
Have We Met?

It was Mark who got up first, from a mere nightmare, when he was greeted by the soft cooling breeze of the air conditioner; his eyes were wild and searching then. He was gasping for no reason, out of breath from the dream that he couldn’t even recall. He moved his head a little, adjusting the cram that was developing on his neck when he felt the difference on his pillow.



The older man realized, like what most of you would have by now, that he was lying on Jinyoung’s arm. He was comfortable there; in fact he liked it better than he thought he would. The waiter inhaled the scent that was offered to him, breathing in the shiver-inducing younger man who smelled a lot like chocolate. It was mesmerizing that he wanted to dive into that lingering smell even further, but decided against it. Mark tried to move himself away from the warm comfort, instead his move was halted when Jinyoung turned his head towards Mark, and the arm that he was lying on pulled him closer to Jinyoung. The young manager moved his head a little and Mark closed his eyes right there and then.







The annoying buzz of a mosquito distracted Jinyoung from his peaceful sleep. It whined and buzzed and repeated the cycle that Jinyoung was about to go on a squashing spree with his bare hands when he felt the heaviness on one of his arms. His gaze met darkened crimson red hair. The sudden sway of the messed up hair only proved to him that he had been holding his breath for quite some time and when he breathed again, the familiar peppermint, spice and herbal scents snuck into his olfactory system.



Lord, weren’t they close?! Jinyoung's eyes widened at the proximity like it was something so extraordinary.



Not wanting to be mistaken as a ert, Jinyoung tried to move himself away from Mark, but the figure beside him started moving in closer, and the hand that was draped over his abdomen clutched onto their matching outfit like it was a life line. The General Manager stiffened, afraid that he might wake the older guy up. Fortunately, Mark was still fast asleep, his breathing relaxed and constant against Jinyoung’s rapidly beating heart. The younger man managed a small smile of satisfaction and goes back to dreamland. He hoped to find a crimson dyed bunny or hamster in his dream.







Strong arms circled around a smaller figure without his pillow. Jinyoung’s hand felt numb, but it was the satisfying kind of numb as his hand covered the older guy’s neck and fell on Mark’s shoulder. Jinyoung’s other hand possessively covering a side of Mark’s shoulder blade. Mark had his palm lying flat on Jinyoung’s chest, and the other hand stayed on the younger’s waist.



This time, it was Jinyoung who opened his eyes first, and looking at their current position, he hoped that they could stay that way forever. But no, of course, there was this thing called freaking reality. Mark’s eyes fluttered open, the hand that was on Jinyoung’s chest slid up between them when he dried crust off his eyes. Mark looked up to see Jinyoung staring down at him.



“Morning,” Jinyoung’s voice croaked, but he paired the greeting with a smile.



Mark pulled them closer with his other hand, “morning.”



The General Manager pecked Mark’s forehead in which Mark hummed at the action.



“Had a good sleep?”



“Not the best of dreams, but yeah,” Mark replied, settling himself on the crook of Jinyoung’s neck and breathed in the younger man’s addictive scent with his eyes closed, “you?”



“The best I’ve ever had. Not forgetting, the cramp I might develop.”



Mark’s eyes’s popped open, he released his grip on Jinyoung and parted them.



“Hey. Why are you running away?”



“Well, I sure as hell won’t be the one to drive us back. Even I don’t trust myself.”



“Relax, I was only kidding. I mean, I can’t even feel my arm now. Might as well come back here, you.”



Jinyoung tried to roll himself towards Mark, but the older guy was faster as he got up on all four and crawled on top of Jinyoung. “Maybe, switching up our position isn’t so bad, eh?”



Jinyoung grinned as Mark lowered himself. “You know, a good massage would do.”



But he gasped and jerked before he started laughing like a maniac.



“Oh God…no…ahaha…M-Mark…le-leave…me…ahahaha…alone!”



Mark didn’t know how someone could be so ticklish even from a brush of his dancing fingers against the side of the ribcage. Jinyoung was beautiful; breathless, eyes crescent with almost-untraceable lines forking at the corner of his eyes, lips parted showing dental-perfected pearly whites.  



“Do I keep on this massage or so I stop now?”



“Oh, hyung…stahhp…please,” Jinyoung begged.



The heaving lessened when Mark released Jinyoung.



“We should get breakfast and head back now. It’s going to be a long drive.”



“Yeah, we should, but first,” Jinyoung’s hand reached out for Mark’s chin, tracing the elder’s lower lip, “let me give you a massage too.”



