter, as she made a little gasp. He looked down at the girl before letting go of her wrist a bright red mark was left as it fell to her side. He walked off slowly not looking back.

I didn’t realise I was still holding on to her until she started squirming.

I let go and smiled apologetically to her, “Thank you,” she said bowing a little she brushed her hair away from her face

“Don’t worry, you shouldn’t let guys like that push you around.” I pointed in the direction they’d disappeared in as she nodded.

I looked her over, to see she was in a school uniform but I couldn’t make out what school.

“What school are you from?” I pointed to her school uniform confused

“Ummmm,” she started pushing her hair back behind her ears as I waited for her answer, “I need to go, thank you, bye, thank you, bye...” she ran off half bowing, half jogging away.

“Looks you got yourself a little fangirl,” Chanyeol nudged laughing

“Awww, our little Chen is growing up.” Sehun walked over patting me on my back

“Your younger than me pabo,” I sent him a death stare as they all laughed.

“Come on don’t tease poor Chen because of his crush on that girl,” Baekhyun was still smirking as he said this and this earned him a slap on his from me,

“Come on lets cross and leave the lovey dovey Chen.” Suho smiled at me as I carried on frowning at all of them.

They started crossing the road as my phone vibrated in my pocket, taking it out I followed them and their noise reading the message I’d just gotten. I stopped in the road for only a second to read the message since I couldn’t read it with all the shaking from me walking. The next second I could hear people shouting my name but all I saw where car lights running straight towards me. My legs froze completely I couldn’t move, it was as if they were stuck on the ground. I dropped my phone but couldn’t even bend to pick it up. Turning I saw my brother shouting my name but I couldn’t even hear it any more; the car lights came even nearer and then I felt a gush of air.

I fell to the ground my hands stinging as blood ran down them, I turned to see the car stopped near to me but underneath was the girl. Her head was lopsided and blood running down her forehead. Her eyes were wide open as she stared straight at me but she wasn’t there.

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