Prologue I: Fire

Die For Me

No one’s POV

“I don’t wanna go to bed!” A little girl the age of seven stomped her foot in the family’s main living room, she pouted slightly annoyed that she was going to bed at 8:00 even though the holidays had started

“Come on, now tomorrow I know your gonna jump up waking up just to watch Pororo and Looney Tunes.” A young pretty woman walked up to her smiling and scooped her up in her arms; even though the seven year old was squirming in her arms she still laughed holding her still as she talked.

“Jinae-ah come to bed,” her older brother a ten year old walked into the room rubbing his eyes he pulled her down and held onto her hand.

“I don’t wanna go though,” she still whined quietly shaking her brother’s hand looking up at him

“Jinae-ah if you go to sleep oppa will play with you tomorrow?” another brother walked in half asleep as well, the mother watched her children smiling her head tilted as she watched them try and get their little sister to fall asleep.

“Fine, but we have to watch Pororo straight away!” she jumped on her other brother who’d promised as he nodded, they all trailed up to bed up the stairs. The woman watched laughing a little quietly before waiting until they were up the stairs and rolling her eyes.

She took of the lights and looked around their living room, it was a complete mess covered with toys and posters and homework from school, she silently promised herself to clean the room the next day. She trailed up the stairs and into her bed to find her husband already asleep. Little did she know that the posters and toys and homework was scattered near the electrical lines. They started to crackle and fizzle as sparks flew and caught on the paper surrounding it. Within a couple of minutes the main lounge was alight with fire and the dark smoke was rising around the house into the rooms.

That night two parents where lost, that night the little seven year old girl who didn’t want to go to sleep was saved but scarred, that day she was broken away from her brothers. That day Bang Jinae died and Kim Taeyang was born.




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