And it wasn’t until lunch that they finally got a move on (read: separated from each other) and Mark and Jinyoung were back on road, highway paved and their surrounding ever-changing. No matter how many times Mark tell himself not to fall asleep when Jinyoung drives because he would either a) be affected by Mark’s snoring and he would be sleepy too or b) make his own decision as if he own Mark and that is exactly what the younger man did. When Mark was awake, they were on the familiar street, heading towards Jinyoung’s place.



“Ugh, Park Jinyoung, take me home before Donghae hyung files a missing person report,” his voice croaked from the short nap.



“Why can’t you just move in with me, hyung? That would be easier, lesser travel time, more time I could spend with you.”



“I can’t just move in like that. I have my job over at the diner, my stuff left at home.”



“You can do just that. Donghae hyung wouldn’t mind if I compensate him, I could hire people to move your stuff.”



“Not everything’s that easy, Jinyoung. I might have agreed to our relationship, but that doesn’t mean you could control me, okay?”



“I’ll offer your position to anyone who needs it, because I’m sure Donghae hyung would be happier if he has one less of a headache to take care of.”



“Hey, what does that supposed to mean?”



“The last time I remember, your house didn’t have much to begin with, so you could just throw them anywhere you want.”



“Throw them anywhere?”



“Well, if you can’t fit everything, I guess we’ll just get a new place for you and me. You’ll pick up a new hobby, and find something nice to do.”



“I can’t just sit around and do nothing but a housewife hobby.”



“Are we going to get married?”



“Ugh, you annoying little .”



“Anyway, if you don’t want a worthless hobby, I could offer you a position at Haru. HR could do their job just fine.”



“Jinyoung,” Mark sighed as he mentioned the name while Mark parked the car.



“Mark,” he mimicked Mark’s action, “you know, hyung, I’ve never had anyone defy me as much as you do, hyung.”



“Well, you probably didn’t have more than one steady relationship.”



“Point taken. But the thing is, what I want, I would always get. So, just sit back and relax. Let me take care of things, okay?”



“There really is no point in debating, is there?”



“Yeah, absolutely pointless, but I’ll entertain you for the fun of it.”



“Come here, you!” Mark started chasing Jinyoung until they both got into the elevator and the elder cornered Jinyoung with a glare, “you will pay.” Thus the shower of tickles coming Jinyoung’s way and the younger thought that his days couldn’t be any better than this.



To: Secretary Park

Hi, Jimin. Can you help me arrange lunch with Jinyoung’s mother? Just keep this between us. Thanks.



Mark stayed over at Jinyoung’s for quite a while to a point where even Dispatch didn’t need to sneak up on them just to share the juiciest gossip online. Mark has appeared on numerous functions with Jinyoung and despite the elder’s attempt to shy away from the limelight, Jinyoung’s genuine smile and presence made it fine. Mark never really kept himself up to date with what the netizens were saying, it was advised for him not to do so no matter what others say about him because Jinyoung’s opinion of him is the only important thing. Mark has been living with the comfort labeled Jinyoung, pampered to a point of being able to call himself a princess, that a message from Jackson struck a chord.



It was a picture of everyone from the diner on a holiday in Jeju Island, fully sponsored by Jinyoung. He felt like leeching off of the younger man. All he did was roll around the penthouse (literally), have shower-gasms in Jinyoung’s otherworldly shower, fine-dined every other night when Jinyoung is not busy and cooked for them if the young manager was back hours before dawn.



And Jinyoung has been saying nothing about it all. As if Mark was supposed to dig all of those gold he owned. Well, there is that lunch he arranged with Jinyoung’s mother. That should be a jumpstart and he was all jittery and restless at a Japanese restaurant half an hour away from Jinyoung’s place.



“Mark, dear! I’m surprised that you arranged a lunch date with me and not with Jinyoung. These days, you boys are giving me too much cavities for my own good,” Mrs. Park greeted him with a hug after he bowed to her when she entered by the sliding door.



“Ah, and for that I am so very sorry, ma’am.”



“Oh, now, now, don’t have to get formal with me. Just talk comfortably.”



They ate with a comforting chat, exchanging conversations on Jinyoung, Haru, Mr. Park and eventually, Mark couldn’t stand it anymore. Jinyoung’s lucky indeed to have this lady by his side while growing up.



“Mrs. Park, I have something to tell you and I hope you could lend me some of your precious time.”



