
Love Again

I decided to tell Sungmin about my dream. He suggested me to find a replacement as what RaeJoon wants in her dream but I had no one in my mind. “Don’t you like Minji?” Sungmin once asked. The question had been playing around in my head as I thought that she was the perfect replacement for RaeJoon. But I had never have any feelings for her. Or not? I’m not sure myself. Minji has continued her studies for her final year and I couldn’t contact her as now I’m staying in China with Super Junior-M activities for two months.

“Hyung.” I sat on the bench at the garden on the balcony, approaching Siwon. He looked over me. He is the only person to have the contact of Minji as he promised Minji to help her with financing her Master studies and procedures for her to have a specialist title as she wanted to be a neurologist. “What is it?” he sipped the coffee he made. “I want to have Minji’s number please?” I asked. “What for?”

“I think I’m starting to like her now.”

“Are you sure?”

“I guess.”

“Cho Kyuhyun, if you think you are saying like this just because you want to find the replacement to RaeJoon, you should forget it. I don’t want you to hurt anyone just because of that.”

“I would like to try.”

“Don’t give her hopes. She has so many to achieve.”

“I hope so.”

“Yah Cho Kyuhyun!”

“Okay I won’t.” although me myself is hoping that I won’t hurt her. Siwon finally gave me the number. That evening, I called Minji. “Yoboseyo? Is this Choi Minji?”

“Nae. Who is this?”

“It’s me. Kyuhyun.”

“Ah nae. Where did you get my number?”

“Siwon hyung.”

“I see. What is it?”

“Can we meet? Once I’m back in Korea, in three days.”

“Y—yea sure. Where will it be?”

“I will come to your campus.”

“Okay then.”

*             *             *             *             *

I went to the medical faculty of Korea University. I saw Minji came towards me with her white lab coat on and a grey stethoscope was hanging around her neck. “I’m sorry. I just finished my anatomy project.” She apologized.

“What project is it?”

“We made a charity work for kids from Ilsan. We sent a bus to fetch them and have them checked here.”

“I see. It must be your idea.” I tried to be nice. She smiled, agreeing to my statement. “What is it you want to meet me? Won’t it be a trouble for you to be here? Your fans might go crazy here.”

 “I just want to meet you.” I replied shortly. Her expression obviously showing that she was shock but she held it away. “Why?”

“I think I’m starting to like you.”

“Kyuhyun, if this is to have you getting over your late fiancée, forget it. I’m not that cheap.”

“It might be but it might turn the other way if we could work this out together. Right? My heart pumped fast when I see you, RaeJoon came into my dream after a day we met.”

“Maybe it was your adrenaline was secreted to your body when you was shocked seeing me looking like your late fiancée. The dream, maybe it was just a play of your sleep. Enough, Kyuhyun. I’m going to prepare my lab project.” She stood up. As she was about to walk away, I stood up and kissed her immediately. She tried to push me but I hugged her, having her in my embrace, doing it just like how I confessed to RaeJoon.


“I think I like you.” I started to confess.

“Kyuhyun, you had so many girls out there admiring and loving you. They might be better than me. If this is just a play or some bets you did with anyone-I-don’t-want-to-know-who, stop it. I’m not that cheap, not that stupid.” She stood up and was leaving but I pulled her on my lap and kissed her as I pull her into my arms before she could fight more to get free.


Minji broke the kiss. “People are seeing, Cho Kyuhyun.” She said, stumbling with her own voice. “I don’t want to get hurt for this, Kyuhyun.” She added, releasing herself from my arms, pushing me slightly away from her.

“Please let us try this out. Eventhough I know this might not be as easy as it could be, I will work to make this turn out well. I promise you, Choi Minji.”

“Kyuhyun, this is not a game. Not a gambling. I have ambitions to strive for. I don’t want this to ruin everything. You know my ambition. My way to be an expert neurologist is way too long to go yet.”

“I promise I will try as much as I could. I will not give up easily.” I know she must be totally blur. Me myself is scared if I couldn’t make this out, but I vowed to give my best.

“Okay. I vow to do my best in our relationship. If not, I will be hit by a bus and die tragically.”

“Yah Cho Kyuhyun!!” she exclaimed upon my vow. I don’t know why, I chuckled with her reaction. “Yes or no?” I went for confirmation. “Okay then. I accept your vow.” She smiled as I pulled her into a hug and whispered “I might still love RaeJoon, but I will still try my best to give everything I could to love you more as my soulmate. Don’t leave me even if it will be hard for us?”

She nodded and hugged me as well. “You’re a girlfriend to Cho Kyuhyun. Isn’t it amazing?” I joked. She let off the hug and threw me a sick face as she walked to the canopies of the charity project.

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lulu88 #1
Chapter 24: I think that kyu shouldn't agree with not telling her about their story and about the father of her child , that might cause problem if ever she would remember again .
lulu88 #2
Chapter 19: So minji now is fine , good that's really good
I'm waiting for the next chapter ^^
halusiharu #3
Chapter 1: Please dont kill the character like ur other fanfic again.. I shed too much tears
xjayess #4
Chapter 14: Poor minji :" ... thanks for the updates ♡
xjayess #5
Chapter 11: No no no she can't end up with hyuk !!!! Ugggh i want to kill hyukjae for putting his eyes on his bandmate girl -,- update soon i want to know what will happen next
xjayess #6
Chapter 10: I am sooooo curious right now .. please author-nim update soon ♡
Momoi15 #7
Chapter 8: love this story! <3 <3 Hope things get better for them <3 waiting for your next update! <3
Chapter 8: Oh my, why is this happening...
Chapter 6: Wooah, they will get married ^^ Thanks for your fast updates, I love them!!
Chapter 1: Why sad beginning... :( Anyway, can't wait for next chap!