“Why are you being so serious all of a sudden? Okay, Mark, tell me what is it that has been bugging you the moment I came in.”



How can mothers be so intuitive and understanding?



So Mark told Jinyoung’s mother everything that he has been keeping, even things that he never told Jinyoung. Her series of expression showed how much of his mother that Jinyoung followed. The lady was in tears at Mark’s beginning, her hand patting his in a soothing manner. Even when he told them about their fateful meet up, she didn’t flinch or even scowled. It was worrisome for Mark.



Mrs. Park grabbed her handbag, hand searching for something inside.



“Mrs. Park, I hope to God that it’s not a gun. But if that’s how I’m going to end my life, then tell Jinyoung he could get the puppy he wants and name it Mandoo.”



“No,” her voice flat, “here you go.” Her French manicured fingers wrapped tightly against a white envelope.



“Check the amount; I’m sure it’s more than enough. You can live off from it for a while and disappear from Jinyoung’s life.”






“I’ve made myself clear. Take it and leave Jinyoung.”



Mark inhaled, exhaled and squared his shoulders. He took the envelope, was about to open it and laughed his head off. Jinyoung’s mother really was taken aback by it.



“Ma’am, whatever amount you’re offering me, I don’t think it will ever be enough for the amount of time I’ve spent with Jinyoung. Jinyoung is the one thing I will cherish forever, separated or not. Your son gave me the love I was deprived of within a short time. For that, I thank you for giving birth to and taking care of such an amazing son.”



“Not enough? Not enough?! You must be joking.”



“No, ma’am. I’m afraid not. It’s almost tea time. I would always drop by Haru to see Jinyoung at this time of the day. It would be the last time I ever see your son. Don’t worry, I’ll disappear.”



Before Mark could leave, soft fingers grabbed his hand.



“Mark, darling, stay please.”



Mark was confused with the sudden turn of a character. Is she playing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with him? But as confused as he was, Mark sat back down.



“Jinyoung, and even his father, are quite the gullible men when it comes to love. They might appear like business tycoons in their field, but when it comes to feelings, the Parks men are certainly raw and devoted. I was put through the same test as this, although my reaction was different. Jinyoung is our one and only precious son, and he would always be. It’s my responsibility to protect my son, no matter how old he is now, he is still a baby to me.”



“Wait, what? You mean, you were just pretending?”



“Yes, Mark, for Jinyoung’s sake. I had to know if you were genuine of just going for Jinyoung’s fame and fortune.”



“Wow. Jinyoung is a fortunate guy.”



“To have both you and I, son,” she smiled, “now, you were telling me about journalism school. One does not easily get into that place without great achievements. How would you feel about Haru’s sponsorship to study abroad, dear?”



“I’ve always wanted to find my mother. Mend whatever it is we could while we’re both still alive, I hope. I would love to continue on with my studies and get your blessings. You’re as much as a mother figure I could get by.”



“You’re fully aware of the pain you would put through for both you and Jinyoung, right, Mark?”



“Yes,” he turned his head, not wanting to meet the lady’s eyes, “but I’m sure we could survive. My feelings for Jinyoung wouldn’t change. I’m in love with your son, ma’am.”


Now excuse me while I get on my knee and apologise to all of you for a late update. I'm sorry too, to the readers whom I have promised to a new update like a WEEK ago. New semester has started. I'm well into my third year. It's very important and I'm just afraid that I don't get as much time being on AFF as I used to. Well, we all have our lives. And, I'll just leave you amazing people who left me with the nicest comments with Mark's confession. I lahvv ya gaiss

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markjin18 #1
Chapter 11: <3
markjin18 #2
Chapter 7: omg whaat
I just cant get enough. Hahaha. Im back again for d 5th time reading. Thank you so much.
Chapter 10: Love thiiiiis, I'm so soft after this cuteness! Really, thank you~❤
Chapter 10: OH I'M IN HEAVEN!!!!! this is so beautiful T,T
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 10: I love it authornim.hope u will make more markjin fic ;)
Chapter 10: This is really cute!!
Chapter 10: I love this ending moooooorrrrrreeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!/hugs and kisses for you/ ^3^ thank you so much for writting this chapter..the wait is worth it,,really..tho i hope you will put more lovey dovey scene but its ok..and i hope to see you again with another Markjin's fic soon~ ^^,
heejingyu #9
Chapter 9: the ending was good, funny .
all in all a story well written.
loved it from 1st to last
nycminho #10
Chapter 9: but really, you should write an epilogue or something hahahahahahahaha